Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/1790

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TREATY—SPAIN. December 10, 1898.

· tude one hundred and nineteen siete grades cuarenta minutes (70 degrees and thirty five minutes 40’) Norte; de aqui siguiendo (1190 35’) east of Greenwich to the el paralelo de latitud siete parallel of latitude seven degrees grades cuaranta minutes (70 40’) and forty minutes (70 40’) north, Norte, a su interseccion con el thence along the parallel of lati- ciento diez yseis (1160) grade metude seven degrees and torty min- ridiano de longitud Este de Greenutes (70 40’)northtoits intersection wich, de aqui por una linea recta, a with the one hundred and six- la interseccion del décimo grade teenth(116th) degree meridian of paralelo de latitud Norte, con el longitudeeastofGreenwich,thence ciento diez y echo (1180) grade meby a direct line to the intersection ridiano de longitud Este de Greenof the tenth (10th) degree parallel wich, y de aqui siguiendo el ciento of north latitude with the one hun- diez y echo grade (1180) meridiano dred and eighteenth (l18th) degree de longitud Este de Greenwich, al meridian of lougitudeeastof Green- punto en que oomienza esta dewich, and thence along the one marcacion. hundred and eighteenth (l18th) degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich to the point of beginning. Me>¤¤y 1>·v¤-<•¤= *•> The United States will pay to Los Estados Uuidos pagaran a Sp""' Spain the sum of twenty million Espana la suma deveinte milliones .4-.a,p.m. dollars ($20,000,000) within three de dollars ($20,000,000) dentro de months after the exchange of the los tres meses después del canje de ratiiications of the present treaty. ratiiicaciones del presents tratado. . Anrrcnn IV. Awrfcuno IV ‘ span mae psu- The United States will, for the Los Estados Unidos durante el §{,"g,,*°,,;°’,.:"*" Pm term of ten years from the date of término de diez anos a contar desde the exchange of the ratitications el canje de la ratitlcacion del preof the present treaty, admit Span- sente tratado admitiran en los puerish ships and merchandise to the tos de las Islas Filipinas los buques ports of the Philippine Islands on y las mercancias espaneles, bajo las the same terms as ships and mer- mlsmas condiciones que los buques chandise of the United States. y las mercancias de los Estados Unidos. Awrrcnn V. Anrioono V. nepammcn ¤f The United States will, upon the Los Estados Unidos, al ser fir- """""" signature of the present treaty, made el presente tratado, traspors•·nd back teSpain, at its own cost, taran a Espana, a su costa, los the Spanish soldiers taken as pris· soldados espaneles que hicieron oners of war on the capture of prisioneres de guerra las fuerzas Manila by the American forces. Americanas al ser capturada Maxim. or pnmm. The arms of the soldiers in question nila. Las armas de estos seldados shall be restored to them. les seran devueltas. Ppnyugpzlnédtlg Spain will, upon the exchange of Espana, al caniearse las ratificae¤•m.” the ratitioations of the present cienes del presents tratado, procetreaty,. proceed to evacuate the deré. a evacuar las Islas Filipinas, _ Philippines, as well as the island asf como In de Guam, en condirams. of Guam, on terms similar to those cienes semeiantes a las acordadas agreed upon by the Commissioners porlas Oomisiones nombradas para appointed to arrange for the evacu· eoncertar la evacuacion de Puerto ation of Porto Rico and other is- Rico y etras Islas en las Antilles lands in the West Indies, under Oocidentales, segnn el Protocolo 4··u.p.1w- the Protocol of August 12, 1898, de 12 dc Agosto de 1898, que conwhich is to continue in force till tiuuara en vigor hasta que sean its provisions are completely exe- oompletaniente cumplidas susdiscuted. posioiones. s