Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/1176

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2118 mvmx. `Ve••¢I•—Co t' ed. Pen. `V'¤y•m•’ , hn. ongoing, xowlzzd by citizens to engage in apportionment of Repreeentetivee 14

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Webb', [votes lor Preddent end.; .. 1405 in Bglin, to be included with those et lm , us. ulungton .. nprroprintjon for improvementolbetbor. 213,811 Yoorleis, Joeeph J. _ or ppblnc budding. z ... ,. . . 425 Ypension increased .. . . 1190

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hom Centenniel Ieke et, to vpension increased ... . . . .. 1145 the Mississippi .. ;.‘ . 824 ou, Samuel R., Vzem';t§om¢t.i_.:...};i.£ 0,118 .. . . 1882 appropriation for e¤EblHr to be ’| etc., bal edminbtretive A mentof . . 442 p h ot bureeun executive de- V for Union nyu monument . ... 442 pertmemts, and not by diobuning sis , ., C ...,. Vpension inc.ree•ed.. .. . ... 1180 prepared outside of Washington to be exellagea, emined by diebuning clerb to doepproprintion for experimental free deliv· tamine T claim 375 eryofmnilin . .. 550,780 V .Jen•si¢ T. addon), _ Vhmlhnvan, He., in ... . 1225 nppmpénztgn: for impmvemmt ol Genera N1 , (widow), mt

 site and erecting public building 875 W.,

v_ et, •utbonzed..._ .. um R. W I, S appmprgtion for inveetiptlng insect; an mmeof,I1::y be chmgedto "N. F. Leo- as n ecting 1 . po .. . . V»»¤{‘.1;4:·`.;¤¤(¤¤z» rnmsuungnq. __ ______ lm in- .. if ...,,, Q7 to be nude of, za "···*·•·; IM-; , m,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,, ‘§ ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘’‘‘°``°°’` ·¤¤·¤=·¤=···,,·-·*,_,,__·•¤¤¤¤,»¤*·¤=*·¤**¤*·¢ 8,, 4 ...n...1..a .Z"..;; 1;. nv. 1..

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IIGIIEOI1i¤¤§·..s. un ‘ h k_,,__, Q1'!] Vimin. Juan 0. (•¤%•), Wm Iinyea K, pennon manned . ... ‘1$10 pension increased . 1050