Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1874

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1822 TREATY——MEXICO. FEBRUARY 22, 1899. havebeen prosecutedtherein on the la misma acusaci6n; con tal que, same chargle and acquitted thereof; exceptuando los delitos referidos provided t at, with the exception en la_ fraccién 13° Articulo II de of the offenses included in clause 13 esta Convenci6n,cada Parte contra- Article 2, of this convention, each tante se comprometa 6. no ejercer contracting party agrees 'not to jurisdicci6n para el castigo de deliassume juris iction in the (punish- tos cometidos exclusivamente denment of crimes committe exclui tro del territorio de la otra. sively within the territory of the other. . Airrrcnn IV Anrionno IV. Neither e°.“¤“>' Neither of the contractin ar- Nin una de las Partes Contragihngicizoeuiiihver its ties shall be bound toAe1i§e1? up tantesgestara obligada a entregar, its own citizens under the stipula— por virtud de las estipulaciones de tions of this convention, but the esta Convenci6n, asus propios cinexecutive authorit of each shall dadanos, pero el Poder Ejecutivo have the power to dseliver them up, de cada una dc ellas tendra la if, in its discretion, it be deemed facultad de entregarlos, si 5. su proper to do so. discreci6n lo creyere conveniente. Antrronn V Airriotmo V. Defemng exvrsdi- If the person whose surrender Si la persona cuya entrega se i°“‘°t°‘ may be claimed pursuant to the pidiere conforme a las estipulastipulations of the present conven- ciones del presente Tratado, hution shall have been accused or biere sido reducida a prisi6n por arrested for the commission of any haber cometido un delito en el oifense in the country where he or pais donde se ha refugiado, 6 hushe has sought asylum, or shall biere sido condenada a causa del have been convicted thereof, his mismo, se puede diferir su extraor her extradition may be deferred dici6n hasta que se la absuelva 6 until he or she is entitled to be lib- hasta que expire el tiempo de prierated on account of the oHense si6n ta que se la haya condenado, charged, for any of the following 6 reducidos su sentencia, 6 bien se " reasons: Acquittal; expiration of le indulte. term of imprisonment; expiration

 of the period to which the sentence

may have been commuted, or pardon. _ Aizzricmsz VI. Anriouno VI. Persons claimed by If a fugitive criminal claimed by Si el reo pr6fugo reclamado por m°°rm°r°°°`mm€s' one of the arties hereto shall be uno de las artes Contratantes lo ` also claimed) by one or more pow- fuese también por uno 6 mas Go- _ ers, pursuant to treaty provisions biernos, a virtud de estipulaciones on account of crimes or offenses contenidas en Tratados por delitos committed within their jurisdic— cometidos en su jurisdicci6n, este tion, such criminals shall be deliv- reo sera entregado de preferencia ered up in preference in accord- al que primero lo haya pedido.

 ance with t at demand which is

the earliest ia date. Airricma. VH. Arrricumo VII. Wgggicgégggegegf A (person who has been surren- La persona cuya extradici6n se ,’ dere on account of one of the haya concedido, con motivo de uno crimes or offenses mentioned in de los delitos mencionados en el