Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/947

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920 CON VENTl0N—PORTUGAL. JULY 15, 1882. mer country in the quarterly account. It is the province of each Postal Administration to determine the manner in which repayment to the remitters is to be made. Under no circumstances can the fees paid for moneyorders be refunded to the remitters thereof. pupiicatoomm Sec. 4. Duplicate orders shall only be issued by the Postal Administration of the country on which the original orders were drawn, and in conformity with the regulations established, or, to be established, in that country. Anrronn 8. Suspension. Each Administration is authorized, in extraordinary circumstances that would justify the measure, to uspend temporarily the money-order service, in whole or in part, upon condition of giving notice of such suspension immediately to the other country, and, if deemed necessary, by means of the telegraph. - A nricnn 9. Regulations t o The General Administration of Mails, Telegraphs, and Light-Houses, of b• P¤>*id¤¤i· Portugal, and the General Postal Administration of the United States are authorized to adopt by mutual agreement all measures, and to arrange all matters of detail, necessary to secure the execution of all the stipulations of the present Convention. · Anrrom 10. Commencement. The present Convention shall take eifect on the first day of January, 1883, and shall continue in force until twelve months after either of the Termination. contracting parties shall have notiiied to the other its intention to terminate it. Anmcnic 11._ natmmum, The ratiiications of the present Convention shall be exchanged prior to the first day of December, 1882. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention and have aiiixed thereto their seals. mt., J Dxefgggd in duplicate and signed at Washington the fifteenth day of u yo · . g,·8,,,t,,,, *“°""'“" ’°’*°'°‘”°"""°" ‘ TlM°. 0. HOWE, · um- md nm] The Postmaster General of the United States.

  • """‘ ""§*:.?'3,,‘{,‘,[‘3"""""’ VISCONDE DAS NOGUEIRAS,

· Emmy Extraordinary and Minister _ . Plenipolentiarg of Portugal to the United States. I hereby approve the foregoing Convention, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto aiiixed. ’ CHESTER A. ARTHUR. By the President. ""'§U.‘2'.§"""‘ FREIYK T. Fnmmcuorsnn, Secretary of State. Wnsnmeron, July 15th, 1882.