Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1280

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xm]; DZMPVBU Riva, N- H-, P°€°· - Landsin Several: to Ind#iam—()ontinued Pwprehmlmfy GX3mm3i10D of, to be made.-. 828 I extension of iilrigatiou systems to Indian L•=¤·=¤=·*¤¤.°’ew» . _ _ * autumn ... .. me appropriauon for public building .. B- . 952 homesteads may be designated by Osage L¤M¤8¢€*',_PQ·, _ _ _ Indians in Oklahoma from allotapproprnation for public building .,___ 317 ments 0; ____________ _ _ 1167 D‘¢;¤¢P‘t¢‘¢·¤, Indians not receiving, heretofore, to have established, liellefourche, S, Iiak .,_______ 597 i patent issue, limit _________________ 782 Lemmon, A -_D¤k .-------. 468 , minim leases permitted of allotments . 783 Tucumcari, L . Mex 45 ; lands of Five Civilized Tribes and Osages Land EMM3, _ _ · excepted .. 783 errors in description of, may be corrected regulations to be made __________________ 783 by Commissioner . _. . 645 removal of restrictions from certain allotreturn of purchase moneys and vommis- { tees of the Five Civilized Tribes 312 sions in rejected ... , . . . 48 I sales of allotments permitted upon petition Land Fraud Prosecutwm, D. C., l to Secretary of the Interior . . . . 444 deficiency appropriation for witness fees. . 509 { terms, etc., to be prescribed . . .. 444 · payment of court expenses, in case against 1 lands in Oklahoma, Minnesota, and Hyde, e_tc .. ; . .. 21 South Dakota excepted . 444 LG’l\dG'Td1l:C8, Railroad and Wagon Road, heirs of Indians dying prior to end of trust proceedings to be instituted for forfeiture of period may receive title in fee .. 444 cer¤1m, in Oregon .. 571 sales if inca able . . . 444 Land Scrip, Agrwultura College, etc., l proceeds of alijsales during trust period . . - 444 patents issued on applications made be- fee-simple patents to all sales . 444 tween J uue 5, 1901, and June 20, allotments to livi children, Rosebud 1907, d60l8l‘¢d Valid 468 Reservatiomug. Dak., not receiving to issue on pending applications _______, 468 l prior _,,.. . ..,_..,...,. 451 Land Warrants, ctc., Military Bounty, l allotment to William Jondron, Yankton punishment for forging, etc 1101 , Sioux, to be investigated, etc .. 451 Lander, Wyo., · allotments to living children on Sioux resconstruction authorized of public building ervations not receiving prior 451 at 528 Indian on Sioux reservations not receivdeficiency appropriation for . 484 ing full quantity of land 452 approfpriatiou for .. . .;.. 952 trust patents to allottees, Turtle Mountain terms 0 court at . . 37 { band of Chippewas ... . . 801 Lands, Canal Zone, g Lane, C. E., lensing of, for cultivation allowed; limita- ! deficiency appropriation for extra services. 511 tions . . 658 Laporte, Ind., Lands, D. C., Commission on Govcrnmmt, acquiring site and erecting public building designated to investigate titles etc.; scope at, authorized . 529 of authority ... 543 deficiency appropriation for i 485 report on all transfers, etc. ... 544 Larceny conveyances, etc., to be held in abey- , pumsiimeut for . . 1144 · ance pending .. .-- 544 Lafrazalo, O. H., _ _ authority to administer oaths, etc 544 deficiency appropriation for contestedup ropriation for expenses . 544 election expenses, House of Repredeigieieney appropriation for examiner of sentatives . 934 titles _,_,.,_,___,... . ..,... 927 Latimer, Asbury C`., late a Senator, for expenses ,,,__,._..,.. . 927deficiency appropriation for pay to widow Lands, etc,, of ... . 511 appropriation for custody, etc ... 328, 969 Luundrks, Army, _ Inrrulg for Streets, D. C., Condemnation of, outside work by, permitted; use of propaymem; of awards due unknown, etc., ceeds . .. 117, 742 Owners _,_______,,.. . ... 582 LGVTCI, Mi88., mln to vest iii District ,,_..i 582 acquiring site for public building ut, au- Lamls in Severalty to Indihm,thonzed ... _ . ., . 534 appropriation for completing allotments, deficiency appropriation for . 488 gm ______________,,_.. . .. 70,781 Laurens. S. (‘.. for surveving and allotting 72, 782 acquiring site and erecting public building for rgmopring alienation restrltttloms from at, BBE1IOT1I9d -.. . . 531 Five (`ivilized Tribes _ 90, 804 deficiency appropriation for . 486 for completing surveys, etc., Sioux Res— Law Library, _ _ 81-various, N_ and S_ Dal; ,._..,,_,_. 811 appropriation for librarian, etc .. 194, 857 for allotments 94, 811 Lawrmce, Kama.. for costs in suits on allotments . . 784 appropriation for Haskell Institute, Indian deficiency appropriation for :1ll0tm€I1tS 18 _ 8611001 ---·-·- ;- —_ --—-·---- ; - —_ —---·- 80, 790 for survpying and 3,l]ot, ing_ _____________ 18 deficiency appropriation for building, Inagreements with allotteos for irriszation au· <11~°1¤ S€_00 -----·----------- - -·—--- 19 thorized ... 85 Lawrenpeburg, Ly., _ _ _ alienation rostridions removed on death of acqumng site for public building at, auallottces; distribution of estate . 315 lQ110¤Z€d ---·--- _ ·-; ——---——-·-—-----· 534 allotments to Indians, l-`ort Pevk Reserve- . deticxency apprrpmatwn for . 488 tion, Mont 558 Laws, Indqxeg, etc., o , _ exchange of unsuitable allotments allowed { appropriation for preparing, for Congress, on ceded reservations .,..,. 784 l etc ... 195