Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/1939

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CON VENTION—ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. SEPTEMBER 26, 1896. 1887 Such provisional detention will Este arresto provisorio cesara ·°°*"*“¤*m°¤ 0*- cease an the person held will be el detenido sera puesto en libertad; placed at liberty if the formalities si los recaudos requeridos ara su or his extradition, in the required entrega, en la forma que lo dispone form set out in the preceding arti- el articulo anteri6r, no se presencle, are not presented within two tasen en el término de dos meses, months, counting from the day of contados desde el dia del arresto. arrest. ARTICLE 6. Anrionmo VI. Extradition will not be granted No se concedera la extradici6n m*Q‘;Q,E;g{*t,{,g§¢¤¤¢¤ for a crime or offense of a political por los crimenes 6 delitos de carac- ` character nor for those connected ter politico, ni los que tengan conetherewith. xi6n con ellos. - No person delivered up in vir- Ninguna persona entregada en tue of this treaty can be tried, or virtud de este tratado podra ser punished, for a political crime or enjuiciada ni castigada or crimen oifense, nor for an act having con- 6 delito politico, ni porgechos que nection therewith, committed be- tengan relaci6n con ellos, cometido fore the extradition or surrender anteriormente a su extradicién. of such person. In cases of doubt with relation En los casos de dudas, relacioto the present article, the decision nados con el presente articulo, el of the judicial authorities of the fallo de las autoridades judiciales country to which the demand for del pais a que se haga la demanda extradition is directed will be final. de extradicién, sera definiti vo. ARTICLE 7. Anriouno VII. Extradition will not be ranted No se concedera la extradicién abQgggg;g1 u¤?¤¤i¤h— whenthe crime or offense cgarged, cuando el crimen 6 delito de que mryismsmiioil. mm or for which the fugitive has been se acusa, 6 por el que ha sido concondemned, is found unpunisha- denado el préfugo, se halle preble, by reason of statutor limi- scripto, con arreglo a las leyes del tation, in accordance with the laws pais donde se asi e. of the country of asylum. s ARTICLE 8. Anriouno VIII. In no case can the person sur- Unindividuo entregado no puede D<~>¢¤*;*i¤¤ gviy for rendered be held or tried in the en caso alguno, ser detenido ni en- $;$iii°€ed?r W mh °x` country to which he has been sur- Luiciado, en el Estado al que se rendered for any crime other than aga la"entrega, por otro crimen that for which extradition was 6 por otras causas, que no sean granted until he has returned, or aquellas que motivaron la extraad an op ortunity to return, to_ dici6n, hasta tanto haya regresado the surrendiering State. 6 haya tenido oportunidad de re- · gresar al Estado que lo entregase. This stipulation will not apply Esta estipulacion no se aplicara d_g¤¤¤¤¢¤¤f¥¤g¤xtr¤· to crimes or offenses committed a crimenes 6 delitos cometidos, 1 mu °x°°p ° ° after extradition has taken place. despues de la extradicién. ARTICLE 9. AR·rioULo IX. U All articles at theytime of appre- Todos los objetos que en el M_g§jgg§“1 °‘ "’iZ"’d hension in the possession of the momento de la detenci6n se enperson demanded, whether being contraran en poder de la persona the proceeds of the crime or offense reclamada, ya sean productos del ` charged, or being material as evi- crimen 6 delito de que se le acusa,