Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/697

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674 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cue. 51,53. 1913. uggg*;r;_“¤¢ ·¤•°°•=* For the mechanical supervision of the installation of Seacoast ' artillery, includi1§S the purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools; and matgri 1;<(;essary for tg1elYi<;1i;l;hand expenses oftplivilian mec anics, an extr utyspay o e men engaged ereon, $4 100. submume mma. l?`or the purchase of submarine mines and necessary appliances to °°§¤u,,,h,,,_ operate them for closing the_ channels leading to seaports 111 our insular possessions, $68,662. Y _ _ _ _ _ _ ¤·*¤*¢¤·¤°°· For the maintenance of the submarine mme maténel 1]1_hlZt§r1IlS'l1l8l‘ pomessions $7,500. TT`.? __ - A:;r,*¢c_¤;* gmbgmgf That all inaterial purchased under the provisions get shall me. be of American manufacture, excppt m cases when,.1n the judgment of the Secretary of War, it is to e manifest interest of the nited States to make purchases in limited quantities abroad, which material shall be admitted free of duty. - Hurd of 0¤1¤·-¤¤· BOARD OF ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION. md Fortticstiai. 1’°’°“*'°¤·‘”"·°‘°· To enable the board to make allneedful and proper purchases, experimégts, and test'.; to ascertéiin, with a view 510 their ut1hzation b the vernment, e mo the ective guns, sm arms, cartri es, pgojlectiles, fusies, explosive; torgsdoes, armor plates, aps (?§.\6I un ements an engines o war, an to pure ase or cause to manufaeltured, undo; authoriity tg the Secretary] of War, _8`I101l11 gupis, car; ' , tes, teri ma,mte]u gmen loisgig b?>Trli)}·bIei1eces§1y(in clilezm?-op.d:dimha?1··ge ofythe dutéy devolved V0l.5,p.489. upon it by the Act a proved September twenttg-secon , eighteen csvxum muster. hundred and eighty-eight; to a the salary of e member vei.zs,p.m. of the Board 0 Ordnance andpF¥>rtii°ication provided by the Act of P°‘ ‘“°“‘· °'”· February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and mnety-one, and for the necessary trqveelitpg expplnies offsaidhmember whqntltraveling on d t t said ct; or the ento enecess ry ei:1ptZn§asci)>l1tBli:s1ll>¢!lard,1i!i1cluding a per diempghgivance to each oflizer detailed to serve thereon, when employed on duty away from his rua, ew, permanent station, of $2.50 a day; and for the test of experimental guns, carriages, and other devices rocured in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Ordhance and Fortiiication, $10,000, the expenditure of which shall be made b the several bureaus of the Y War Department heretofore having jurisdiction of the same, or by the mgvb M mn} board itself, as the Secretaig of Warmay direct:_ Promkled, That before am. any money shall be expen ed in the construction or test of any gun, gun camage, ammunition, or implements under the supervision of the said board, the board shall be satisfied, after due inquiry, that the Government of the United States has a lawful right to use the mventions involved in the construction of such gun, gun carriage, ammunition, or implements, or that the construction or test is made at the request of a person either having such lawful iight or authorized to convey the same to the Government. Approved, February 13, 1913. ""'“*”"-"“ cause. as.-an A ·r a · · ·

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Be it enacted Senate and House ¢%le€_1§.se11.tat·ives of the United E:},'*dP***¤°°°"*· States of America ·m Congress assemb , at section ninety-six, .p 255. mud- . . adv I chapter five, of the Act of Congress approved March third, mneteen °‘°°""m°‘ hundred and eleven, and therein d ated "The Judicial Code," i be amended so that the same shall rgggnas follows: