Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/83

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FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 48. 1896. 53 BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. grlglyngsdiugs and For repairing roads and paths, including roads and bridges on reser- R"*’“"‘"g‘°“‘“*°"‘· vation, one thousand dollars; For continuing construction of breast-high wall in dangerous places, five hundred dollars; _ For waterworks: Renewal of material in filter beds, improving venti- W=**¤‘w°*k¤· lation of filter house and water house; hose for use in cleaning lilter beds and water house, and for use in fire service at same; tools, implements, and materials for use of the two keepers, and for repairs of siphon house, filter house, and of four and one-half miles of supply pipes; for shed for tools and storage of fuel for keeper of Round Pond, and for tool house at filter; for gauges at Round Pond and Delafield Pond, and stairs for access to same, and all other necessary work of maintenance and repairs, five hundred dollars; For broken stone and gravel for roads, one thousand five hundred dollars- . For maintaining and improving the grounds of the post cemetery, 0¤¤¤¤¤¤r·y- five hundred dollars; For painting, calcimining, whitewashing, and repairing interior walls R°P°*”- °“’· of cadet mess building, kitchen, dish pantry, bakery, dormitories, and storerooms, and for incidental repairs about the same, to be expended without advertising, one hundred and fifty dollars; For general repairs to the cadet laundry, painting interior, renewing machinery, to be expended without advertising, three hundred dollars; For painting and for general incidental repairs and improvements to the cadet quartermaster’s department building, including storerooms, oflice, tailor shops, shoe-repairing shops, to be expended as required without advertising, three hundred dollars; For repairs to cadet barracks: For repointin g and repairing exterior (7******* l”¤"°°k°- walls, area walls, and coping; renewing floors; painting and calcimining; repairing woodwork; repairing and repainting roof, three thousand dollars; For repairs and improvements needed at cadet hospital, as fbllows: C‘“°* h°°P““1· For l1ard—pine flooring for wards, rooms, and halls; for repair of chimneys; for repointing joints of stonework of walls; for repainting of all exterior wood and iron work, two coats; for repainting of walls and interior wood and iron work, two coats; for revarnishing of inside blinds, two coats, and glazing of windows; for repainting of roof of annex; for locks for doors; for three hundred yards, more or less, of Neufkchatelmastic, or other suitable pavement; for turpentine and parafiin for polishing floors of wards and halls; for ammonium chlorid for telephone batteries; for two iron lamps for posts at bottom of entrance to stairway; for bronze for rebronzing radiators; for speaking tube, ends, mouthpieces, and connections; for fifty feet of wirework screen for dispensary counter; for two iron open-work doors for dispensary; for iron openwork door for entrance hall, and for four benches, one thousand five hundred dollars; Forimprovements and repairs required at the soldiers’ hospital, as S°l*l*°*”¤’h°¤Pi*°l· follows: For repainting all exterior woodwork and metal roofs, two coats; for exterior storm sash for all windows; for repairs to and resetting outside steps; for repainting porch floors, two coats; for painting or calvimining plastered walls; for whitewashing basement; for new chandelier with droplights and attachments and connections for Benson burners; for new sinks for dispensary and for hall outside of operating room; for new kitchen table; for glazing doors of kitchen dresser; for brushes, paints, wax, turpentine for minor repairs, waxing floors; and for continuing the work of erecting a rubblestone wall three feet high along the road boundary of the hospital grounds, one thousand two hundred dollars; For repairs to exterior of cadet mess building, inoludin g repointing exterior walls, painting exterior wood and iron work, three hundred dollars;