Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/255

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RESOLUTIONS. v . • l · · fo déll'8 · th of state srsstdzrzlmts mmsmmd tmptmszzsssevs [rub. nes, N¤.1.1 and resent the Senate and House at the unverling and dedication of the memorid gggfhomas Jeierson, at St. Louis, Mimoun. Resolved by the Senate and House ey Regvresentatives of the United '“*°'!'”,, ’°“"“‘°“‘ States of America in Congress assembled, That there gs hereby appropriateill, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,. th f ° mz APP, '°, P§§"*°,jw{,‘;{ ‘]ls`o(i· d)<Iii·i;§‘i.:; the expenses of the members of the committees of anal <=¤¤¤¤=i¤·¤¤ =*· the Senate and House of Representatives, authorized to attend and 'f,_T°‘"‘*ts°‘°°I°°i°’ represent the Senate and House at the l.lI1VB1l1£!1g and dedication of the memorial to Thomas Jeifers0n_at St. Louis, Missouri, on A<pr11 pghlilrtieth, nmetelenuheundged and theorteen, twenty-fivehlguindred olr m c reo as ma necessary, 0 w c sum one thousgindsodollgrs shall be accrecgted to the Senate, to be expended under the girécdongnddbydtge order of nigljp tgdergesépt-at—Arm‘s of tbs- Setean teenunr 0 acc to eaocoimoan exggnded under the direction and by the order of the Sergeant-at- Arms of the House of Representatives, upon vouchers to be pjpproved by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent x§enses 0 the Senate, and by the Committee on Accounts of the ouse, respectively. Approved, April 25, 1913. [§?¥.ts3?’£1 €§§,§,$,i§,i}?;§gE°&?‘§,?°t§e“““°‘pss1;’$?i’§§E‘;‘i§?é?§‘1'$E£ E{‘;°m.“° "°»?r°.i§t$‘d“m`Ti um. nes, Ns. z.; een. Resolved by the Senate and House 0; Rriqglesentatimes of the United new ems. States of America in Congress ass , t there is hereby appro- $?$‘}§¥.,,,’2£’.E{.‘T priate , out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise appropri- V¤r 3% PP- 5%*5*- ated, to enaple the Pogtmastef Gerlrerag gl caArry out effectively the rovisions 0 sections ve an e` t 0 e ct mak1ng` appropriaiions for} the iervice of thehPosit·0(?;§"rce(§)ep¤§l·tment, app5oveIdpAr§§ust twenty- ourt nineteen un an tw ve, the 0 owin di-» tions.; sugisédbeinf cieliligziencies fori the service of the fiscal yegr nineteen un r an theen namey: ,,§,;”°{,*{;’,'{‘,$?‘““‘“’ For temporary and aumliary clerks in post offices, $300,000. r_s:'¤¤m¤u,¤m,w· sgggibggbstitute, auxiliary, and temporary city delivery carriers, Approved, May 21, 1913. i ¤¤¤·¤¤3· *..1* 1* ·· r· , lg Raj; I ,,£?r2§sL r§‘i££iZS.E€££}‘“€§$2£§c?$¤ ¤2%°}.‘Z§1‘£...‘f’ "°°°"“ ’“‘ ‘““°°‘“°” ‘° I1 . Q., 0. . _ Resolved by the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United r¤¥ii§r°:¤i1i:°·ii¤mi?•?¤1i' States of Amenkza in Congress assemble; That the President is hereby %P'·°¤°° °'” *¤'*· authorized to accept an mvrtation extended by the Netherlands Government to the Government of the United States to participate. me