Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/808

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782 mnnx. Page. Page. Thomas, Henry, Thornton, W. E, deceased, appropriation for payment to . . . . . 104 appropriation for payment of claim of estate Thomas, Isaac G., of .. . . . . . . .. .. . 458 appropriation for payment of claim of . 433 Thornton, W. S., administrator, Thomas, Jesse, appropriation for payment of claim of. 458 a.pprop1‘iatio11 for payment of claim of . 520 ’I'/imp, John E., Thomas, Johnston, vs., appropriation for payment of claim of . · 537 certain lands to be received in payment of T limp, J. J, executor, judgment in case of, for benefit of appropriation for payment of claim of 3... 458 North Carolina Cherokccs ... . . . . 139 Thmpe, George L., Thomas, Joseph, appropriation for payment of claim pf. 537 appropriation for payment of claim of . 537 Thrash., Wilbourn, Thomas, Lorenzo, deceased, appropriation for payment of claim of . 481 flpensiopggplanted to widow of. . -- . . 420 7‘ln·as/zcr, George}- I { ’ wmas, ic ord, an ro wiation or payment of 0 aim o 520 appropriation for payment of claim of . 537 Tlu}e£silt_z;f·uc Bonds, 1)ism·ict of Columbia, fl'ho*mas, William., _ _ interest on, to be reserved out of revenues ; appropriation for payment ot claim of . 537 deiiciency to be advanced by United Thomason George W, States; to be ro-imbursed . . -.. l06, 346 appropriation for payment of claim of . 528 moneys to pay interest on, to be tra,ns:l`erred Thomasson, Joseph, to Treasurer of United States. . .. 211 appropriation for payment of claim of . 431 work payable in, to cease .. . .. .-- . 211 Thompson, Amos, Thunder Bay, Mich.., appropriation for payment of claim of . 533 appropriation for improvement of harbor of- 136 Thompson,_Arch.ibald, _ _ Thurman, Abner, _ ' lpppropripnon for payment of claim oi . 533 appropriation for payment of claim of . 460 T ompson, . IT., Thurman, Monmcy, appropriation for payment of account of . 368 appropriation for payment of claim of . 460 ’I‘hompson, Emma, Thurston, Mary, deceased, appropriation`1'or payment. of claim of. 527 appropriation for payment of claim of estate /I,/IOlIl])801l,.J. UE. UC, of .. .: . ...,. .-. . 521 appropriation for payment to .. . .. 103 Tiber Valley, Wash-mglort, D. C., Thompson, ./comes S., appropriation for sewerage, etc., of ... . 356 . appropriation for payment of claim of. 522 Tide-Lands, 1·],0,,,p8(,,,,, John GW _ act confirming indemnity school-land selec- ,lpPm]ma_t,Ou for ,,,,_ym,mt of amoum ad. V tions to California not to apply to. .. 268 vanced by him on account of expenses 1'ldl¢'€U» P¢flf’?`_» _ of investigating committees of House- 372 _¤PPl`0P!`lMl0U for P9»5’m€¤t of claim of— ---· 520 Thompson, Jam 12., · Tufmw, Nvlvvm - _ _ appropriation for payment of claim of. _____ 482 .Gl1P1»I`g0 of dosclltion to be removed lfoH] 472 wmmpm ima Mmmm, TMm; T?@<¤»w»3 1 -, d¢¤··¤<»¤¤d, _ . appropriation for payment of account of. . . 368 3Pl¤'0PU*m0¤ for Palmellb of Claim vf €$ml$9 T/iomcpgon, Mm·editI1,, _ nf · · ----- · - ~ · —- ----·-·- -- ·--- · ~-·- - 483 appropriation for payment of claim of. 475 Tum"; Jvim Bo _ rc ,,.,,Omp8,m, MMM5i appropriation for payment of claim of. u8 appropriation for payment of claim of . 479 nghzppriation for continuing iuvesti ation Tl10m-p8°"’-N°Yl°°°"Lb’ - rr of consumption etc. of- report?. 360 ,.a‘Ppr°Prmm°n for v=~>‘m¤¤* of claim of '` 053 payment. to be mado’for cut,from certain 1hm'W8°"*. Rqbntf . land in Maine bv llritish sulfeots 343 appropriation for payment of claim of . 479 ut f_ M I d. · _J,# tr ·· ' T,mmp80,,’1{0bm_,L_, c xolpg Soipomonee n mn roserxa ion o 37 ,,.,:£$;;)ElTg{;;;::c§°§_$)dyment °f claim (A `’M`; investigapon of consumption, etc., of; re— 167 to be appointed second lieutenant in Army. 416 T. b Cp? _‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ "" Thompson, Sarah E., W mid"' uq? if {2. f I 1. r L d d appropiiation for payment of claim of. 533 °'m° 1 :J:3m° t;e€;m36;;_,g7;? :5w°;)_ T00W27E0W_ Tlfoma? H-: "d"li”i8l"“l°"g pers ; planting of seeds IL compliance ; appropriation ior payment. of claim of 525 mplmming; um), be in Separate bOd_ j('];omp.5·m;, William C., _ ies_ _____ _ _____ _ __________ _ __ _ ______ 54 ’lPDY0Pl`i$1?l0¤ lb? Payment of clmln of - -··— 537 privileges under acts conci-·rning grasshop- Thomson, John, pers extended to settlers under .. 59 TI2)I;'P;)¢;l*Yl;2;g;}"f°;; Paymcml of claim of — --·- 482 settlers on publip lands Ipncler, suffering from z ., r ··z * r · apvronriativv for 1>¤ym¤¤¤ of ¤l¤i¤¤ of - ---- 431 itiilgtgsaoeeiiilig ¢(iii£»°ii.l1i?l.?(}.t?.ll? 405 Tim'"; J0”f’P'{ W-; _ time for llnal proof in such cases 406 appropriatioii for payment of claim of. .527 Tmp". Mw, fl`hoo·r1, Jlzlmaclge, adminisirotor, _ settlers on Kansas Indian trust-lands being, appropriation for payment of claim of. 489 not to commit waste .- . . -.-- 75 Tlzornburgli, Benjmnin O., bonds to be required in certain cases 75 appropriation for payment of claim of . 485 Timber on Public Lands, 1`/zornburgh, R., aJministrato2·, appropriations for suppressing depredations appmpriajion for payment of claim of . 458 OD . .. . . . .. . . .. li}2, 349 1‘hombu¢·gh, Samuel, Timley, James P., deceased, _ appropriatgn for payment of claim uf. 533 T appéqprxation for payment of claim of. 372 Thornton A. . in a , enjamin, ' appr0priu.*:i0n for payment of claim of. 460 appropriation for payment of claim of 431