Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/44

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1058 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 110. 1912. , Eding Go`;] B Seoo d Regimeu` f· mmmmom N;Tvb9Yl1>'1tlrIl(ifglunteerxl§1eavy ll{rlill°er‘_;*£('?ai’1ld1l;>.d¤yhim a pgnsion at_f·h0 rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of gnathe is noyv receiving. nw! BM- The name of Asbagyrd late oi Company D, First Regiment Colorado Cav th pay thl.:13'¥mpe:s;g:s;ctge rate of twenty- mon m eu o · _ I 6g|•m Kansas tear 1 an 8 pe Q . a' gte ofctlliirty dollars unmonth of thethe is now J¤¤••·¤¤•¤¤¤· The name of Josi%h?Chatiieléi, late of (glompapiies C a¤d_ F, t the B.eg1m` t Mich1gan° teer av an a pemion a _ rate oftizventy-four dol(l:h1E·r:iont·l.iri'h lieu ¢E‘that he isnovg vw-1 1*- ¤·¤·¤· The name of David M. ed, late of Company G, Thirty-engl: Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, anzlfpey lnm_a pension at_the rate of twenty-four dollaraper month mlieu that is now reoegV\¤8· Joseph mn. The name of Joseph Laws, late of Co F, Thirteenth Bogunmi Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, and paytmya pension at the rate of fort dollam per month in lieu of that he is novv receiving. ¤¤*°¤~“,,,_ °,m,_ The name of Martha A. Connor,_widow of Wilham P. Connor, late of Company H, Twenty-seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry · and formerrrwidow of `Vitruvius J late ofdBattei{{r D, t cnnessee unteer Light e , an a pension - inhznrate of twelve (dollars per month. ry Pay _

*¤¤*•¤*- ThenameofElihu Messer,lateofCompanyK,SeeondRm¤ient

° °*' United States Volunteer Infantz, and pay him a pension at _ rate of twenty-four dollars per mon in lieu of that he n nov reeesvmg. Mn ¤·¤¤·*¤- The name of John N. Cooter, late of Company F, Fourth Regiment Zégntneeswuullgilmww agifd a pension at the rate of 4 o rmon in eu a eisnowreeen . ¤¤¤¥ ¤·¥* °°•· Th); name oflilardy H. La Due, late of Complaliy K, Thirnlthmth Be} iment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and pay a at rah of twenty-four dollars per month in hen o that he is new receiving. '““""°""‘ The name of William Deary, late of Company D, First Regiment Michigan Volunteer Engineers and andgy him a at therateofthu·gdollarspermonthmheuof,that isnowreoemngq “°*"°·""· The name of onzo C. Neii, late of band, Fourteenth Ryment United States Infantry, and ay hun a pension at the rate o thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now ”"•"'°'· ThenamsofLouisPutoa lateiirstlieute¤ant0on‘;{>anyD,andeap— tam Company I, Seventh Regiment New Jersey V unteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is new ""'·’°‘“""~ The name of Perry B. Johnson, late of Compan D, First Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and pa a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of thathe is now

  • "°°""""'· 'ljhename ofA.llenTurner, late of Company B, Fjgth Bgment

Indiana Volimteer Cavalry, and pay a pension at rate forty mh dollarspermonthmlieugafthathensnowreeesvmg. _ _ ""“ name of Abram Ella, late of Compgy B, Forty-sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, pay a pension at rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ""°f•·•'¢*·***· Theuame_off1'liomasM.Smith,lateofCo D, Forty-ninth Regiment Ilhnons Voluntee Infanuy, and pammya pension at the rate of twenty-fourdollaz·s monthin Hen of éstheis now '””*•¤°~°°°*- :I.`h0D8lDBO{W•lll§\¤1c.@k'l$¢00f D,(kIBhHI\d!0dI@ thirty-seventh Regiment Illinois Volimteer antry, and pa him • pension at therateoftwmtrfourdollarspermonthmlieuelytliathe ’°“"·'••* u %namsv?John w. rea, late or Company 11, Ninth nqamm WQest Vol1mteerInfantry,and ylumapensionattherateof thirty per month in lieu of thaffie is new receiving,