Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1425

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mnnx. olxxix Newbern, M C'., Flirst Ba trot P•••· Nimntio Bay, Conn., Pla-

 of Courtof   to » 980 preliminary examination, etc., cf, to be

N C-, First Prubylmlm made . 1056 Npa ent of Court of Claims iindings to 980 Nrearagua, er0g:·y,_S£iC.,f b bun _ 11 appropriation 10I} l'D4.-· ... 442, 1116 ap prra on orpu ding ... ... orsecre 0 tro 443 NmE,'I’o.u p., _ _ °"“ “ paymer¥tofC0urtofClaunsiindmgt0hnirs 984 payment of (.;ourtofClaims tindingsto the 9 0 town 0 . .,,,.,. 70 ”“°“"’°··'€?'w but .-tt-., 11,613 or ”‘*’“'“"‘i“z€2’··“‘¥‘a‘r".r“m.°“rL?'”‘dr..,.· 97 a propna on or pu u , n 0 urt to 0 lilrlnit of cost increased, public building at. . 554 N 1gernu SE.,0D. C'., _ Newcastle, Wyo., _ _ _ _ a propnatron for paving . .‘ 527 deficiency appropriation for public b1uld— 563 Nigel, . . .. u on . . ... . .. . . ..,.,... 129 Newhmnelfql W, _ _ :llyoys .. 129 paynwnt oi 3; Claims findings to ad- 984 artrclega not specially provided for, not 130 mlm.! t .. . . . lated etc . ,,_,_..,.. , ,,,_ _ , , Newport, firly., _ _ _ bars§?.-.l3 . ’ . .. 129 appropriation for public building 11, 613 ingots ,,.. . .,,,,,,..,.._,,..,...,o,,__, 129 use of balance of appropriation for site, metal sheets coated with . . . 124 Searcy, Ark ... 11 oxide _,..,,,,,,,__,,,,,___,,,, , ,______, 129 bridge authorized across White River at., . M7 pigs .. . 129 Newport, Me., plates .,,,,,,..,..,,,,..,,_,,,, I2! condernrggl cannon granted to Grand Army 1199 ... . gg --·.·.-·.·--..··.- s . ... Newport, M C'., Primitive _Bnpti•t Qrurds, sheets orplates with other motalimposed 124 Npayment of Court of Clarms Sndmgs in 980 su-ips _,,,,,,,____,,.,,,,,,,,.,,_____ _ , 12Q ewport Nms, Va.,_ _ on {ree list, ore and matte . . . 160 preliminary examination, etc., to be made, Nght Lights, for small boat harbor to York River. 1057 uty on .., . .. . ,... 148 Newport, I., f val man Niobrara River, Igebr., dsc { a propna on or na torpedo n s puh repo:] bri Sanpf maiutognaée, ego., - ._ . - .. 9:99, gg? M ppm toe and ggnca Indians . 91 or torpedo on, mldmgp ... for pu lic building, additional sito. . 613 dn ,,..,,...,,,..,.,... . ...,. 130 for public building; rent ... . 827 Nipperrinl: Lake, unexpended balances available for dredg- 1050 bndgelppthonzed across in Lake County, mg . 765 Newspaper- Wrappers, Stamped, Niur Cake, aptpropnntron or irerght, or expremage on. 300 on imo lrgt ,,_,_,,__,,,_,,_ _ ,,,,...,_,,,_. 162 or manufacture ... 302 Nitrate Land: (su Mineral `Lands, Nonmetalfor drstnbutron, etc 302 lij:2. deficiency appropriation for freight or ex- Nitrate of mmonia, preseago on . 796, 1150 on me use _________,,_,_,__,_,__,,_______ 153 Newspapers, _ _ _ Nitrates, etc., Natunrl Fertilizers, duty on prrntrnfg paper for, not specially appropriation for invest§stin§ source of provided or . . _ . . .. . 144 ;1y;ply oi, within nite States. 432, 1108 additional, from country imposing export Nitric A , duty on, etc . . . .-·.-·-·· 144 on free list . . . 152 on free list . . . .. . ..,.. 160 Nitro-Benzol, printrng paper for, valued not over 2} duty on .. 115 . cents per pound .. _ . 160 Nitro en, monthly report of shipments by publrshers on kg 11,;, mm ________ _ __________,____ 153 in lieu of bills of lading; stamps re- Nitrotoluol, quired .. . . ... . .···-- ; - · 761 duty on . . . ... 115 shipments within county of publication Nixon, R. B., Newton 3;: .. . ... 761 deticientiy appropriation for compensation, 574 , ·, e ... . ... Npayment of Court of Claims findings to 979 Noble, Leroy, ewfvo. IMM. _ _ _ _ payment of Court of Claims findings to addeiicrency appropriation for public build- 563 mjninmgoy of _____________________ 965 In ··········-···-···-·-·-· · ··-·- Nobksville, Ind., N$`i?i¤i*t'$n¤l§¤iii餤¤¤¤ sem ¤>· --··------- M d°6°i°iir?’Rt2*?lliti?l1.i?iBlillllillllfil 563 NZ ’°f.?°’¤'Q"t§’3“§"r,;°}”.§T.‘$.’a.{€‘$cr,,, 87 Nj19¤'#·*»¤*=-» . . Nezpging Indlhmy Wash" Jouphk ' eiicicncy appropriation for publrc bulldappropriation for support, etc., of ... 100, 604 . mg ’° ’'‘°``` ‘' ’ ’'‘ ‘ ‘ ' 563 Nez erce Natrlmal Forest, Idaho, Nmbr W°‘Zlv . . appropriation for maintenance, etc., of- 428, 1098 °¤ {N6 115*, Cafbomzedy ¤0l¥ Hpwnlly P1'0· Niagara Fam, M Yi, wdrd *0* ·---· . -·-------··-·-—-·---—- 165 condemned cannon granted 00 .. . .. 1205 mt specmuy Pmuded fw ········*····· 164 Nrhgara River, Nolaaoo, Gertrude, _ _ bridge across, authorized at Lewiston, N. Y. 803 payment of Court of Claims Endings to 973