Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1246

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xxiv INDEX. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy—Con. l’=18¤· Bureau of Ordnance, Navy, Page- Hospital Corphséd enlisted men, pay, etc., appropriation for ordnance and ordnance establi 573 stores . 563, 1175 hospital and ambulance service . . . . 573 clerical, etc., services . ... 563, 1175 service of officers and men with Marines for smokeless powder .. - 563, 1175 detached to Army, subject to rules, price of powder restricted . 563, 1175 · s,$°e‘},‘§§°§£;;,;a ‘ truss :,;.4.; 573 ""5§'f3?4i’,J§2‘,’é°{,€S,,E° ‘““ °"°”“%‘és 1175 mcr c .. . . - , Medical Department ... 224 for Naval Gun Factory ..,.., 563, 1175 Medicina Corps; percentage of authorized 576 ger naval mpgage, Puget Sound, Wash. 563 o cers. -, .. . . . or rojecti ep t .. 563, 1175 advancement in rank, lower grades; as- 6 f liiiiit of cg increased .,,.,.,.,_, _ 1175 sistant surgeons 57 or armor p t, erection, etc .,.._,. 563 computation oi grades semiannually . . . . 576 for new batteries for ships ... 564, 1176 ratio of distribution of grades: age limit, f guns, etc ..,,,,__.,,_,____ 1176 assistant surgeons .. 576 or atteries or merchant auxiliaries, 564, 1176 additional numbers excluded from com— 5 6 §or ammunigptn for merchant auxiliaries. 1176 putations . . 7 · or antiairc guns at naval stations , _ , 1176 no reduction of number in grades. .. 577 for ammunition for ships . 564, 1176 surgeorffedincrpzsed by onez details from for sgmament and ammunition, Coast ica orps to ross . 581 cutters . 1176 Bureau % Naturalization (see Naturalization for torpedoes and appliances . 564, 1176 ureau, Department of Labor). for air compressors or destroyers .. . . 564 Bureau of Namgatwn, Department of C0m~ for torpedo nets for battleslnps .. 564 merce (see Navigation Bureau, De- for reserve ordnance supplies . . . . 564, 1176 Bureau ,‘}°1’v‘.§’,T,‘3,’Z,$1?,$,°‘2»‘i.1'§,Q,°’°°" ifi? ‘°.,f,",$£*° i’°”“°21sN°2?,‘,”f,£‘ L 1,;,,264* **76 7 1 7 7 7 apprlolpriation for transportation ... 560, 1170 N ewligxgon, Conn .,. 1176 f aval Reserve Force. .. 1173 for eécperimental work, projectiles, powor recruiting .. . 5 , 117 er, etc . ..,... 564, 1176 payrnent 6 for procuring 560 ;g; pgntingent building frmd 55244, mptprpasseprférairiiéfssiliijjiijjjii 1170 rs1- contingent];ZZZZZIIZZZZZZZZZZ 564; 1176 discharges after one year’s sea service iorarmor and armament, new vessels- 617, 1192 repealed .. . 1171 for ammunition, new vessels ,,,,.,,__ 617, 1192 admmistering oaths by Reserve and for clerks, etc., Navy Department 97, 1101 Volunteer officers . . 1171 drnftsmen, etc., may be paid from for contingent . _ Z .. 5 60, 1171 Ordnance and Ordnance stores" 97, 1101 for €l1¤¤0l’Y alld 0¤8l¤6¤¤·¤8 exglgo 1171 deficiency appropriation for ordnance and 01596 ---·--· _ ---··-··~--···----·- » 3 ot 30, 42, 828 for outfits, onlwtod mon and opprognéo 1172 {O1- a(rii11i1111i11(i.i5p¤(li1‘i—ssu1ps 815

  • t1<3§¤ --··-----··-----·-~--·-·--- » for torcipedoes and ap lrances 815

s_j_¤`§,¤1¤p{;xl;levol3_R¤¤¤r¤ Foroo ----·- 561 rsr 1;) diapssr empiis-ses, 1917, Navy _ _ --··--·-·-·-·-·-· _ 1 epartment ...,..,..,...,.,,., 813 for oqulpmom 1¤¤¤’¤mo¤¤, woohoo, for new batteries for ships .. 825 for ····· -·--····-- gg? for fire control for ships of the Navy .. 825 . . . . . · ········· * Chief of to serve on commission to submit f°;§;l$;lP;£{m* °qmppmg* °t° ‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘ plans for manufacture of articles for repairs, ctc., "T0pek3"_ _____ _ ______ 1172 tl;;i&g¥i*;Y;};€¤t BE United States 819 issue of fuel oil to Volunteer Patrol P Z '`‘‘`'`‘`‘‘‘ Sqlmdmns; gasoline eliminated ____ 1172 Bureau o£P ant Industry (see Plant_Industry for training station, California ... 561, 1173 mgur Depilmmmt °f Ag”°“1m'°>· Rhoda Island. ___________________ _ 5617 1173 Bureau of %9X¢Zs_(S$ Soils Bureau, Department Greet Lakes ...,.. 562, 1173 0 g¤€ WPG)- Saint Helena. . . . . 562, 1174 Bureau of _Steam. Engineering, Navy, for egpenses, organizing Naval Reserve appropriation for machinery, repairs, orce; reenlistm` ent. .. 1174 etc 606, 1185 for schoolsiaetc., of instruction, Naval Re- c&ast s?nal servic?. . . ... 606,1185 serve orce ,... 1174 officeo ° toro Na· ommuni - for Naval War College ., - 562, 1174 tions ... . . ... fi. 1185 for Naval Home ... . . 562, 1174 engineeringleqmipment .. . 606, 1185 for_clerks, etc., Navy Department 95, 1098 electrical s op, ortsmouth, N. H 1185 deficiency appropriation for transports- incidental expenses . . 606, 1185 UOHZ.: 29, 33, 816, 825, 825 clerical, etc., services - ... 606, 1185 fo1’ ¥¤€¤11¤·¤g .·-.. _ . 2 9 limit for radio shore stations sites . - 606, 1186 got ogorcrsm . . 29, 825, $$8 gahnsfprboi site for radio station, etc.éb6 lfigg or con en ...,,.., , _,______ 9 ‘ m __________________ * , for ouuits on girsteulistznent. .. 29 mepgiissyriierrx Mmmm " _ _________, 606 gor novel ougliangrnosékgf. . . , ... gg asgnidtpr State, ere., Department 606 or trammg_ _ on, orma .,_ ‘ ing ________ _ _______________ for oddmonol omployooo, 1917, Navy pneumatic tube from Navy annex to D6P¤·¤1¤¤¤l¤ ··········-·-----·--. . . 813 Department ..., . 607