Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/183

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 231-233. 1884. 155 necessarily incident thereto, for water-power and other purposes, and W¤g°¤ md f°°* in connection therewith a wagon and foot-bridge for public travel: brjggx Provided, That said dam shall be so constructed as not to interfere with NO? t3'i,,t,,,-fm, the- existing dam and mill at Sauk Rapids, and so that the Government with dum and mill of the United States can at any time construct in connection therewith ¤t S3"]? R=*l•m¤· a suitable lock for navigation purposes: Provided also, That the Gov- of Gow ernment of the United States may at any time take possession of said cmmim of United dam, uml control the same for purposes of imvigatiorn, by paying said States reserved. com pany the actual cost of the same, but shall not do so to the destruction of the water-power created by said dam: Provided further, That PM>*•¢· the works be constructed so as to provide for the free passage of saw- Free pango of logs and rafts, and, when necessary, to permit the passage of boats; ¤¤·"·l°€¤· ’*"°· and, further, that such changes or modifications in the works as the Sec- °t°‘ rctary of War may from time to time deem necessary in the interest of navigation shall be mode, at the expense of the water-power company: Provided further, That in case of any litigation arising trom the obstruc- Proviao. tion of the channel by the dam, canal, or bridge, the cause may be tried in the district court of the United States in which the works are situated. Sec. 2. That the right to amend, alter, or repeal this act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, July 5, 1884. cnn. asa.-Au IGZ to amend paragn u seven or section men he uname me July 5. 1884- twenty seven of the Revised Statutes. ty "_”`“__"`_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America im Congress assembled, That paragraph seven of sec- g_ $,2521,496, tion twenty-five hundred and twenty-seven of the Revised Statutes be, Amended. and hereby is, amended by adding after the word “Px·ovineetown" the umn: 88*;;*;;; words Dennis Bourne mmm, ,H,t,i,t_ Approved, July 5, 1884. N¤¤¤· - enda of an act to inoo the °”“" ’°¥&..t€£»“§f£“££J3¥&°£b?m$2S,°5 ¤.J?’»Llm of ¤..¤.».t.""""° ...;.·"*" 5· ‘““‘· Be it enacted by the Sendo and House of Representatives of the United States ofAn•er€ca in Oongreaa assembled, That whenever the holder or Munn Fire inholders of :1 policy or policies of insurance hereafter issued in the Mutual ¤*;¤t;:°D?s‘;*::l’g1;, Fire Insurance Company of the District of Columbia shall have failed for golmbm the full period of three years topay the interest or any lawful assessment Failure to pm due upon his or their premium note or notes, such policy or policies of interest, ew., sh insurance shall be deemed to be lapsed, and the of manngem g;?£°°°¤*;§,° may proceed to settle and cancel the some, after a._previous advertise- mtu:' Y ment of their intention to do so, to be inserted in two newspapers printed and published in the city of Washington, once in each week, for the period of three consecutive months, and after serving, besides, whenever practicable, n personal notice in writing, for a like of time, upon the holder or holders of such policy or policies, or in the event of his or their death, upon the legal representatives of such Settlement, etc. holder or holders. Sec. 2. That the cost of such advertisement and notice shall be deducted from the sum or sums of money which may he found to be due on the settlement of said policy or policies to the holder or holders thereofl Approved, July 5, 1884.