Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/256

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s1;xrY-THIRD couennss. Sess. 1. Rss. 3, 5, 6. 1913. 237 by del tes in an International Conference on Education to be held at Th:§ague in the year nineteen hundred and thirteen: Prmnkied, That no appropriation shall be granted at any time for expenses of . iielegates or any other expenses incurred in connection with said conerence. Approved, May 22, 1913. {No. 5.] Ioint Resolution Appmopriating $4,000 to defray traveling expenses of [§°'}°g5,¥`¥€g] so diem of the Civil War, now resndiniin the District of Columbia, from Washington, District of Columbia, to Gettysburg, ennsylvania, and return. [Pub- B°°··N°· *·l Resolved by the Senate and House 1;% Figreeentatives ezf the United States of A·meriea in Gtmgrese asaemb , at to defray he travelin§ ,,§:§§,‘;,, irupeuses of all honoralgly discharged soldiers of the Civil War, a.nd_o h·:1;1:r{>pr¤t¤¤ fo); soldiers of the Conf erate Armies who rendered honorable service name ol comm therein now in the District of Columbia, from Washington, '°‘°"°“· District of Columbia, to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and return, to °‘”“.SS..r,"*° ““?ht§.?%S “’£‘&’$d i‘.h° °°li’.bT»’L°i."iS°f Ft? I`§i“i§"‘h A.iiii1. v o the o , e a et ys urg, y first, second, third, and fourtli's hundred and thirteen, -there is_appropriated, one half out of any moniay in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and one half out of e revenues of the D1BtHCli ,§f,,,’f""‘ ”*"‘*" of Columbia, the sum of $4,000, or so much thereof as may be necessaghat such riation shall be expended b a commission, con- ,,,‘§,,"§"""‘°" "°"" siting of the tary of War, Colonel Thomas S. Hopkins, fpast oommandor of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department o the Potomac, aud Captain D. B. Mull, e¤:—commander of the United Confederate Veterans, of a post in Goofgifb residents of the District of Columbia. That said commission is authorized to adopt such rules for the ’·'“°'·°“· determination of the persons entitled to transportation hereunder as they may deem proper. Approved, June 27, 1913. , oiut Resolution Autbo ' the Secrets of War to loan certain tents Jiiiiliihiilot mmtgehieoil the Ooniederate Ve n, to blzheld at Brunswick, Georgia, inluly, nineteen hundred and thirteen. ' ° Resolved by the Senate and House o Representatives of the United I I States of America in Oorngreee aesemblufr That the Secret of War bo, mcimaeuumu, and he is hereby authorized to loan, at his discretion toathe executive "°,}g,‘}Q;, mm mq committee of the Confederate Veterans’ Reumon, to be held at Bruns- M- wiclli, Gegsrgia, the month ofltluly, nineteen hungred and thirteelné suc ten,wi necess poes,11 ,p1¤.sancotsasmay required at said reunionxirl’rovieled, 'E no expense shall be caused the United States Government by the delivery and return of said property, the same to be delivered to said committee designated at such time prior to the holding of said reunion as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of War and J. G. Weatherly, 'Fleneral chairman of said execu— new mum. tive committee: And provided further, at the Secretary of War shall before delivering such properity, take from said J . G. Weatherly a good and sufficient bond for the s e return of said pro rt order and condition, and the whole without expense to tgz llrni States. Approved, July 10, 1913.