Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/221

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196 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I I. OH. 329. 1878. For contingent expenses, namely: Blank books, stationery, rent, fuel, gas, furniture, repairs, and incideutals, six thousand five hundred dollars. Ordnance Office. IN THE Orrrcn or THE Cnrnn or Onnnnucn.-Une chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; six clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger; one laborer; in Detail of enlisted all, twenty thousand three hundred and eighty dollars: Provided, That men. the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to employ in this bureau not exceeding ten enlisted men. - For contingent expenses, namely: Stationery, envelopes, wrappingpaper for sending blanks to the arsenals, forts, permanent batteries, and troops in the field; telegrams, express charges, and incidentals of a similar nature; furniture, matting, carpets, oil-cloth, professional books for Ordnance Department library, pamphlets, and newspapers, one thousand dollars. Paymaster-Gem IN THE Orman on THE PAYMASTER·GENERAL.—OD0 chief clerk, at CWYS 0*****- two thousand dollars; six clerks of class four; six clerks of class three; twelve clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger; two watchmen; and three laborers; in all, fifty-seven thousand and twenty dollars. For contingent expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars. Engineer Bu- In THE Ormcn on THE Cnrnn or Enemnnas.-One chieticlerk, at ww- two thousand dollars; four clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; one assistant messenger; and two laborers; in all, twentythree thousand two hundred and forty dollars. That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to detail not exceeding thirty enlisted men for clerical service in his department in addition to the force above provided. _ For contingent expenses, namely: For stationery, office furniture, miscellaneous and incidental expenses, including purchase of professional books and maps, two thousand five hundred dollars. Warlkpartmeut Wm DEPARTMENT Bummwes.-For compensation of one engineer b“‘m“’K°· * in the War Department building, one thousand two hundred dollars; gud for four watchmen and two laborers; in all, five thousand one hunred and sixty dollars. For labor, igiel, light, and miscellaneous items for the said building, six thousand o lars. 0£or rent bof thedbuilping occupied as the Quartermaster-General’s ce, tenthousand dollars. For live watchmen and two laborers in the building occupied by the Paymaster-General, four thousand six hundred and twenty dollars. For rent of the building, four thousand five hundred dollars. I For fuel and miscellaneous items, three thousand five hundred dollars. — For four watchmeu and two laborers in the building at the corner of Seventeenth and F streets, three thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars; and for fuel for warming the entire building, including the Ordnance Office, and for operating the veutilating-fan in summer, repairs of steam-warming and ventilating apparatus, pay of steam engineer and fireman, purchase of oil-cloth and matting for halls, and for general repairs and miscellaneous items, six thousand dollars; in all, nine thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. · Forcompensation of the superintendents of the six buildings occupied gy the Yiilgr Iglepagtmtiaiétft two hundred and fifty dollars each, one ousan ve un re dollars. ‘ Building on Tenth street: For repairs absolutely necessary to the roof of the building known as the Army Medical Museum,‘and for flooring aud for shelving for the same, five thousand dollars.