Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/559

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WIRELESS TELEGBAPH CONVENTION. Novmraaa 8, 1906. 1577 stances, certainesstations certain coastal station _ to be ‘é‘.1}.'¥.‘.T’,,..¢.“‘ °“°,;'.1¥‘?°‘..e.¤."°‘ Sb}; }'f§L'a*"§" ‘$.?£`°3°"’2‘1‘»§'§"2>i.'“` » 0 · Convention sous la condition que, ventiongprovided that, as soon ina des lfapplication de cette mesure, this measuregoesinto efect, there nl sont ouvert surutsion $:,111.11 be opened eglithin its terrinne ou Klgsneuis s ons soumises one tati b- aux ob tions glo Particle 3, et jecrgto tg wigs oimirlilcle aqurant le service radiotelegrxy 3, insutlgig, withiuxa the region plmixg: dans a region deserne where exem tati par Quotations eimempteesbgzlmne located, viirele; tt£l)e!;·al;>rlli mam respon ance u ue. service as needs Les Gouvernement:c\3mPdedmnt of the public Tile Govse reserver cette f te doivent ernmentsdesiring to reserve this en donner notification dans la right shall give notice thereof in forms proves au denxieme uma. the form provided for in the secde Particle 16 de la Convention, ond &)aragraph of. Article 16 of au plus tard trois mois avant la the nvention, not later than mise en vigueur de la Convention three months before the Common, dans le cas d’adhesions ulte— tiongoesintoeHeet,or, in caseof rieures, au moment de Padhesion. at the time suc esion. Les Pays dont les noms suivent The countries whose names fol- declarent, des I present, qu’ils ne low below declare novg that they se reserveront pas cette facultez will not msserve such right: Alle , German , Etats—E_ nis d’Amerique, United Ggiates, Argentme, Argon gutriche, austria, ongne, ungary golgigvoy BdauT" Grew. . Gy V» gonaco? grfonaco, orwa , §1’y'L¥2;, g:¤...l.,..»., oumame, ulpeml, RUBiS, B\I$ur Suede, Sweduh Uruguay. Ur¤g¤•7· m, III. Lemoded’ ecutio Themannerofcarryingoutj;he.,,.,.,.""“°'“”q,,.,.'f°“ sitions de l’a:h§ele prelcedent e- provisions of the foregoing article *¤*· d End du Gouvernement qnu se sert hall be at the discretion of the la faculte d’exem tion; ceG0u- Government yvluch takes advanvernement a pleine intent de de- tage of the right of exemption; cider de temps en temps, snivant such Government shall be at_libson propre jugement, eombnen de erty to decide from time to tune, stations et quelles stations seront m its own Auxnnt, hpw mm; exempteee. Ce Gouvernement a stations an t stations la meme liberte en ce be exempted. Such Government le mode d’execution e lacondi- shalllikewise be at libertyasretieare1ativea1’ouvertxued’autres gd: de Particle 3 et a¤:r-an: le service ing Io! other stations subject to radiotelegraphique dam la region the obligations of Article 3. mour-