Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/45

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. sms. II. cs. _11o. mz. 1059 The name of Julia Baldwin, widow of Edwin Baldwin late of Com- ·i°“• N*'*¤· pames E and C, Sutreth Regiment Indiana. Volunteer Infantry and psy her a pension_at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu oi that e 18 now receiving. The name of Priscilla L. Howe, former widow of John W. Pool, late ;,°,"‘g,;,,°{};L_ H", of Compang C, Fourth Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and widow of 6I.ll]B.lIIlD. Howe, late of Comgny E, Thirtieth Regiment Wisconsin Vo unteer Infantry, and pay r a pension at the rate of twelve dollars {per month. The name 0 George Heilen, late of Twelfth Battery Wisconsin Vol- Pensions sutures. unteer Light Artillery, and pay a pension at the rate of thirty dol- °°°"'° “°°°“· lars per month m lieu of that he is now The name of Franklin Heileu, late of Twelf_ Battery Wisconsin !‘*•¤¤¤¤¤•¤•¤· Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty _ dollars per month in lieu of that e is now The name of William R. Harris, late of CoI1:}:•any I, One hundred W¤11•¤¤· Hum and seventy-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer. antry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars pa month in lieu of that he 18 now The name of ared C. Meek, late of Company G, Fifth Regiment, and ·'•*•° °· ¥·•*· Company I, Sixth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Cavalry, and pay apensionattherateofthirtydollarspermonthmheuofthathers _ now receiving. The name of Lorentz Czameski, late of Company L,_ Fourth Regi— ¤¤'¤·¤ °¤¤¤••¤- ment Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry, and payohnn a pension at the rate of thirty dollars month in heu of that is now recexvmg. _ The name of Jggn Bettner, late of Company C, Fourteenth Reg- ·'•¤¤ ¤•¤¤¤*- ment Wisconsin Voluntea Infantzy, and pay hun ai pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars Ermon in lieu o that he is now receiving. The name of William late of Company C, Forty-£rst "m*·¤¥'¤¤*'r·=- Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer nlantry, and gy him a weren at the rate of twenty-four dollaraper month rn u of that is now recei . Thzmrfame of Ole A. Thompson, late of Company F, Fifteenth °‘° *·'"‘°”"'°"- Regiment _Wiscomin Volunteer Infantry, and lpay lnm a guinea at the mts of twenty-four dollars per month rn eu ot that ll new The name of Jams J. Pow, late of Company G, Twenty-ninth ·""°"·'·’°"’°'· R°‘i“}°?‘ mi3°i';.l°"‘“‘°°' ei "‘iZ‘ ‘}"i».‘§2’i$’*“° ° "°"°`°*` ’° °`° rate o o o mon rn u o rs now . The naihzof Foster late of Company I, ”“’°""·.“"°”’· and £fty-third Regiment Ohio Niational Gu Infantry, pay him a pension at tne_rate of twenty-four dollars per month in heu of

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name o William L. Moms, late of Company K, mety-eecon Remment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and optynhrm a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per monthjn lieu ‘_t he is new receiving. www uhm The nameof George W. Grism§* lateofCompany B, Ninety- ' seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer antrzi pay ham a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per mon m heu of that he is now receiving. The name of Charles W. Stratton, late of Compgfny K, 0116 h¤¤· °"'*"'"·““"°°"· dred and ninety-sixth Regiment Olno Volunteer antghand pay gmpmpurdonattherateofthirty-akdouuspermm mheuof at is now recei . ° The nameofCharles F. Deivert, late or Company B, One hundred """""·°""‘ and twenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvama Vo nmteer Infantry. Eyhima¤1sionattherateottwenty-fourdcllarspsrmonthm of that is now 87618°—-vcr. 37-rr 3--’