Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/576

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546 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. C11. 265. 1897. ninety-seven, appoint the employees under his charge, procure necessary furniture for the said building, and remove into it the library, including thecopyright collections, furniture, and so forth, but excluding the law library, and superintend the completion of such contracts pertaining to the construction of said building as may remain unfinished on March fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, the total cost of such completion not to exceed the sums stated in said contracts. Di·*>¤¤·¤·¤*=·· The said officer shall disburse the funds pertaining to the duties and 0·»¤w··•¤¤¤· operations hereby assigned to him, and sh all receive compensation Ann. p. ua. therefor in full at the rate per annum provided by the joint resolution approved April second, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, to be paid out of the appropriations for said Library building. Furniture nd ¤¤· For furniture for Library reading rooms, halls, copyright offices, and ’°“°°° °°‘T°1’ l' um so forth, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, and for expenses of removal of library and copyright collections to the Library building, a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars, are hereby respectively authorized to be expended by said officer, on and after the passage of this Act, out of any unexpended balance of the appropriations heretofore made for the completion of the building for the Library of Congress, and a sufficient amount of all further unexpended balance of said appropriations shall be available for the expenses, including personal services, of the custody and care of said Library building and grounds until July new or Limum. first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. The Librarian of Congress shall on and after July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, give bond, payable to the United States, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with sureties approved hy the Secretary of the Treasury, for the faithful discharge of his duties according to law. . m¤·¤•¤¤i¤¤•¤¢¤· The Librarian of Congress shall make to Congress at the beginning “"""" of each regular session, a report for the preceding ilscal year, as to the afairs of the Library of Congress, ineludingthe copyright business, and said report shall also include a detailed statement of all receipts , and expenditures on account of the Library and said copyright business. use or mm vi. The rooms and all space now occupied by the Library of Congress in °°*°d· the Capitol building shall not, atter the removal of said Library, be occupied, either permanently or temporarily, for any purpose whatever until so ordered by Congress. Botanic Guden. S¤w·i¤¤¤¤·1¤¤¢.¤¤=- For superintendent, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For assistants and laborers, under the direction of the Joint Library Committee of Congress, twelve thousand and ninety-three dollars and seventy-five cents. R¤¤·~i;; wd im- For procuring manure, tools, fuel, purchasing trees and shrubs, and P'°"°“‘°“ ‘ for labor and material in connection with repairs and improvements to Botanic Garden, under direction of the Joint Library Committee of Congress, ilve thousand dollars. 1·>=-¤¤¤¤*·· EXECUTIVE. Pgvggerparivnoftw For compensation of the President of the United States, fifty thou- " ° ‘ sand dollars. "*¤<*·*’*¤¤*·l¤¤*· For compensation of the Vice-President of the United States, eight thousand dollars. péwuiivs usage. t For compensation to the following in the office of the President of ,,,,_ ’°“"’·‘““‘“““' the United States: Secretary, five thousand dollars; assistant secretary, two thousand five hundred dollars; one executive clerk and dis— bursing officer, and one executive clerk, at two thousand dollars each; two clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; steward. one thousand eight hundred dollars; usher to the President, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chief doorkeeper. one thousand eight hundred dollars; four doorkeepers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; four