Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/698

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Cns. 53, 54. 1913. . 875 _"Sr.0. 96. The State of New Jersey shall constitute one `udicial "•'·'•*•·N¤*¤<=*•¤ district, to be known as the district of New Jerse . Terms. of the miziiin or com at district court shall be held at Newark on the first Tuesday in April N°"""'““"°°'°"· and the first Tuesday in November, and at Trenton on the third Tuesdaymm January and the second Tuesday in Siptember of each year. _ e clerk o the court for the district of ew Jersey shall maintain an office, in chage of himself or a deputy, at Newark and at Trenton, each of which offices shall be kept open at all times for the transaction of the business of the court; and the marshal shall also marntam an office, m of himself or a deputy, at Newark and at Trenton, each of which offices shall be kept open at all times for the transaction of the business of the court! Approved, February 14, 1913. _ GRA?. 54.-—An Act To authorize the nie and I 'tion of !’¤¤r¤•r!1 mx unallotted lands in the Sungaag Rock Indian in thetg°tath·:`.l)rluSolint% mm? Dakota and North Dakota, making appropriation and, provision to carry the [P¤b1l¤.No.@.] smc into effect. · Be it enacted byjhe Senate and House %l·Zepresentatives of the United States of America an Congress assembled, t the Secretary of the Inte- mL•¤{g¤g mgk ¤¤· rior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, as hereinafter ro- n¤¤.mn¤l°1i•1il°’ s' vided, to sell and dispose of all that portion of the St.andi1§ lfock ,f"°°""'*"““"““‘ Indian Reservation, in the States of South Dakota and North akota, Zing and being within the following-described boundaries, to wit: mmencing at a point in the center of the main channel of the Mis- °°'°”"“°“‘ souri River where the township line between townships eighteen and ‘ nineteen north intersects the same; thence west on said township line to a point where the range line between twent;{two and twenty- three east intersects the same; thence no along e said range line to the northwest corner of section nineteen, in township twenty-one north, of range twenty-three east; thence east on the section line north of sections mneteen, twenty, twenti-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, and twenty-four to a point where·t e same intersects the range line between ranges twenty-three and twenty-four east; thence north alongbsaid range line to a point where the same intersects the State line etween the States of South Dakota and North Dakota; thence west on said State line to a point where the range line between ranges eighty-four and eighty-five west in North Dakota intersects the same; thence north on said range line between ranges eighty-four and eighty-five west to a point where it intersects the center o the main channel of the Carmen Ball River; thence in a northeasterly direction down, and along the center of the main channel of said Cannon Ball River to a point where it intersects the center of the main channel of the Missouri River; thence in a southerlgtdirection along the center of the main channel of the said Mimouri iver to_ the place of beganning, and including also entirely all islands if any, m said river, except suc portions thereof as have been allottedlto Indians: Provided That Si”:g{_°*g¤,md_ N sections sixteen and thirty-six of the lands in each township therein mw. shall not be of, but shall be reserved for the use of the common schools of the States of South Dakota and North Dakota, respectively: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Interior may reserve me. im mm, such lands as he may deem necessary for agency, school, and religious "°· purposes, to remain reserved as long as needed and as long as agengg, school or religious institutions are maintained thereon for the ben t ht _ W nr _ of said Indians: Promded however, That the Secretary of the Interior ,,,,,§L¤,,,_.,,'*}_‘°°' is hereby authorized and directed to issue a patent in fee simple to the duly authorized nnssionary board, or other proper authority of any religious organization, heretofore engaged in mission or school work on sai reservation, for such lands thereon (not included in any town site