Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/905

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INDEX. 875 . . Page 1’reszdent—C0ntmued. Proclor Sterling 1***86- to desi gnate board of Army officers to exam- payment to effecuter of ine anrltrepoirt on ordnance, ctc., ap- Pmfessorships, .-·•°° - `'``` "565 .propr1a. ion or expenses of . 468 h‘ · · to cell Interna.tionul_Sauitary Conferenceto Pfofzeggg J; ?lZ;i?;tng;sMll1tary Acadumy34 meet at Washington, D. C., etc .. 306 conditions of appointment oi] in Navy ____ 317 Preston, S. Séh administrator of Drury Hall, de- M\lW¤·1`%_ A06»d0¤1,Y, epproprimnioin for paw 6008 l 0 -----. . . .. . . . . ... payment to . . , ..,,, , _____ _ ____ _ _____ 629 Promotions, ’ 151’ *18 Price, Alexander, deceased, in E¤§i¤6€1‘ Corps of Army ----- . . . . . . 45 pgymgut f,() aduliuigfxgtorg of ____,,. . . ·PT00f/reading! Price, Benjamin E, executor of Peter, deemed, ¤PP¥0Pfi¤·’¤i011 fOr, etc., for State Departpuyment, 1,0. . , . . . ... . 581 ment --—---·- - - - · -... . - . . .. 23, 216, 391 Prwc, Elizabeth, Pfvpvt, Henry, payment to administrator of . . 566 Piwmwf to ·- - -------.-. . .. .. 581 Price, John, deceased, Protection of _Ame·riean Seamen, payment to administrator de bouis non of . 583 ”#Pi*I';_)P¥1M{°¤ fb? ---- — ---·- -· ------ . . 140, 345 PMOG Joh,] and E A_ Hennin Or, adynfnigjyafofy ( G '°¥°q°1°S H]"`'" ···· ·· - -. . . . . . , of’Al<*xander Price, ziaceaaed, P°;g?ul];;'g*g)m Tv 581 P payulcubtu ______________ __ ____ __ _ ____,,, 633 Providence Rive}'}`};,';; ‘‘‘ ‘ ···- -- · ·... . · . V , agansctt Ba R. I. PT{t;»8s;1n;1iii1&tg/if .. . ,,,,_,________ 550 ”’PP"°P*`i*m°H foI' imPfoV¢>1H0Hty0f . . . 184, 473 Price, Levi, Pr0vgc"i?e’ R' L7 _. . . . refund of mx _'--I I--- · " _ l-' I--- I--I 649 po 0 entry, privilege ofmuncdiatc trmnspm, William e., g,g;;g*;g¤ 0* d¤¤*¤=~M¤ g<>¤d¤ #0, ··¤- P ...--- - - - - ·-·--· - ·--·~·--- · - · · 559 Provincetoum, Main., —``````'````'‘‘'‘‘‘ 174 payment to James H., administrator of 559 approlzgahcn for lmpmwmcut °f hm lm;` Printing, see Public Printing, www _ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ·"*‘‘ 80- 469 P7"i7lu’Ilg BWCGM, 3, r€;g;·?a,ti0i1s¢fory 00 ’ i I, `H portraits mul vignettes from engraved stock Pr PP . 58 and C10 fha; ‘‘‘‘‘‘`'‘‘ ' i€¢6Z1LITl’§§’?.T?T?T?i‘??. P2 ??T?Y°??“TX T’T“ 59 =*PP*°P¤;·~**·¤¤ for S=·i*=~*i¤¤» M-» in ¤¤·‘·==·;· appropriations for mimics, om, in ____ 23, 219, 394 fm. &‘{éiéHéiéé'i]{ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘···· · ··--· 23» 230. tbl, expenses of '·--__ _____ __ ______ ’_____26l’ for dc artmsnt Of'--- .---·- -"` """"86 3E;'- fcrbuildingfbl.U-·________'_ ______ _____ P S IQ -U-u"""" ' "'· 1 0 Pnnun 01m "”· ‘"'"“’ * g . J . payment to .. . . . . 581 n,pp1·0pr1a.t10u for rent und repair of tele- Pryor Jonathan phones connecting Capitol and the pulyhmm 1.0 ’ 617 DBp&Ttm6HfSWitd1 .. ;. 268,270,444 1>ubli0B£"diQ,g·-il.-··' '---·'--'-.---·`---` for iire—proof extension of Government, 436 a'pipmm_mtiO’¤ for"-". UUUQ3, 49,278, 455 . °t° ······ · ··········‘ · ····· ···· br deficiency iu. . . . . . .242. 427 P""? :R°¥{°3.A‘i).1. . d ,.37 Public Buildings, PP° m'"" lm ‘ m““ r°m°v° · · ····· · ····· " appropriation for Capitol, extension, re- °"°"* . . 3 r pairs, mid preservation of . 272, 449 °'PfPr°pr}°'bi°“ for Suppmii °f. ·‘······· 2 ···· 4 >4"4 Library, Joint Select Committee of Conor brmgmghomefromi0re1gnc0untr1es-140, 345 gmsé, to Mmmm and 1),.,),,,,1,, better of WM, for ¤¤¤>¤i¤¤=¤¤¤ <>f --—- -- ---—·- 111, 34% 454 ventilntioii of . .. A . ms ¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤i¤¤ for -. ------ - ·---- - --—-- · -—-- -- 423 stm, wm, and Nw. .. . ...,. . sees, 444 Prison, Military, Fort Leavenworth, Kama., under ’I‘reaisury Department. 259, 435, 436, 441 appropriation for support of . . . . . 269, 446 for deiciencies for . 241, 416, 417 ibr rent of; abroad _,,._,,.. .- . ,..,. 140, 345 for ffuel, etc. ..,. .. .. . . .,..,... 265, 221 Private Claim: for `urniture and repairs 0 .. . ..,.. ‘ 65 1 appropriation for preparing alpliebeticnl F6 for Oi1St0(]1&I1% etc.,tof . list of certain .. . . . . . . . 4c under nterior oper ment .. . . . . , ‘ Private Lands for re airs and preservation of . .260 436 deneiency appropriation for survey of . .. . 421 for deiiciencicsin. . . 416; 417 Prize Money, for sitcior, for Pension l3urea.u . . .-.. 448 deficiency appropriation for, for colored sol- Treasury, for annual repairs, etc.,_0f .. 260, 436 diem and sailors 418 Alaska, for repairs and pre ervation of 436 Proceedings Public Building:: and Grmmds, appropriation for reporting, of Senate .23, 212, 337 appropriations for .. .. .. ..--229, 404, 444 of House .. . ... 23, 214, 389 Public Do¢.·um¢mts,f k_ t 231 407 Prock, Preston, appropriations or pac mg e c. . payment to .. .. . . . . . 619 certain, to be furnished tq’H0m<·s for dis- , Proclamattons, nbled volunteer B0i(1161‘S .. . - -.1. 322 by the President, convening the Senate .. . . 800 to be furmshed, on application, by Public prohibiting settlements in the Indian Ter- Printer at cost and ten per cent. ml- ‘ ritory. ,... .. . , . . . . 797, 798 ditional ... .. . . .. -. . .- . 606 appointing Thanksgiving dey for 1879i 798 Public Lands, _ for 1330 ______ I _____ _ ___________ _ _______ 799 gppmprigtions for collecting 1‘6V0ml6S f1`0!I;\ declaring discriminating tonnage mid im- sales of .. . . . . . . . 2.73, 450 port duties on merchandise imported for surveys of z . .7. . . .. .é. 273, 421 1n Chinese vessels discontinued . 800- for do£ic1enc1es1n_. . ._ . 247, 2.>4, 421, 4.8 Pvocwr, Samuel .L, _ for settlement of State claims for swamp M pgymguttg ____ __ ____ _ _____ _ ____ , _________ 645 mug ____ ____ ______ _______ ________,