Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/490

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 141. 1914. 471 (one transferred to Loans and Currency Division) ; six messe er boys, at $360 each; two compositors and pressmen, at $1,600 eallcli; silver piler, $1,000; four money counters and handlers for money laundry machines, at $900 each; skilled laborer, $1,200; in all, $359,250. For the force detailed to the Ofhce of the Treasurer of the United t,$Q°,‘;§§, "°“‘ S“b' States, under authority of Act of March fourth, nineteen hundred and va. 37,.p. rss. thirteen, from the various Subtreasuries, as follows: Office of the assistant treasurer at Baltimore: Clerk, $1,200; two B¤l*¤¤¤*¤· clerks, at $1,000 each; four money counters and handlers for laundry machines, at $900 each; in all, $6,800; Oflice of the assistant treasmer at Boston: Two clerks, at $1,200 B¤¤¢¤¤- each; clerk, $1,000; clerk, $900; in all, $4,300; Oflice of the assistant treasurer at Chicago: Bookkeeper, $1,800; °"*"‘g‘” eight clerks, at $1,200 each; clerk, $900; in all, $12,300; _ Office of the assistant treasurer at Cincinnati: Clerk, $1,800; clerk, mmm $1,200; four money counters and handlers for laundry machines, at $900 each; in all, $6,600; A Oiiice of the assistant treasurer at New Orleans: Bookkeeper, NWO °°“s' $1,500; clerk, $1,200; clerk, $1,000; four money coimters and handlers for laundry machines, at $900 each; in all, $7,300; Oflice of the assistant treasurer at New York: Assistant chief of N"' Y°"" division, $2,250; clerk, $2,100; two bookkeepers, at $2,000 each; two clerks, at $1,600 each; two bookkeepers, at $1,500 each; two clerks, at $1,500 each; four clerks, at $1,400 each; three clerks, at $1,g1({0;ach; clerk, $1,200; clerk, $1,100; four clerks, at $1,000 each; in , 33,350; Oiiice of the assistant treasurer at Philadelphia: Clerk, $1,400; P"““‘“*""* clerk, $900; in all, $2,300; Oilice of the assistant treasurer at Saint Louis: Assortinghteller, gmt I’°“*“‘ $1,800; two clerks, at $1,500 each; two clerks, at $1,200 eac ; four monlcjiy counters and handlexs for laundry machines, at $900 each; in a , $10,800; Office of the assistant treasurer at San Francisco: Clerk, $1,800; Sm F”‘“°"‘°°‘ clerk, $1,400; two clerks, at $900 each; in all, $5,000; Total from Subtreasuries, $88,750. And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to transfer ,,,}f'§}‘2{$§“·;l§{,¤L?;,‘}},1,?§ and appoint in the office of the Treasurer of the United States such 0%;:3, p_.,55_ of the employees, in his discretion, as are now employed in said office ’ under details authorized by the Act of March fou , mneteen hun- (lféd Bild l}l1l1‘l.'»06H· _ , Redemption of my- For the force employed in redeeming the national currency (to ami mmcy. be reimbursed by the national banks): Superintendent, $3,500; teller, $2,500; bookkeeper, $2,400; assistant teller, and assistant bookkeeper, at $2,000 each; clerks--five of class four, seven of class three, mne of class two; expert counters——-thirty-five at $1,200 each, fifty-two at $1,000 each, forty-two at $900 eac , Efty at $800_each; two messengers; four assistant messengers; four charwomen; in all, $222,520. Salaries and e enses, Postal Savings System: Accountant, $2,000; t.§,?”°‘ S°`"““ S”' clerks——three ofxi-class two, two of class one (two transferred to Treasurer’ s office), four at $1,000 each; expert counter, $900; in all, $13,500. For repairs to canceling and cutting machines in the office of the c,§§§,°P““g· °‘°‘* ’“°' Treasurer of the United tates, $200. Pwchm 0, mg For purchase of laborsaving machines and tabulatir;g_equiH;ne11t, casual appliances, including exchange, repairs, miscellaneous expenses o msta 131911, °°‘ cards and filing devices, and for rental of tabulatinghand card-sorting machines, for use in the office of the Treasurer of the United States, $10,000. . mg1sm·s ounce. Orrrcn or Rnorsrnn or mn Tnnssuarz Register, $4,000; Assistant Register, $2,500; chief of division, $2,000; clerks·-·two of class