Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/904

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874 , INDEX. ' Page. Yagi Postal A ppropriationa-Continued. Postmaatoojs, {my of railway clerks, route agents, em., .178, 376 approppation for compensation of .. . 177,375 ocks, keys, bags, umd catchers ... 178, 179, 376 deficiencies in . . . ... 423 postage stamps, onvalopcs, cards, etc.178, 179, 376 Pothojji Uriah, foreign mail service . 179, 376 payment to .. . ..·-- - --·------------·- 241 dcficioucios in rcvemiw . . . . .. 179, 377 Pommuc Fisfwriva, Postal-Caei Sqrrwe, preservajnon of, Potomac River, D. C . 71 npproprumon for mail transportation by. . 178, 375 Potomac Rover, pomnitay for failure or r- fusail of I`{Lil1'03»d appropriation for improvement oi; at Mount companies to supply cmu, ctc., for.. 178, 375 Vernon, Va, .. . . . .. . .. 185 Postal Cards, for improvement of channel, at Mount upgpropriabion for mmniifacturc of . . . , . 1 179, 376 Vernon .. . . . . .. . ... 474 or purchase of nmcliiua for canceling 177 bridge across the, near Georgetown, D. C., tobeissuedforcircu1a,tiouin mails exchanged construction of', authorized . .-.- 328 with foreign countries under Univer- powmwut Rive,. R L sal Post a,] Union; rate of postage 0n. 179, 376 appwpriutimf for jngpmvemcut of ________ 473 P0-M ¤¤··¢·><·MiM¤8. _ _ Pottawatomie Indians, with C2·¤”d3·» uddmoml agreement ——-· ·- - - 785 appropriation for permanent zmuuity intermodiiication of Article I, ctc., of, of Sth est GNL to _________ ________ 124 4;;:; a-gd 23d Juuc, 1875 ... .. .. .. of Hurén i ________ ____ ____ 124’ 494 Fmm 8* · ~·-- · ·-·· - -···-·-·- - --·-- - 70 Potter Hiram, 'r. i wml F"”““‘* ······ : · · · ······ · · · · ···· · · ·- ·720» 786 payincut to ;]p{0viso .. . .. 432 with German Empire . . . . . .. .. . 680 pow, A It with Great Britain . . -- . . 702, 768 p&§mBut éo _____________ _____________ 55 with Italy . . . . . . . . 788 pom E M ' P"""" G'"*1"· paémont iso .. . . . . . . 569 u,ppr0pria,ti<m for . . ...235,412 Pons W R` Postal Railway Service, Paémemi {0 ____ _______ 633 appr0pri=mti011 for .. .. 178, 375 P d . D. t . t C Z b. "'" Supe·riufc11da:.t of, allowed and paid for Ou ’ m. H no of 0 um mf actual cxpcnsvsnf officiul travel 177, 374 domcsm? ammals may be ta’k°n up and dc` r Pom;] RH.e"m,8 tzuned, ctc., m . ..,__, _,_ _ __ 3,, nppropriatioiis for eloiicivucivsiu .. 179, 377, 433 P010d" DQPOG Postal Service, approprimsicm fm:. gr., . .. 113 appropriations for . . . 40, m, 374 f<>r r>¤¤=h=·»¤¤ of ¤ me for-- ---- - --------- 34 deficiemcies in . . . . .. . . . . . .258, 423 Powell, George, in revenues of .. . 179, 249, 377, 433 payment to . -- - . .. 562 ' for pay of post-ofiicu inspectors in . . . . 177, 374 Powell, P. P., special; extcusio i uf, without advertising.' 11 disabilities under Revised Statutes, section 011 milwsmys, supcriuteud ut of, allowed 1218, 1‘6Hl0V6(i .. .. .. .. ..- 548 actual official irnv: ling cxpcuscs. .177 374 · _ ·.· · · - general·1cL1iugs 01, how mlvur tisedu 177; 374 Pm"", Ij;';,:,{Lti]Q$2";,;Lz0`(£,;Iag7;·;;"”hatm` ofBm use of a.ppr0pria.tiq11gs for vxpcditiug, Ol) star payment to 1 ____ l ______ 632

 roui cs, p1·0h1i>1tc<l  . . . . .. 72 Pfam R  E 

chief of posi:-ohico 11xs1»uct0·s to be allowed Payment} to _________ ____ _____ 501 tmve in r cx ensns . ... ... 177 . , . penalty forfaiifiirc £rrcfu1salcfra.i’road com- ’ P°i°`6"{pt"m8 and Hmgnestwd Lqmd Clmmsz pzmies to supply mrs, mc., {'cr 178, 375 am B (gnu tf) SPH Gmggg Wlthfkb {mmm of adhesive S1`&U]])SZ&)l`, conditions when may (gmmlsmfncrlj h tn3am' a17g Qmcg be umde by Burva,11 of];h1gruviug uml 25 gu m mqms mm"' W ° Mm ls ,,0xm,_ U§}j},‘”g.l'·][§,,1£fi§;‘gj""‘l ···· ·· ············ 376 enum, SM13Qé X¤iHAva`{%8§,`i{Aélligidéj I igg a irc iriutiou for 1:1 wuvut of vo ~»· , - °:8`6m’Z°t°r8’ . . "‘ {kewl i.), b}·i%-mu.-y ».3p5I£T:;IT,.2fL2» 395 M1¤¤¤m, mi D=~k<>¤~ ¤·J¤~·* by gmfm. Wm, D6 , ’ hoppezs; time extended 11 pnrtmenr. . .. ...228,404 . .II_dl h 1. f f. for Iiiterior D<·pm‘t1nuiit, . . .. . . . .. 231, 407 Pm-] lt? W ¤mSS °pp°m’ m m ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 48 Posimastcr-Gema·aI, '}.°“" iz . , _ , appropriations 101* postal ¤~c1‘vice uud¤=;· di- mm mmgu g°g?§nm°n§? t° A·m°“°a‘“ °m' motion of _____________ _____ 17% 374 z61iS, c0u 1 10118 0 acceptance of 603 for salarivs, ctc., in office of .-. .23, 234, 410 Pmscottu Wdlmm H-; ‘ for miscellaneous items in office of . 177, 375 P9#Ym0]}t V"? `PYOVISO - —-·--··--·~·- · -—-·- 55 may extend special service on new routes, P*`9“"W“Q” Qf Fo"tU(i€*W0”8» and make temporary mai] cgiytpgctg &pD1‘0P1’|8·$l0¤ foI‘ - ... -- .. 109, 468 iu CBPUMH 0¤S<·S .. . . . . . . ll Presemaiimz of Ordnance Stores, 0110 of commission to icusobuiidiug for post- gyppmpl-ia.|;i0¤S for ________ _ ___________ 113 349 officc, Washington City .. . . 53 'Presideni, 1 authorized to issue postal cards for circula- appropriation for compensation of 23 2l5 390 tion in mail¤ cxchangcd with foreign for officars and others in 011506 of the. .’. . ,390

 coqqtmcs   . .. . .. .. 179 to make pr0c!,i0i1 commending exhibi-

111 expediting mail service limited to fifty tion at New York, 1883 to forcirru per ggpt, ipgrgggg of ggmpgpggtiou _ _ 72 ughiolyg _____ _ ____ _ _ _ j_ ______ _ TZ _ 78 to post pmlvertiseiricnts of g<-moral mail let- design for monument coiniiicmoramivc of mugs - ---. . . . . . 177, 375 battle of B<mni¤gt<»u to be n¤ppr<>vcd to ucl} popt-rouic maps at cost ... 177, 375 by the .. . . . . .. . . 323 to let ma.1lscrY1cc betxvccu Quai: Sahita Louis to upprpvc wiihdmwal mul l0ca,t,i0u of puband U111011 Dop0t, Smnt Loms, M0., 110 lziuds for university piirpusus iu to 1<>w¢¤’¤ b¤<1<1¤r ---... . . . .. 170, 345 mmm Territorigg _ _____ _ _________ M