Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/407

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1910. 383 The Chief of Engineers of the United States Army is hereby author- Rl°_jf1;"’*f‘°¤ 185 ized and directed to transfer to the Commissioners of the District of yiild. fe forpmpwy Collumblia tlgie contrlol anddjurisdiction over reservation one hundred an ei ty- ve to e use by said District as a pro erty yard: Pro- P;”””;’· vided, gfhat wlien in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers of the U em Wk` United States Army the use of said reservation for park purposes is desirable, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, upon his re uest, are authorized and directed to retransfer said reservation tollris jurisdiction. For fireproof steel file cases for the office of the register of wills of wma ¤¤¤•*·*¢8*¤¤¢¤‘ °f the District of Columbia, one thousand dollars. _ ' 1 For tegting materials fora fireproofgmildings, includiag ilrecetssary; m§t·;=;ig,gK ¤=¤¤¤<>¤f abor an imp ements un er "An ct to regulate the eig t 0 v¤1.eo,'p.en. builhlings in the District of Columbi3,"(ppproved March first, eighteen hun re and ninety-nine two hun re dollars. For repairs to the Western and Georggztown District of Columbia F~¤P¤i*i¤8 ¤¤k¤¤¤- markets and the old part of the Eastern istrict of Columbia Market, naorgelyz Itepgcing oldfl benchesd with_ sanitary 'stgnds, installing m ern p um mg, new oors an re airing cemen oors new mea blocks ind ice boxes, pairgiirg, tinnihg, repairs to paylefnents, End such other repairs as are eemed necessary to p ace these mar ets in a sanitary condition, five thousand dollars. IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS. r€gr;;§>v¤¤·¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ ELIMINATION or cream: crzossmcsc Toward carrying out the ,,,§§,?‘{‘,},'§,f"@'},'§,,,§'§{’,,‘E provisions of the Acts of Congress providing for the elimination of ¤¢g¤_;1$*;i. p_ 767; V0, grade crossmgs and the construction of a rmion railroad station m 32,p. sr:. the District of Columbia, approved February twelfth, nineteen hundred apd one, land Februagy twenty-eilghgh, lnincpteen hundred arid t ee or purc ase or con emnation o the an necessa or the plaza, and new streets, and for reconstructing, grading, anrd paving, together with the necessary mcidental work in connection therewit , the streets, avenues, and ways changed in line or lgrade or newly created under the {provisions of said Acts, including the employment, on the approval o this Act, of special assistant counsel at a rate not to exceed three thousand dollars per annum, and one clerk, at a rate not to exceed one thousand dollars per annum, in connection with the settlemerat of claiéns;1 forddamages incident tq chaingis of grsde, this sum to e expen e un er the provisions o said cts an to continue available until expended, seventy-five thousand dollars. _ The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to transfer to S,,‘;Q,‘},§,‘;’*,§‘,§§0,§";,‘;f,$ phe jurisdiction of thpl Commissioperlsi of the District of Ccldunjibrai ¤¤¤· or street pu oses the portion o the area 0 square six un re and seventy-er%ht necessary to widen First street east, from its present width of orty feet to a total width between building lines of sixty feet from G street to the south portico of the Union Station, and ninety feet thence to the plaza; in accordance with the plan for gre "PlazaCimprovements, Fmon §gat1or1," op filelin téie ofhgel of tge S8] f by me n eer ommissioner o the istrict o Co um ia. d the °° *’“0§°"’ au§1bArity to sell or equitably exchange any portion lpf tlpen existing mll¢il?e£?(f>f91§im€t& u `c space in connection with the aying out of the p aza and its Eitersecting streets, given to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia y the Act to provide for a union railroad station in the

)1st51l;ti of gollumbia, apprcéved Febgugry twenty-eighth, nineteer;

un an t ree, is here y exten e to include any portion o public space necessarily acquired under the laws to provide for the elrmmatron of grade crossings but not needed for street purposes. And the revisions of the Act of March third, nineteen hundred and w·:g;ed*¤* ¤¤¢¤*¤”¤ nine, maiing appropriations for the expenses of the District of v°n.s:»Zp.esc. Columbia, w ich authorizes the use of a portion of the appropriation