Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/876

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INDEX. 1 _ Pago. ‘ _ _ Eoigmccr, _ _ _ Enroyc Extraordinary, Pigs in charge of fifth light house district to IIC- appropriations for salaries of . . . . . 92, 267 port to Congress on post-office build- L)2lwnaeris, ing, Baltimore . . . . . . 209 appropriations for compiling, etc. Ameri- Enyneer lfatfalion, , can. . . . . ... 51 286 appropriations ioriustruction of in torpedo ’ Epidemic Diseases, ’ _ defenses _ ... . . . . .. 3, 32, 467 appropriation ior expenses of investigating Enogrwgr Cemwsgoner, _ _ origin, ew ·-·--- ---- -- - - ---- -- - 487 ot District ot Lolumbia to be detailed from Eqmpmmt and Re,,,.,,,",,,,, Navy, Ami); rank, **0-» of ·-·—·- - ----- ·-· 103 appropriations for de artment of 52 287 E"9,':;f*;j%gs,_*° -·-- -· -------- · -·-·· - -·--- - 107 for salaries, etc., inPBureau of III? :;::1; , 197 appropriations my ,,,,,_ , ,__,, , _...,,... .. 3 148 f°r d°h°`°°°l°s mi `'`` `````' 124 Engineering, ’ Equ·gpme1rt_of·Vc80els, Aavy, 37)pr0pri3rj9]3s for departments of at Milj- , “BP’°P““t‘°“S fOr``'°` "°`` °`°```` 52’ 287 E A, tary Academy .. . . . . .. 109. 261 Lg,';;;?;;;, , 4 of heating apparatus of House to be under Eq'}?";.'"" gmiue °-Lgmwal G"“"“> direction of Ajghitggf of Ccpitci ____ 181 E? ° ***2 °°1““ ‘··‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ""‘ ‘‘°° 7 Engineers, Army, T m""¤ vt. f f appropriations for gglgrigg, 31;;;,, in nhice of oiglrslwor Pay O °°°``° °'`°`'```° 402 C ie of. . . ... .. . . .. 196 * . f i·.,,,1,,,m,,,.,,,t of ____ _ _____ _ __,__ . _._.. 3,148 Er=·vj,,¤·=¤*·>f Judgment *0 --·--- ·--- *1* board of officers oi} to examine South Pass ml a" . t. f . t f ,1 b jctdes and report themonnn _ _____ _ 169 approprga ions or improvemen o ar 01-5 ()Qcgr of,fg bg detailed as acgmmissiouer 0 ```` ""°"°"""" "-°"""°`1 7*369 of District of Columbia . 103 EWWWV8 {‘l9$989m{mW; as ussismnts ____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ __ _ _ _ my of cerijam speciall improvement taxes may 87 Eygfnggrgr lvagy CCOITGC C .-.. regulation otjappointmeiit of cadet . . . . 143 E""- . . . may be detailed as professors in scientific to ¤“P¥€m° cmu"? of Dlstncli of G01in11b18- whmls ________________________ f irom Supreme Court, when allowed- 321 Ewiand rom circuit courts to district courts in certransit-charges on closed mails from . . 699 _ - tin? cnmmal 0**898 --·- --·- ·--·-·--· 354 agreement with, for protection of trade- 0 E'I'g’;mW'¥'g:*·: 560 marks ·-··-··-·--·-·-··-·."_______ 7 3 BD » ···- -·••····•·•-···••···••-·· r ui- P st IU · . . 734 EMM, GMWM E,f}’{§]`$2.,12§*$,‘, .,,;c..?.,,f‘ “‘°“ ami or, ieferreii a crm. coma0n_.. 566 payment to .. .. . . 521 E¤¢<·¤·’¤s¤ Rims M-» Engle, _],,;,,,, dm,.“,_.d, examination and survey of .. . . 160 payment to estate of . . . .. . . · - 521 E°°°t* Azclm Engligh, William _E_’ dgggqgc>d’ Papvment Im'''' ° '°'° " °"° °`" `"' 557 Eappropriation for removal of remains of .- - - 387 E*I‘;;gg;’é]f:’*Q”gT'/y 563 pgrqdngaydpyiglipg g . '°```````` °'° ````° "°`°°°°°`° appropriations for expenses of Bureau of. .212, 379 Ed"` **196, R·¢M¢‘d Li for dcgcicucics in ____ ____ ______ ____ ,_,. 117 P“·Ym°“t of Judgmmt t° ········ ·· ···‘'·‘‘ 411 forsal3l·iesiu______ ____ ______ _____,,,.. I E8pcy7 Th°'”“”> fc]- new building fg]- bumgu; site, 6150.. . 21]. { P?Y‘“°“* to ''``'` `°` "°°" U--U nu for removal of Bureau of . . .. . . . . 379 g E¤,!•m¤*¤¤» I _ t b t d fm of drafts and warrants for postal serv- 1 °" P08m """I` ’"Y‘°° ° ° “°P‘“`”* " “’ 35 icc _ _____ ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ 143, 358 . _ EQHGMI °St‘m“tPS E1 ···· · ·t· ···‘··‘ 7 for settlement of accounts of Bureau of. . 413 of D*€tP°* Og Cdumbmr Ow su muted-- ·· °f I’°"’“"° °‘° S°““'°°"‘ ““‘1 R°P’°“§,f"g4c 355 iigmgi) ·11{é`&;}}»}6}>}i¥»£{611 1§§'ém]§rk§A` 104 tives____ ____ ____ __ _,,. ..-.. , y ( ( h Bureau of, when postage-stamps may be 357 Ewgzgq v 644 mgdgby _____ _ ,___ , ,... . ...-·· n--`-nu-U-H--nu nu.--I

  • ‘··M{;·¤··,, ,, ,,,0. ,,,0 ,,.,1.,,, -,. U, E¥?¢$¥»£`¥» -- ---- —--- — ----- ~— 629

ll V . · , v Pena {Inga stxés ’ _ ’ _ _’_ _ _ __ _ _ $1 _? _ _ _ 171 Efcheson, Thomas H., 517 EW? Hm~·m· ,,0 d 5,,,, E}iZi”ii°riit° ```````'`````` ```` " " '--- IBC3.§8(1a§Sl]]_‘Bt)’0Il D ..-•--•--•·-·—·• I, i ·’ ' r»u»aa Ma, ;Em;¢:i;$g:“¤m6°**° ···· · ············· “" detail of, to Surgeou—Gencml’S 0H5GB ·-·--- 195 i ar {nit tl; ’ 553 Ln uf6au_,,,,,,.•...-•·••-•• i _--.-----.---.------ _.--'.--.- . . · · - , , p eting etc. coutr1· ` ~”~•o·¢» — c {-secu for com 1 · ‘ °°1T°°ti‘?" °f °"°" "" °f °"°d" me bm" 258 { Ppmpbutions m, or North America T. .. 397 EMm’ Elvtaib 632 i Etowah River, Ga., paymm °‘ ‘'°‘' ‘"' ’‘’’ "" '° "" L examination and urvey of.. .. .. .. 161 Erligghggtig) U ·-·. · _.---- 522 g Etzcll, John, 610 Entomological 6,;,;,,,,48850,; 5 Pwswn ti)7 ',i; '`'` ```°`°``-`-.- ° ` E,;l£§;,°£2_ati°D° for °°u%hming work of ' M0' 397 I Ettgopsgnidsgtgd ’to a conference on common ofccmusgappointment, Oath, duties, pay 475 V mnobetwceii silver and gold .. .. J5 removals otP. . . . . . ..·.-- · ·---·· - 480 ; E'"`"?""" ’S"“"':"’» . 1;,,6101,8,, E accommodations for passengers, ripe., agar; appmtiriations {or manufacture of stampediu 357 ggyby, to be erected in ew or 133 or posta service . . -------- » ‘ · ····· · ·······‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘'