Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/560

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1578 WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CONVENTION. Navman 3, 1906. Assam-ub les stations exam , within the_region where the tees dkingumanihre stations ais logged, ‘ rrespondance su telegrap seru as

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]v_ IV. » ¤¤¤¤<>v;·•¤* ¤g mmmdu u’a{·inde me It is understood that, in orde twigs?. mm engaver les prog;-es not to impede pro?·es•, les de Particle de the provisions of Article 3 o the la Convention n’empechent pas Convention shall not prevent l’emploi éventuel dun systems eventual emlployment of a wireradiotélégraphique incapable de less talegrap_ system mcapableof commumquer avec d’autres sye- commumcat§, with other systAmes;pourvutoute foisquecette tems,_prov1 _ however, that incapacitésoitduealanatxirespé- such mca acuty shall be due to oiiique de ce steme et qu’elle thexxicrniiznatureofsuchsystsm ne soit pas Pdget de and t1tshallnotbethsresult ad tés uniquementenvue d’•n- of adoptsd_ for_ the sole pegher Pintercommumcataou. purposepf preventing mtercom- _ mnmncation. V. V.

 L’adhésion A la Convention du The adherence to the Conven-

P’°“°'°"‘°‘* Gouvernement d’1'1n pays ayant tion by theGovernment ofacoundescolonies,possessioneot:‘£lrotec- try having colonies, possessions toratsne comporte pas l’ ésion ortgrotectorates shall not carrly desescolonies,possessionsou wi It the adherence of its co — tectorats, A mo1ns_d’une dég onies,m5ossessions or protectortion A cet eifet de la part do ce ates, ess a declaration to that Griuvernement. L’en:£embledeces etiect is Srlzide lby such Governco onies, possessions rotector- ment. co onies, posessnons ats ou chacun d’eux sélparémant and protectorates as a whole, or t faire Pobject d’une adhesion each of them separately,may form Ftgtincte ou d’uns dénonciation thesubjectof aseparateadherence distincte dans les conditiom pre- or a separate denunciation within vues aux articles 16 et 22 de la the provisions of Articles 16 and I H Convention. . 22 o the Convention. aww. Il est entendu que les stations It is understood that the sta- A bord de navires ayant leur port tions on board of vessels whose d'attaohe dansune colonie, posses- headquarters is a port in a colony, sion ou protoctorat peuvent étre goesessiou or protectorate may no désignées comme relevant de eemedassubjectto theauthoiity Pautorité de cette colonic, pos- of such colony, possession or prosessnon ou protectorat. tectorate. VI. VI. ¤.”i§,'°"°"°° °’ Il est pris acte de ladéclaration Note is taken of the following “"iZ2‘5‘§¤g. - mm., "°%“£‘i‘L..¤°“’ tionf en`- delegationin' - nant la Convention doit toutefsé ing the Convention does so Swain faire laréserve que la Convention the resuvation that the Convennslpfurra 6tre ratiiiéede la part tioncaunotberatiiiedonthepart de talioq¤’Aladatedel’ex§:- of Italyuntil the dats of the extziondesesoontratsavecll. - irationofhercontractswithL•ir. conietsaCom `,ouA1me&arconia:ndhis date plus ra si le Gon- anearlierdateifthe