Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 2.djvu/1297

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DT DEX. 2331 Dunning, Charles H., Page- r Dymrs Creek, V;,, Page- P3Ym€¤Y to --··--·-—--------.. - ...----... 1463 preliminary examination of, to be made. . 833 Dunwell, C. T., late a Representative in Con- Dynamite, _ 97688, _ _ _ . restrictions 011 shipment of ... 554 deiicxency approprxatmn for pay to w1dowDynamite, etc., vf ----·------~------- . ..----... 933 pu11isl{meut for unlawfully shipping, etc., Dupler, James, m foreign and interstate commerce. . 1135 DuP0?B\|:H‘éDCf(?8S€d · . .. 1263 l igjuigg, 9;%, by explosion of, , _P'¢·¢¤¢ M8, Iégay ipp ...,,_____,_,_,, 1136 xssue to mute of Mark S. Gorrill .. 1433 Duplicate Checks, etc., i E, issued for lost, etc., disbursing 0iHcers’; Engg, William Tw b0¤d, 8W ·------- · -----------—----- 643 pension increased 1238 postal checks ond warrants; bond, etc- . 644 Eagleson, William A_, _ to $501815, if $50 0I' 1I11d6P - - ·-... 644 pension increased __,,,,,_____ _ ___________ 1327 Duphcate Checks or Wananta, Postal Service, Eakin, Joseph A., issue of, for lost, etc., in three years, author- pension increased 1493 ized; bond . 415 Eames, Mott vi, not exceeding $50 to tal employees pension increased 1206 _ wigxout bond; aiiixgjit 415 l Thmm;8 ,]_, Duquorm ., ensiou increased ... . 1609 acquiring site for public building at, EuI;·thquakc in Italy, quthonzed ... . . 533 appropriation for relief of sufferers, etc., deficiency appropriation for _,_,, . ... 487 from ___________,,,_,,________,,,.. 584 open spacemrgquglement for public build- _ Easley, James H., . mg, uc ... 1067 eusiou increased . . .. 1469 Durango, Eagan, Calvin A., Dglgzgiicgtion and salary of consulate .. 102 pension incémsod 1212 ’ 7*. Eason John . classiication and salary of consulate .. 101 ponéion inqmnggd _,_,_.._____________ 1491 Dwjfey, Eltcm M., East Boothbay Harbor, Me., pensl0¤ mcreaeed 1554 I preliminary examination of, to be made, . 826 Durham, Benjamin C., East Liverpool, Ohio, Duplohrgnilgzon 1331 E:8p];?ropm$1;,on1i_m public building _____,., 949 ,on ., twcr, . ., mm increased . . . . 1599 appropriation for .. 334,972 " ng theS¢s:wn," prelmymary examgmmou of, ho be made, to mean one hundred and fifteen days 192 mcluding Little Hell Gate .. 829 to mean two hundred and seven days . 855 East Saint Louis, I ll., Durling, James W.,appropriation for public building 949 penmon increased 1328 I limit of cost: increased, public building-. - 520 - penm I1 11 -... I _ ppro n 0 11 eres Du", gee, reased 1341 I Eadeglgegzgrtolge Impuigiion f r i t t on Dutch, James B., t ju ent m favor of . . 938 pension ine;-eased 1420 I payment 1:1 members of council for at- Duties on Imports (see also Reciprocal Com- teudance .. 805 mercial Arrangements), Eastern Dzlspnwa , D. O., appropriation for refund of duties on an- appropriation gr cure, etc., of indigent thmcite coal .. 590 _ patients .. . .. 305,720 Dutton, Julius M., 1270 deficnency appropriation for indigen;.96 1 nsion increased ..-- · . . . · Gents . 9 6 Dgfmi, Reese R,, _ Eastern Eh Company, , dgficienc appr;/Priation for serv'1C€S . 933 I61I1I1d of dll1y to ... . 1436 Duwamish diver, ash., Eastyrgcm, Dewztt, stmiglmmin , om., of, in King County, per- mxlxtary record corrected . 1400 mines _,,._______,,,.,,,_.. . .. 820 Eastman, Enoch S., p*Wami;h’ d6_, Indiom, Wag};,, pension increased .. . . 1231 apfrropmtion for support, etc., of 96, 812 Eastman, George H., pw, ly, Gu,,gaw,; ,4,, penswu increased ... . 1232 pgngion increased .. . ... . . 1211 . Ea8¢7fNt’¤», .H67I7'y A., D;;;ygr’ Peg", pensnou increased . . .. 1231 pension increased 1371 Eastman, {umu W, pyygp, William E., { pensnon increased 1210 pension increased 1240 Eastman, Jonah N., pw, Bgnjqmin, pensmn increased ... . 1452 pension increased 1229 E03i0n, Pd-_, _ _ _ _ DW, Mq¢¢hiqg, construction authorized of public buxldmg pension increased 1215 QE ...- _- - : ···----...·-. 527 wc, 5,,4;};, 1301 defic1eng:y2_ap;;.ropr1ation for ...,,..,. . . 3% uslqn i¤gy(m,5e(] ,_______,,_,_,_,., . . ..,. , 2ppl'0pI'lB. 1011 Ol' ,.. Dggburgl Tg7g]),,, b ~ ,EG8¢ll’/00d, .AbTdh(l;I‘Ld J., M nin Sim and oroczi public ui i nsion iucreas . . .. 1472 q algamhorizod _,,_ ... 531 ? EaI;60n,_Adq (widow), dggciemcy appropriation for .. . .. 486 é penmou increased 1175