Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1296

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2330 INDEX. Dreibelbies, Jacob E., P¤s¤· Duluth, Diocese of, Page pension increased ... . 1425 patents in fcc for church, etc., lands on Dresden, Wlnite Earth Iudim Reservation, classification and salary of consulate-gem Minn., at White Earth . . . . . 452 eral ... 101 at Beaulieu . 452 Dresser, Nancy A. (widow), ul; Pine Point ... 452 pension . . 1305 on Red Lake Reservation at Redby. . 453 Drew, Anmmias, at agencisite ... 453 pension increased , . .. 1174 at Cross ke. . 1 453 Dnygs, Job S., . on Cass Lake Reservation ... . . 453 pension increased 1577 on Leech Lake Reservation at Onigum.. 453 Driggs, Mary Eddy (widow), at old agency . ... 454 pension .. 1394 Duluth, Minn., Driscoll, Dennis, approplriation for fish hatchery 342 pension . . 1447 for `gbt. station, north pier, harbor cn- Driver, Arthur J., trance ... L 971 pension increased 1282 acquiring additional ground and erecting Driver, John, public building at, authorized .. 534 deficiency appropriation for refund of duty defic1ency aéppmpnation for .. . .. 482 to 912 dredging insi e harbor entrance, author- DrougM—Rc.siatant Crops, ized; UBB of balance ... . .. 429 approgrintion for breeding, etc ... 1045 preliminary examination of harbor, be be Drugs, ustoms Sermbe Examiners, and Special made . 828 Examiners of, Dumcmd, Tabitha Evaline (wklaw), pay increased of .. 1065 pension increased . ... 1363 Drugs, ctc., Dunahcy, John W, appropriation for investigating adultem- pension increased. ... 1555 ting, false bmnding, etc., of. 261, 1049 Dunbar, Daniel H., Drummond, George W, pension increased .. . ... 1502 pension increased ... . 1426 Dunbar, Nathan R., ' Dry-Land Farming, pension increased . ..,.,,,,,.. 1503 appropriation for improving methods of. . . 1045 Duncan, Andrew, "D1y Salt Lake," Cal., pension increased ,... . _,__... 1285 lands of, granted to Los Angeles, Cal _- . 1063 Duncan, Andrew Jafomwrly Andrew J. Revels, Du Bois, Isaac V, pension increase . ..,.,,, 1393 pension increased 1230 Duncan, George W, Tennessee Volunteers, Dublin, pension increased . ... 1267 classification and salary of consulate ... 101 Duncan, George W., West Virgimh Volunteers, Dublin, Ga., pension increased . . .. 1299 acquiring site and erecting public building Duncan, John H., at, authorized . 529 pension increased ,.,... . . 1353 deficiency appropriation for . 485 Duncan, Lhzwh (widow), Dubugue, Iowa, pension ... . .. 1335 Isn title confirmed to Saint Rnphaeh Duncan, Perry, Cemetery ... . .. 423 pension . . 1616 corrected . 469 Duncanwn, Sarah E. (wndrw), Duckeu, James B., pension increased - ‘ ... 1283 pension increased 1267 Dundee, Dudleson, Henry, clamincation and salary of consulate ... 101 pension increased . . .. 1501 Dunfermline, Duealer, James, classification and salary of consulate . . . 101 pension increased . ... 1331 Dungan, Warren S. Duf, Damkzl, pension increased . . .. 1572 pension increased , .., 1584 Dunham, Thomas H., jr., Du]', Samuel F., pension increased . ... 1317 pension increased. ... 1417 Dunham, Willrkzm H., Du field, J. Davis, pension increased . ... 1584 pension increased __,_ , _,,.,,,__,,,,,,,,__ 1348 Dunkelbcrg, Nathan, Dujfield, Louise Laduz (widvw), pension increased . ... 1223 pension increased ,... 1203 Dunkm, 1{ercy H., Dufy, Daniel J., pension increased . . .. 1337 pension increased ...,, - .. 1218 Dunkirk, N. Y., Dujloo, Armand, preliminary examination of harbor to be pensien increased ____ , ,__.,,,,_...,...,., 1213 made .. . .. 829 Duggan, Charles, Dunklee, Eli S., pension increased ____ _ ,,,,,,.,,,,.,..,,, . 1364 pension increased 1213 Dulcitte, Charles W, Dunlap, Robert A., pension increased _____, . .., 1281 pension increased ..,. 1280 Dulicu, Joseph, Dunlap, William, , pension increased ____ , ,,,., . . 1426 pension increased 1248 Dulin, Henry, Dunn, _Chm·les E., pension increased ____ , _ ,,..,, 1174 pensmn increased ... . 1310 Dullea, Edward, Dunn,_Jolm L., pension increased ,,., , ..,,,.. 1464 pensxon increased 1261