Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/833

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826 INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. Page- C tl Bd P_1g1\ 1 •1 1- 011 IDU .

 cg:!!::-uiggon of P086E; i 7- S111P!, &°·» °0Pt“"°‘1 b!' Pirates 10 lm __

umily. commerce und n ’F“*°"d: ········· ····· ·· ·· ·· 1*)*} - · . . s f shi wreck .. 10o nuvlgauoni Dcctmber 5.95-103 i g§;i>ci;iic'?1iiI:1cii1She(iitar1<iia of person 11 1825 -. .. . ..-- - ---- · --·--- -- I · ‘ ° . 1. Peace and friendship .. . . -..- 95 P1`0P°"Y ·; ····· ····· , · ··7 · · wb 2. Favors granted to other nations to be- Realestate, time al10W0d heirs 101` rhscome common . .-· 95 P°“1 of -------·· · ··—· · ····· · ·-··- 106 3. F recdcm of commerce and navigation. 95 10. Protootxou to persons and property of 4. Regulation of imports and exports -- . % H S Yeslgen? ---· ;- -·--- - · ---· - · - - Tonnage dues - ·- · *2011*1 Y 0 C900C1m ·--·---·-··--·· _ Dmwbacks and bounties .. . . 96 Rights of bunul. ._ . . . 106 5. Equality of duties 011 produce of either 12. I{e¤t1‘al_t1‘H»d0 ID time of Wm`. 101 country . . . . . 96 lree ships make free goods. . 107 6. Merchants, &c-, may manage their 96 13 §eu:ru1ity extended to persons -. . u b ‘ ss ..., . . . . ..,., ‘ . eu m proper y on enemy svesss , __ 7. Noogixibuggonsithout indemnity. . 97 14. What nrtieles deemed contraband 107 8. Asylum to vessels in distress .. .. 97 IQ. Al1other_merchaudise free _... 108 9. Ships, &c., captured by pirates to be 97 gonhgcgtiou ottcontrabagid artigzles. .. to d ______ __ ______ __ __________ . oc a e pers regu a ionsa .. 10. Asziftahfse in case of shipwreck .. 97 18. Regulation of visits at sea. . .. 108 11. Disposal and inheritance of personal 97 19. gearézttegs orfpsssports . . . .. property ... .. 6 08 080 0l\!'g0· - ----. . .-... Real estate, time allowed heirs for W gessels under cgmgw . 1 09 disposal of .. . . . .. 1. rize causes u ju ica ion 0 . . .. 109 12. Protection to persons and property of 22. Letters of rmirque .. . . . . . 109 residents .. . . . 97,98 23. Agreement in case of war between the 13. Secnarityiof conscience ... . T partisan gd . . ... 110 Rig tso burial .. . . imo a ow merc ants to remove .. 110 14. Neutral trade in time of war . 98 Safe-conduct to be furnished them. . . 110 Free ships make free goods .. 98 Other citizens may remain .. .. .. 110 Neutrality extended to persons .. 98 24. Debts, &,c., not to be confiscated . 110 15. Neutral property ou euemy’s vessel. 98 25. Euvoys, ministers, &c . .. ..,. 110 16. What articles deemed contraband 99 26. uonsuls and vice-consuls - ... 110 17. All other merchandise free ..-. .. 99 27. Commissions sud exeqimturs 110 18. Condscntiou of contraband articles. .. 99 28. Immuuities ofcousulur officers . 110, 111 19. Blockadcd ports, regulations at- 99, 100 29. Reclamation of deserts1s ...,,,,_,___ 111 20. Regulation of visits at sca. .. ... . 100 30. Consular convention to be formed 111 21. Sea,-letters or passports .. 100 31. Duration of treaty .- 111 _ 22 gertihcateg of cargo . Infringement of treaty .. 111 . esse s un or convoy . .. Re risals and declarations of war 112 23. Prize causes, adjudication of. .. .. 100 Trgoties with other notions not of- 24. Letters 0[marque ... 101 footed .. . . . ... 112 25. Agreement in case of war between the ____ _ _______ _ ______ __ __ 112 parties -..- 2. ..-----.- -- . 101 Ex lanator nvcnti n I - Time allowed merchants to remove. 101 P tcmbgr £0l833 . .. .5%,112-114 Safe-conduct to be furnished them... 101 Treaty of May 16, 1832, to be carried Other citizens may remain . .. ... 101 imp cfgct ________________________ ug 26. Debts, &c., not to be confiscated. 101 1. Stipulations of the second article, how 21. Euvoys, ministers, &.c - .. 101 to be uuderstood.L . - .. 112 26- ¤¢>¤¤¤1¤ ¤¤<1 vi¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤1¤ ~----- - .-.-- 101 2. Understanding or tenth mma .. 113 29. Commissions and exequuturs 102 3. Slaves not comprehended in twenty- 30. Immunities of consular omcers .. 102 ninth urticju ____________________ _ 113 31. Reclamation of desertcrs .. . . 102 4_ Rutificgltioul ____ ___ ____ ____ ________ 113 32. Consular convention to be formed .-- 102 · (jqnvgngjon [0;- arbitration of 33. Duration of treaty . . 102 the Macedonian claims, 1¤fFi¤g¢¤¤¤¤* of ¤¤¤*¥ ·----- - ------- 103 November 10, 1g5s 114 115 Reprisals aud declarations of war 103 Enumcmtion of claims to be settled. . -- ,114 Treaties with other nations not uf- Matter in dispute to be submitted to fwsdi ----- ~ ---- · ------ - --------- 103 the King or Beigium. ...,, ,,_, 114 _ R“'0°“1”°“¤-·_ ---- - ··----· ---- ·----- 103 Points for orbiter to decide. . ..,.,, 114 gg1g0I- (Sw B0¤¤d¤T¤¢*-) Prooizdupon which the orbiter is to dos _ 01 6 . .. ..,__, _ __________ _ _____ 115 GBIICHII p0llV€llI10I'I of _ pence, Decision to be fim,] ____ __ ______ _ ______ 115 um;!Y• ·ic0mm€|'¢¢ Irl} Ch Rutiiications ...,,________ ________ 115 na IKE! on, May 6, ina 1832 ------ ---l·- ---. . . 104-112 Tg, ag D ami an 1. Pence and friendship. .. . . 104 c aéotgmezzgciuly 3 tibd.4 116-128 2. Favors granted to other nations to be- 1. Pence aud umitv’ . .,.,,,_ : 116 , °°"‘°, °°mm°“ ······ · --·---·-——--- 104 2. Duties on imports and exports ,______ 116 3 %:;’*’g’**‘°”?.· ·······----·--- --; -·-;-- 104 Fees and charges abolished ,_..__,___ 116 - C 8 9m 0 ¤0!¤111¤1‘¤6 Bild nuvrgrmon 105 Modification of the tariff, how to be ousting trade cxcepted. . . . 105 . made .. . - 116 4. Meaehgmts amid others free to manage Additional advontoées-I 116 err owu usmess . ... 105 3. l l-'-``` T `i". 5. No embargo without indemnity.. 105 POE.;glgitélggegasglxgegoutcd bb cm 116 6- -r\••)'1¤¥¤ $0 V¤¤¤¢1$ 1¤ d1¤¢1'¤¤¤ ---- ---- 105 Who may reside there..;;;:;;;: 116