Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/462

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432 FOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. OH. 132. 1881, vember fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, allowed by the Third Auditor and Second Comptroller under the appropriation for property lost in the military service, thirty-tive thousand dollars. Navy Depart- NAVY DEPARTMENT. ‘ ment. Pay of Navy. For pay of the Navy prior to July iirst, eighteen hundred and seventy- eight, seven thousand nine hundred and twenty three dollars and twenty- seven cents; Pay of Marine For pay of the Marine Corps, same period, seven hundred and eighty- C°’P”- seven dollars and ten cents; Contingent ox- For contingent expenses of the Marine Corps, eighteen hundred and P°¤¤°¤- seventy-eight and prior years, one hundred and forty-nine dollars and five cents · Provisions. For proirisions for the Marine Corps, eighteen hundred and sixty four and eighteen hundred and sixty-five, one hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents ; Bounty to sea- For bounty to seamen, three thousand one hundred and twenty-seven “*°”· dollars and eightyeight cents; · Bounty for no- For bounty for destruction of enemies’ vessels, one thousand one hun- 2;:;j*·;*;¤;S0£f °¤°‘ dred and twenty dollars and thirty nine cents ;_ Log}; clothing, For indemnity for lost clothing, one thousand and forty-nine dollars and fifty cents; Provisions. For provisions for the Navy, Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, eight- _ een hundred and seventy-eight and prior years, one thousand and fifty— six dollars and forty cents; Contingent ox- For contingent expenses of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, P<>¤¤<>¤· twelve dollars and eighty-eight cents; For contingent expenses of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, . four hundred and ten dollars and thirty-nine cents; B*¤`9¤‘* °fd 0,%** For construction and repair, Bureau of Construction and Repair,

g§f“°" ““ °‘ twenty-six dollars;

_ steam Engineer- For steam-machinery, Bureau of Steam Engineering, thirty-six dolma- _ lars and twenty-nve cents; §¤W:5¤·**•>¤- For contingent expenses of the Bureau of Navigation, forty-four cents; tmfv °b’°"“‘ For Naval Observatory, Bureau of Navigation, forty-one cents; Yards Md d°¤k¤- For maintenance of yards and docks, Bureau of Yards and Docks, nine centsn · hl;§g¤,§¤te1r;d£;, For widtws and orphans of the lost on the Cumberland and Congress, Qnthocumbomnd two hundred and sixteen dollars; and Congress. S*>¤·m¤¤- For gratuity to seamen, one hundred dollars; in all, sixteen thousand one hundred and fifty dollars and fifty-tive cents. For compensation and expenses of direct-tax commissioners, eighteen hundred and seventy-one and prior years: To pay claim numbered ‘ _ _ twenty-eight thousand one hundred and seveniysix, for two m0nth’S H“`*’·f” P°l**°*»J’· salary, to Hiram Potter, junior, four hundred and eighty dollars and P'°"”°- seventy cents: Provided, That this effects no payment of money fwm the Treasury. For fuliilling treaty with Apaches, Kiowas, and Commanches, eighteen _ hundred and seventy-three and prior years: To pay claim numbered Ohggnald Cmnt twelve hundred and sixty-nine, Donald Carmichael, detention of teams ‘ tiralpsporting Indian supplies, one thousand three hundred and sixty o ars. Por Army transportation, eighteen hundred and seventy eight and prior years: To pay claim numbered ninety-six thousand nine hundred Andrew W¤<>d¤. and ten, estate of Andrew Woods, deceased, one hundred and ei;Ihl15’· °“"°"° °f· seven dollars and fifty cents. For pay of the Marine Corps prior to Julytirst, eighteen hundred and Julius Beumel- seventy-eight: To pay claim numbered two hundred and fifty seven, to bers- Julius Beumelberg, two hundred and seventy dollars.