Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/799

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1756 PROCLAMATIONS, 1912. wu neenenene gg gheinlennh belong to_TheaE’e1•i1;;len•;£t£<;;·tow1l1nic:;11El;g ofthistrectoflandin thepointmsrkfeiin theplnns withthe No. 2, and situated where the northward grgongation of the western front line of the Old meets the line , runmng parallel to the puncipal front ot this buildiriiihgoes up to e distance of e meter from the “‘*’lP”‘?f°°&“§3"§‘.¥3‘ ¤,2°:~“°m..t..::$:.:‘°*2*ek*:'.$r;.=;;,*:·;·:i*:.‘:¤ IDG.? . • gnu; S. 22° 1s' 2s.2" gi, equivalent to 224.°73 in the centesimel divisiolxa, to a distance of 486 feet, equivalent to 148.13 meters to int o.3;thencealongthewatersp£SanAntqmoCl1n:nnelN. §;° 44' 34.8" W., equivalent to 324.°73 m the centesimgil division for a distance of 60 feet,. equivalent to 18 meters 29 centimeters to the int No. 4; thence some lands of 'l`he Peoplepf Porte lhcc N. g;° 15' 25.2" E., eqm ent to 24.°73 in the centesimel division for o. . ° .".,u1ven . mecen-

1.."*¤3.::*..#°;’%‘z*;* 1%-23 e·*“·· ’°.{’°‘2‘t.,’*§.‘;4‘é7‘é."’“‘z?; ·‘·····=

tesimal division for a of 60°?eet, equivalent to 18.29 meters to point No. 2 which is the startmg:5»mt. This perimeter encloses anextensionof1sndot27a.9ca. sqAem.,equ1valentto0.67 IGI!. 4.1 theWard Pu¢rladeT•¢rm° North the0arrdera.'1`rect of lantlsitueted in%e second zone of the subnqb of Puerta de Tierra, in the Municipalit of San Juan, bounded on the north and eeet by the lamhsof the Rteleelrve are nov; occénlpied bybthe Wireless' tati u; e so o. an on w t sbtgeet without?na:¢i11;,fh1;;)>wIi1 as xflalle detlah de 91‘ir:’£, tig; undnnesbungss c werbxnnnign e . .angleo S‘.f..2°5.1Z.".Y*’¤i‘...¤.‘é’.' ?3$'2§%5n$'% §gi‘.?$$¤'?.$.?tS€3‘l‘i'.i’·‘?7‘$°l'¤°‘?1.f’a tesimn1divmc",£ distanceo¥1.5ft, Hniluese grams 24 ctzngigefitegsrwilpomt No.·2·[ gnenceogg 1§%u3;§.8' Iv., ° t . meeen' vision,ora' e65 gist, eguivalent to 19 meters 81 centimeters, to point No. 3 tlibnce §l“Z.‘*e ’ "°¤i?°“"‘ t...¤'“*° °’ ii? ·""" I? "° $$11 w‘:.¢°‘l‘¥§’§'3°“? *2* in een vmen, or s ce . ee ,-

?uivslent to 52 meters 83 to the point No. 4; thence

_ otnhg the street wndtgnqut T 39 46°}886E& S 4}'°0t; 8 OBB VISIOII, C0 . 00 DIV B11 2]:1 meters 38 centimeters to point_No. 1 which is the salrting int. @perim:;.1er:nclo;g7sne¤tennonoflandof10a.88ca.2)8,sq. . en to acre. 5. ilhqlgluertadq Tierra North Kuoumaathe Naval Ho•p•talR¢•¢rvatum. 'hactoflsndsituatedmtheixstmdsecond zones of the suburb of Puerta. de Tierra, in the Municipality of San Juan, bounded on the north b lamb of the Hilitary Reservation and m..*:·.¥"4·;·.¢·é.**.12.,%..·*·.y*.1·..*;£1.°‘X*‘. .,..*z:.°:.:.**·..·;*:*“*...‘·>’ *E:;·:i§m er: People of Porto Rico, by laiids of D. lamb of the Cst ohc Church and the Asylum of the_Sxsters of Qxanty, and on the west by lands of the the the Sisters 2‘u°*~"*s.i·¤i.·3.‘#¤“·.,°i.:.#·S »‘%‘°“.:£‘:,·*.;.i.“·,..,.. mm 0 OHS . . Y monument lagenplscedonthenortheznsndeof theroad, this tm t m o. ' ¤·*·==.;:··.:·,.*:.·?,,·** ¤···*··* ··‘..**a*·.d‘·::’ ‘;‘**·.l...,*’··*.:.‘.**·1.:.¥.:*E·;,*·:t;·%·**·· lltegervatgon N :0fEh to' 23;°50 the vision, s ce . ee 1 tus nieters toorpoint Ne. 8; thence S. ° 5G' B. or 136i27·4 in th?:en·