Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/84

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54 FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 48, 49. 1896. 1z¤a•,•m. For continuing the construction and repairs of the roads between the south guardhouse and southern boundary line of reservation, and for continuing the laying of a stone walk along same, and extending the same northward to a junction with the present concrete walks, one thousand dollars; G"·“"'“‘°“'°" For guardhouse at south entrance and gates, even thousand five hundred dollars; “ For addition to the building occupied by the post school for enlisted men’s children, one thousand five hundred dollars; For necessary repairs to engineer equipment shed, nine hundred and _ twenty dollars; For repairs and improvements to cavalry stable, as follows: For new stable doors, with crossbars, and material for new door frames in the nre entrance to stable; for material for ceiling and for new siding for interior of saddle room; new iloor for guardroom; material for new siding for exterior of saddle room and granary, and for painting same, and for material for new watering trough on outside of· central western entrance to stable, five hundred dollars; For repairs to ordnance laboratory: For painting and repair of buildings, and material for roads and walks, one hundred and fifty dollars; B¤•¤¤¤ir· For removing a deposit of peat and soil from a portion of the new reservoir, seven thousand five hundred dollars; F°”¥ ·“P·°°°· For repairing the south dock and ferry slip and freight house, two thousand dollars; For rebuilding boathouse pertaining to the department of ordnance and gunnery, to replace the one now standing and irreparable, nine hundred dollars; B"'"'?"" '°°‘ To purchase two six-oared barges and two small rowboats, for instruction of cadets in rowing, five hundred dollars; For gravel filling and tile drains and cement plastering upon outside of foundation walls of hospital steward’s quarters, one hundred and nfty dollars; c“”’°°°°"““"“Y· For reconstructing the cable coal railway, including replacing the present wooden trestle with an iron trestle, straightening and relaying rail , repairing and equipping the cars with new apparatus, new cable, new track, pulleys, and sheaves, new cable driver with steam cylinders, complete, twenty thousand dollars; Lamnmsasrcmp. For enlarging the latrine at the cadet camp, and renewing plumbing of same, five thousand four hundred dollars; For completion of repairs and improvements to barracks of the detachment of army-service men, quartermaster’s department, and for steam heating of same, two thousand dollars; For cases, materials, fittings, iixtures, and other appliances for ordnance museum in new Academy building, one thousand dollars; g;¤;¤~;-¤*ggy¤¤- The appropriation contained in the Act approved July t venty-sixth, ‘ `p' ‘ eighteen hundred and ninety four, for building a breast-high masonry wall on the east side of road from north gate to entrance of post cemetery, one thousand dollars, and remaining nnexpended, is hereby made available for building said wall on west side of said road; In all, for public buildings and grounds, sixty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars. Approved, March 6, 1890. March6.1ao6. CHAP. 49.-An Act Relating to the anchorage and movements of vessels in ——·— w- ·——· Saint Marys River. I _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United f:;'{]f_§=ffj;§§';f{é· States of America in (Jmagress assembled, That the Secretary of the to ncp»s€»·n»»c.` Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to adopt and prescribe suitable rules and regulations governing the movements and anchorage of vessels and rafts in Saint Marys River, from Point Iroquois, on Lake Superior, to Point Detour, on Lake Huron, and for the