Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/976

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1918 mnmx. Intenqnu of Pur- Inuntafq Qosmuree nt§nued. Paapumahmen bnakmgseals unseen- Commune ma une camers avmg tainingtreightorexpres in 670 l!:élWidlW|t£l'CIIIi?l’l'R! ste•ling,etc.,sbi_pme¤1gsmfore1ggand.. 670 foreign busma to make sumlar havingmpo¤e¤pn•r¤cleest¢:1lenm,etc. 670 _ other .. gg; Qealmgbaggngemfozrengnan intentate mah hou smceed .. In ... : .. :. 670 ennvrceiasnt _ ugequez ..  % ving m possesamn baggage stolen m yncal uauon rulroads ... suchtransit . . .. 670 gvesdgalionotvalneofallpropertyof carrying mlm articles into and: commoncarriua ... 701 _ _ State, etc . . : _ .. 670 experts, etc., for, authorised . . . 701 jurnsdicuoazqf Sum? ll0tl.III¤§fB\'L.. 670 take ... yndgmen a prosecn unda ven propertym . ..

 ... : .. 3;..;; 670   road and 701

rgulauem in serum, . eqm meh .. domestic animals .. 832 e0¤t0fpmpl;·ty_ asaeom- 701 [,,“,,¤“ 0,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,;,,,-,,, moncarnc . . ..

 ______ g __________ 43-; other valuutobeaseertained  701

Eupenngregulatingcommerce .. 437 °°¤*°7k¤d¤»°*°·;“¤¤df¤¥P¤¥P¤¤¤°f for enforcing reports, mfon-mation, et., °°mm°¤ cum? ~-·-··-- · ---·-··-·—- 701 from common carries ... 431 » 4¤¤·¢¤f,1>¤>1>•r¢y1¤¤¤<if¤r¤¢¤¤¤r 701 iwarbiuatingnilway employed diE¤~ m'°'“8%¤¤¤°7**‘*°'°f¤P°*····;-··. -·-· 70* to 3,;:,: ______________ __________ 437 finaxgcal arrangements, 701 -My B I •••»•••••••••·¤-••••·••••••••••• 7 __________ 13 ____ _______ gy earnmgsandexpendmus . t... 701 ¤. u,,°g,{,]°¤,. valued and, pants, etc., from United many, · _____________________ 43-; States, Stamefc . 701 forprintingmdhrinding; . . 482 *·m°“P*Y¤¤¤ f¤>¤1!¤l¤¤» qw ---· ;·· 702 degcizlbcy appmghmm ____ _ _’ ____ 622 co ¤e¤c., made m consnderamn 702 °' e¤Z¤...° . YYTKI? .. ms P*°°°d“'°*°”°“*‘7i7;wl;é?7·I;;'7I;&7Y9‘ forexpenses, determiningphyslcalvalua- °°¤¤P¤¤ °*·"¤¤» ¢]•¤£°d md m ho¤_ofni1r¤•d• . 916 . }7°'!“] --~··-········-·~- 702 hwmmgmdbhmng _____ _ _________ gg; mvshgnan tocommeneemthmmxty books, maps, ew-, of Natrona} Watering YE--·· --···~-···-· · •••····-•--·•· 702 Comxnisionrelatiugtorailvnyshr P*°’°°““°7!» ’°P°'°• W: ········ ·· ···•• wz tumd 0,,,, wu. ____________________ m eommoncameutotumaixneeegrydecufourth clan mail classniication, ntee, etc., m€¤¤» ¤’°°'d¤· W? ····-·-·······•• 702 readjustment subjecttocdnecqt of.. 558 *u°’77’°°*cc°!°‘ZP'°P°'°(¥{ °°°•··:···· 702 ¤····¤···*···*··¤·,:,·*'*·;*.§· .;3°;§’3‘.‘::.“&°,.“‘ "‘..,";:‘.§¤c Y"“*‘§.%‘.;· ZKQ transferred c u com- , ¤¤¤P•° - - ”“*‘*°“ ···· ,; ···77··;,;··“···,,·,,··;·;,; °°° “°'“L'$.'{.‘&?‘v.m...‘“ %c“t%‘b"2.?‘??.2‘.§2“°" m to mveet1ga' te report e . . • . · . ···· propcrty·:fcomm0¤ca.rrieru. . .. 701 ¥¤Vll¤|§I•¤d wuechnnahom umoto 702 Intarfau Commerce lation: U? ‘‘‘‘‘‘ I ‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘°‘'‘‘'‘‘ ap priationfor1{:x?•la7cing...' . 464 mmm mini? ‘‘ ° ‘‘’'‘'‘'‘ "’° gg ra£:•downing,et.c.,competix1gwat.ercar~ cn ml · bw ‘’‘' '"E ‘° rieroperat.ingthroughPanamaOana1 - °°"' °”I °'°P°m· ° ‘* °° .,02 or elsewhere, unlawful after July 1, muave vu "I1 ‘‘‘‘‘ 3;*.% ‘‘‘‘ ‘A‘|‘I"’é‘ I mv"`- '‘‘'‘ I ul"! ‘'‘'‘‘ I'- °’' M6 General Governor etc Y 702 de °°m'7g"7?°*:;l·= ···· 777777 5**7 to b¢¤¤’€${°md$"5°:¤hm¤¤8s${$t$fZZII gg °'d°°°“2‘°mm¤°°a°*l ‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘’‘ 567 protaststovaluatiens; .. 705 vepels owned, etc., 'by umu eacluded chmguupouh · __________________ mg from Panama Canal; determmatiun - colmcted __________ ____ 703 s>f¢¤·¤ -·-· -··---·------—-- 567 anuvuuauumwbepubuarea ,.. vw servwe not excludmg, etc., com utwn pim, {mg, evidence in dl judkid lm, · may be continued, except Ervngh wading, _________________ _ _________ 793 P*¤*m*c*·¤*7 ··-·· z -·•···-······-·· 567 eiect of new evidence introduced in Elingraxes, etc., reqmred Z . .. 567 wm _____________________________ 7m h€¤¤¤€$ of ¥€q¤$“ 7** °¤°¤¤°¤ ····• 667 consideration by Commimion; actinm. 703 Commimiou w have of trans- judgmentpn order . ... 7N gortatxonbynxlandvaterthmnngln cnongrnalomderxfnotchangedby anama Canal, etc . 568 Comnnnon ... 703 w' utablish dock connection between provisions applicable in receivers and nil and vatercarriera. . . ... 568 operanngtrusteu ... .. . 703 degmination of terms; dock owner- 668 penalty fordafncomplianceg continued for 703 w '£6¤i¤§J `i£&` $8 www °e$}.¤¢¢·` “ ""m"`¤"&5 ```` M rates . . . plush , ... . .. turn dconditiou . 568 regulauona ernlrg openf of radiv to proportional rates, terra, ...·- W! ne. hr mee by raal no and from regulationsetiuppmg, .,1mportedu¤!· ponagtnflieaffected. ... 56B• su·y¢ock,e¢n ···· SN