Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/798

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1912. 1755 northwestern angle of this tract of l d arked th 'th . "•* ¤• ¤ ·¤ No. 1, which point is located at a dis·tuanceg02 mdtldrs fiiopdimtlizlnort. ‘m°"°°°R:°°:• western angle of the that was formerz a `sil, and in the lin. running in the same direction of the front si of said building and passing at a distance of one meter from the most projecting part of the iiprtheqntziigekelf tls: builxng; thence this pointgd in the direcono e, esou ernmargm 0 ti ad S. 67° 44’_34,8" the sexagesimal division or 1;4]?°?!i 2l(;1u{d18!t;l1- tesimal division, 405.65 feet or 123 meters and 63 centimeters to gomt No. 2; thence along more lands of The People of Porto . 22° 15’ 25.2" W. equivalent to 224.°73 in the centesimal division, a distance of 150.53 feet, or 45 meters 88 centimeters to the fint N0. 3; E§‘Zi‘$§.-‘§.’3§ ‘°‘°t¥'$£¤.‘$.i‘%“?»,%4°”·¤‘3“if} }§£?.1esms3°t”‘*§} · =§°‘2‘.ii°'£ , . vim n, tance of 425.3§(ieet or 129.64 meters to the point No. 4; thence ale the lands of the Old Jail N. 22° 15' 25.2" E3 or 24.°73 in the division, a distance of 278.87 feet, equivalent to 85 meters ug to the pomt No. 1 that was the startuag pomt. _ This tract of lan covers anu;ap§o;8:‘s;}_7t?“cz;aarnd76sq.Pm.,e1qu¥alentto2acr:•i. - _ . acm m wm. land situated in the third zone of the suburb of Puerta de Tierra, in the Munici— ality of San Juan, bounded on the north by lands of the Military llieserve and lands of The People of Porto Rico destined for the construction of a jail or a penitentiary on the south b§ Road No. 1; on the east by tlie said of Thslllieople of {gte ico set asidei for th; greet by Otheolanx oiugthl; bliliiiltry gervzuirrgsre the Wireless Telegraph is now situated, the boundaries being as follows: at a stone landmark located in the northern side of the road whic forms the southeastern angle of the land occupied by the Wirelem Station; starting hour; that paint mgk?1 in babe lan with this lligdz d al lin t t ma unsazy wi e gthe Wire essoggation N? 21° 21’ 2§" §., eqtuiv ent to 23.°73 in the centesimal division to a distance of 400 fee or 121.92 meters to the point No. 6; thence continuing along the lands of the M.il1tary_ Rezam N·.8*° ‘*%·t::·‘;·:..“·¤*.:.z;m‘:; 1*;;*;: ‘ ‘ ‘ an o , . , Yi-i1sti(N1o.0;; athence 68° 38' 34.8;%. or 123.°73 in the centesimal division for a distance of 987.24 feet, equivalent to 300 meters Q1 centimeters, to point No. 4; thence along the tract of land set aside by The Peo le of Porto Rico for the erection of a yail or a penitentiary, S. 22° lg' 25.2" W. or 224;:173 in tl1f2geg1tesxmt':lrsdr¥xsion_ for `? dx; f404.73f t, ° tt0 .6me ,0 info. · ther(i:e0S. 67° 44' ezjlixivalent to 124.°73 in tlicocentesimsl division for a distance of 405.61 feet, equivalent to 123 meters 63 centimeters to point No. 2· thence S. 22° 15' 25.2" W., equivalent to 224.°73 in the centesimal division, for a distance of 250 feet, equivalent to 76.20 metem to point No. 1 situated on theportlrern side ot the road; thence along this side the rpad_N. 67° 44 34.8 eqmvalent to 824.°73 in the centesunal division for a distance 1 86.36 feet, equivalent to 544.48 ngeteis to the point No.:fwlnch s?;rtmgpomt. _Thmz>u-nmetermcludesanextenston land a. 42 ca., ?ol:fViI»lJ!I. touil.73 acres. to Sm A _ of 3. · . . 1andsiti1ated`in thethirdsoneof thesuburbelP¤ertade'1‘1ei·r•,m th0M\1l1iC1§lIY]0fS¢IlJ\l·l!l, boundeglon thenorthl:y·Rood‘I§o;_I:: on the sout by waters ofSana.ntomo Channel; on east J k.i1ndmgtha1t:waste$•dya,]adandhmvthe_pm¤-:yi· the baeeo m ‘ , _. °°¤· panyodxncelgwatinp lands ofElth?zPbople ol Porto Rico. and on the west