Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1247

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INDEX. XXV Bureauofsmmz: ·m,,»,·;,,g, Na mi p,8,_ Bwmo Su . I 9·PD!'0P¤8t\0D f< w9r ti01m, approgrist£,:1l‘:¢:r“i;'•·?iig1ht .. 0:64,11;:5 Qual Zone, _ omga coast, etc 607 prsiomnco, occ., to military tuihc by ig lug];-povqor mdno sjzanon, Porto Rico. 1186 carriers D 604 engxnet->_ rmgaxper1msnt¤tat:i0n..- 601,1186 frfu , mmpom ‘ H. `'`` f¤1’ mwhqncry plants at navy yards. . 607, 1186 fgr clgks, etc., Na.xuf>:§a}£u1é{n£:::.6g74’ for machmcry, new vessels . 617, 1191 deticiaucy appmpristicn for pay. . 2b 33 for clerks, ctc., Navy Department 96, 1100 - `§§j°gg5’ gg d*i§“¤m*?¤· QW-· MY bv mid from for r<>vi¤i¤¤¤.: . . ... 30 SHS, 816, 828 for p$°5.‘§B°§’*2€‘ uy $:,.1;, ‘‘‘‘ ax ”“* “°° §°‘ ············ 3°·”; S15; *25; *2** , ., rn ue- 1- ° _p¤¤·.mg pump .,.. . ... um ° mf%,1»1?T‘?’?{‘i’T??*¥’.?{T`f¥.¥¥€’°'...”. 813 doiic1cucy_ appropnstwn for engineering for coal md transportation ... 815,825 828 °‘1“‘Pm°¤*; - -----··---··-·--· 23, 42, 816 Fw G¤rp¤; percentage of authorized off- ’ for stamp pmchmery .,..., 30, 815, 816, 825 can ______ _ _______________________ 576 for addmoua.1 employees, 1917, Navy advaucsmontinnnk, lower grades ... 576 D¤1!=¤¤¤¤¤¢ -·--··--· - --·-------- 813 computation of yndes scmmmuslly. . . I 577 t»echmcal,et»g:., segvicos linritincmusd- 813 ratio of distribution of grades ... 577 officers ifqr engmoering duty only; pro- additional numbers excluded from com- 'VISIODS for ... . ... . . . . 580 putatiou . . . . . 577

 scrvxccs, etc., alloumnt for 1916, 23 B no rodbxlgtious of nunbbor in Sudan .. 577

mused .. - . ureau o su ousua . ”z;;*:0;{.;*;:P'::, ar.? ’:2°:··e%· xm 575 ml Bm of "€:·;’::¢ ·m€::a"a·"·· '*%$Zm‘ _ u X s . , su msu urvsau U enlnsted stmugth mcregssd . . . J. . 575 and Measure?. mab mtuggs of spegiiogl enhswd may .. 575 Bureau of Yards and oclcs, Navy, addxpqual m authonzod- 576, 1182 appro rintion for maintenance ... 564, 1177 admmmon of pmm mto Naval ¢ cferical, atc., servinm . . .. 565, 1177 A¤¤d8P1Y --·----------·.·--·.·---- 576 exchange of warn·0ut motor vehicles. , 565

 personnel of the Navy. . 576 for contingent. . 565, 1177

ciicers for ongmsoring duty only . 580 for public works, yards, and stations, no pay for absence resulting from designated , . ...,.. 565, 1177 drugs or liquors ... . .. 580 for New York, N. Y., storage facilities, furloqgbs without psy for unexpired 580 fo ;]l;§¥;<;>°§ta;11¤i0;;otc- . A . 1177 enlmtmcn tom ... . .. r ia, ., cck, ctc. 565, 1177

 aim  0m3$ccr on duty 58 , for \Xxi11ingl;0u, D. Cirygun sh0p;&a.i1-

W1 c . 1 mdmg` , atc.; bri su 0!· pg? to retired oEcers on active duty. . 581 ized . . ... ii? .. 565, 1177 0 ccrstobepaid acc0rdingt0muk,stc. 581 transfer of Iota from District of ColumcmditsdimctediudimHowed accounts. 581 bin . . 1177 Harold Harrison Little, promotion au— for Norfolk, Vs., dry dock, structural · thorized .. _. . . 582 shop, ctc. . 567, 1178 John D. P. Hodzgp, data of appomt- for Naval Academy, sou wall; exwndigg ment establish ... , . . 582 Bancroft Hall, atc . . ... 7, 1178 restriction nu paying double salanas; for Pensacola, Fla., soronautic station, exceggzlion extended .. 582 ropuirin¥ storm damages . - . 567 Naval I ying Corps established; par- 582 for New Or mms, La., repairing storm 568 somxe , etc .. . . damages . . courts martial provisions ... . 586 for Mm Island, Cal., Boating dock, Naval Reserve Force established. 587 atc. . _ , . . 568, 1178 Marine Corps Reserve. . . 593 for Pnagvt Sound Wah., xmpxovemnnm. 1178 shore duty pa. , warrant officers . 1181 Isn for navxf bus, otq., Sm Diagc, retainer pay, .§aval Rossrvo F orc6... . 1181 Coung, Cal . . :_ ... 568 advances, sea duty and shore duty bo- for Pearl arbor Hawm, dry dock. . 568, 1178 youd the seas, orders .. . .. 1181 lands, Henry hunckn, Csyoy, P. R., for expenses, Naval Reserve Force. 593 for naval uso, from Angy. . 568 {Jay of Naval Militiq qstablished: 593 lands, Fort Island, Hswau, uunsformd aval Militia provnsnons; cmmon of to Army . _. I ... 568 uNa.t§ma.l 1;I;;·°a1tg/0lut;x0t?o;1bA . Tia. 593 for gtgns angitcmumtxons storage at magn· 569 ' an · mes, . 0 rons. .. . ic} 600 for Indisq Head powder factory . - . . 569 Coast Guard opcumngsm part of Navy, mo gg; e:é etc .. . .. gig, gu; ____ __ ____, , ..., , . . .. .. , 1 emm-gon transfer of Lighthouse Serv- for hcspitjz etc ... 570, 1179 imwggw *§.,,*“‘“.,,...t.,% ···· ,,··... ····· ig · "°“ §°'M.."“"“° m.8°”°*bt:”“§¤"3* {E3 mstomtion of IB- ¤ · 0Y ° 0i'P¤ · , -~· com to active list .. _ ... 602 for experimental and researc laboufor mvisionmcommutsgtiou cfmtums. 603, 1182 t0yy_ ... _ ... :. . . I 570, 1179 for giavul Academy daury farm . 603 for tmmng stauon, Cahforqm .. 570 im- clothing and small gtoms fund ... 1183 fordpmqgmmppgenz, Iqdmnhegd, Md. 1179 for war mssrvs maternal for emergency for hghtgng facxhues or gxght work . 1180 use . ti . : . . 1183 for repa1gspnd€>rgg;en*¤t}0¤{ _ tE;70, 1180 for maintenance an oqmpmen sugs commumon o mvestxga e neceasx ·, ug;. _,_. . , 1183 enc. of additional navy yard or fogd inspection . . 604, 1183 suéou on Pggiiic cout; extent of cig;-iggl, em., services 604, 1183 inquiry ... 571