Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/875

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850 INDEX. Page. Pago. Education of Indians, I Elkins, William G., appropriations for .. . . . . . . 83, 312 payment to .. . . . . ...- 650 Edzvards, Ben `amin F., l Elliott An tus Cy, title of; to {ands in New Mexico ... 537 Poyolouggg _ ___________ _ _____ _ __________ _ 555 Ed';"f!$:n{'f§dL"g’ 656 Elliott, Mrs. Julia, administralrix, Ftgvgrdg {mac' ’° "‘ °°'‘ '°'"l claim referred to Commissioners of Claims. 664 ’ Y (M to ’ 522 { testimony filed m, to be received as if Imam" '`’`` "' ''''’‘ ¤ taken orally before Commissioners .. 664 ”‘},‘§$S;';’.]‘{‘22"ff:__ ___,__ _ _________________ me 1 EM, Newell D., awed, , Edu.,} ,.,1,,, Lewig, | claim referred to Commissioners of Claims. 664 pmvmoot to ______ _ _____ _ _____ ____ ____ ____ 662 testignony Mid ipfto 160 received as if 664 Edwards, Samuel H, deoeaaed, i 6 BH 0m Y 9 Om 0mm|SSi°¤°1`$ -- payment to estate of . . . . . . 663 _ Elliott, 11 E, Edwards, {Vg11mm L., H9 { Epoymegg to .. .-.. 644 paymen o . . . . . ..-.  » ; w, . ., Eel Rirer Miami Indians, i pa *ment to .. . . . . . ... 644 appropriations for annuities to .. . . 73, 303 Ellis? John M, Egbert, Caroline M., payment to . ... . . . ... 650 pension to . . . . - .. ..-. 570 Ellis, Oswell T., Egbert, Daniel, payment to . . Q . , ...,. ,,,. ,,,, 635 pension to widow of .. . . ...- . . 570 Ellis, Richard, Eqe, A. G., payment to . . ..-. ...- ..,. ..,, 650 pension to .. -- . . . . . .. 619 Ellis, Templeton E , Eggleshm, E. 'li, executor, payment to . . .,.. .. , ._,,, 650 payment to -. .. . . - ... 656 Ellis, William R., Eggleston, T mplueua,payment to .. . . --.. ,, ,,., _,_, 659 payment to .. . ... 638 Ellison, E. T., admimbtrator, Egypt, j payment to . ..,., . ,..,, , .,.,,,,__ 629 convention with; Postal Union ... 734 : Ellison, Polly, dweaeod, E;g;,;.g,u,· Law, I peyment to estate of .. .. . . 629 appropriation for allowances for reduction x Euwm, TIWVWF S-, of wages under. . - . . ., , 423P35’UQ€¤t to ·---------··--···-·--- -·· - ···- 515 mgm calm, EIMS, Gwryv 0-, appropriation for deficiencies for .. 422 P3 ymwt to --·--·-- - - - - ·---·· · - - · ---- -· - · 128 mam, .1. 1:., El PM, Tw-, _ _ contested-election expenses of . . . . 400 ¤PP¥`0P¤¤h0¤ fi)? IDUXWTY P08i? ¤t --·-·---- 281 Elam, Thomas H., Elstun, Moses, administrator, payment to .. . . .. . ... 506 payment to ..,, . ..,,, 638 Eldridge, Abigail, Ely, Eliza, Epaygnonj to . . . ... . ... 657 Epgynpsnt to ,,,,_, , , . , ,_,_ , _,_,, _ _ _ _ ______ 662 ri gr-, ease, n m czz ement, payment to . . . . . . . . . . 644 { punishment oi, in District of Columbia 23 Eldridge-, Samuel, ] penalty for, by officers in internal-revenue payment to .. . ... .. .. 638 I service ... . . ,,,. , ._._,_, M Elections, = by other officers of the United States 280 appropriation for extra pay to clerk of Embossed Books, House Committee on .. . . 11 for use of blind, ublication and distribufor Representatives in Congress in California 111 tion of __,_ ? _.,,_ _ __,,,_,__ _ _ , _ ____ _ 461 in Colorado . . .. . . .. 112 Embry, B, C., in North Carolina .. . .-.. .. 175 payment to ,__._,._ ,, ,_,_,_ _ _____ { 0]_ in West Virginia .. . . . . . .. . . 175 Emerson, Wlliam, allowances in case of contested, for seats in · pension to . .._,, _ _ . , ,_,,,_,,,, _ _,,,, ____ _ 573 House; accounts and vouchers. . 400 Emcrt, John N., Electoral cmmmum, » wyment to ---- - ----- ------ - ·--..-- -- 644 appropriation for deficiencies for editing I -E"w"!I» J°8€Ph 5-, volume of proceedings of .--. .. 12 I P¤·)'m°¤t of J¤dHm€¤* W- ----···-- · -·-··-- 411 records of] to be deposite with Secretary E”¢°h”j¥€P* R¢’W”`"@» _ _ of Spam ____________ _-___ ______ _ _____ 250 of Iunted States attorney for District of Elgin, James B., administrator, Columbia; to whom made .. ,.. . 7 payment to .. . . . . -... 517 . E"""W`*0”¤ UNO", mgm, Mary, dgggqggd, , payment to . .. .. 633 Epaognwgt to opt; or . . .. . . 517 ‘ Emxm, lmwl. 632 um gh {vo-, _ _, p ymen 0 . . . . . . appropriations for improvement of . ..161, 370 , Employéa, Elizabeth 13;,,0,-, Van _ approprietion for pay of Senate . . . 178 appropriation for improvement of South WF 6h01611¤16¤ 111 --·--· · ~.--- - - .-. . 41 Branch nf _,,,,, . ..,,,,._.,,.._,___, 153 I foI` PGN of SH0080 _ -·-- . ·..~ . .. . . . 180 Elk River, Wi Va., foI' d9H¤10l10l€S1_!\ ... - .. :.. 41 appropriations for hnprovement of; Pro, ; of House, serving without oath to 110 paul- 247 Vim ______ _ ____ _ _____ ____ __ __ 157, 370 , of Senote and House, how to paid. . 255 Elk;") ,;amc_,, i at Indian agencies, appropriation for, how payment. to -... . . . . . . 500 {NW be used - ·-~-- · ----- - ----- . 87 Elk.;,,,, John, j details for elencal or other service . ._ 87 released from judgment and bond . 668Enemy2s Vessels, Elkins, Nancy K., E appropriation for bounty for destruction payment to .. . ... . . . . 650 of . . .. . . . . . ., , _,,__ 390