Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/989

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2150 INDEX. Terry, Samuel M., 19180- Thibodo, Mary (widow), Page pension increased . . .. 1211 iaension increased 1270 Terry, Willie E., T iefR*iver Falls, Minn., pension . . 1581 condemned cannon granted to . 833 Tera·illiger, Mary F. (widow), - Thilman, J. Augustus, Tpension increased . . .. 1399 npensign . ... . 1590 wtzmom mg, eorge ., com , required of witnesses before nsion increased 1317 P Qommission, etc . 797 Tlllid Assistant P0st*master_General, _ criminal immunity .. 797 appropriation for, superintendents, clerks, in violations of cotton futures Act .. . 481 etc 106, 1109 T i;r11munit% . 481 {or givision 0; postal savings . . . . . 106, eton Vitzbruz crest, yo., or ivision 0 stamps 06, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 460, 1148 for division of nuance ... 106, 1109 land? added to . . 515 gor givision of classiiigaitioréilg ... roc amation ` ing area o . 1783 or ivision o register m ... , Tgttonia Loan and Building Company, New for division of money orders . 107, 1109 Orleans, La., _ for postal-savings system ,,,,,. . . 107 refund of excise corporation tax .. 1491 for postal service office of ... 421, 1066 Texarkana, Ark., for stamps, postal cards, etc . 421, 1066 condemned cannon granted to ... 835 for ship, steamboat, and way letters. 421, 1066 Thmro riatl for im roveme t of inland for ’ lost ’ ew., 421 1067 on n ... , pp pwaterway on cgast of  : .. . . - 398 international., ... 421, 1067 West Galveston Bay-Brazos River for travel and miscellaneous expenses 421, 1067 section ...,,..,,... 398 Postal Savings System, office of Direc- Brazos River-Matagorda Bay section. 398 _ for . . ., . .: . 421, 1067 Aransas Pass-Pass Gavallo section 398 Thzrd Ltghthouse Dwtrwt, Guadalupe River to Victoria . 398 tender for, authorized 537 preliminary examination to be made of Third Street NW D. C., _ _ _ gnpecifleii Eiyers, for Hood protectgln. 412% agproppatnou lor wJ)hBas§ha1t, restnc on on n mus mginto,repea.l .- ennsylvama venue treet Texas Bicentenmhl and gn Amenban Expos:} South ... . . 685 tion, Thirteenth_Street NW., D. C., S ain and Pan American countries invited appropriation for repaving with asphalt, E P . T C to take pm in ..,..,... 217 Thom Am F §tr$e1Z1...5 1014 eras- ity, Tex., , _ nm . w ow , _ appropriation for improvement of channel P€1181011 1110l’<;3S€d  : ...-.-.-... 12*3 from Galveston , 398 Thomas, Aglelarde F. (wtdow), preliminary Examination, etc., of harbor, to 08 T’%>€l1810I141L1;_Cr(;33.?6d .. . . 1551 e ma e .. . 4 mms, re ., Texas Northern Judicial Dqhtrict, Tpension increased . ... 1614 new division established in ... 939 omaq, Dand O., terms ot court, Wichita Falls . 939 Tpeusnon _ .. 1 578 Texas Weszem Judicuzl Distrwbt, cmu;. Ellen B·(w1dvw), sddisonan judge autm-nes sor ... sas musion increased . ... 1424 Thacker, Isaac, _, HMM! H-, Tigensiog incr%ased ...,.. . . ..,. 1410 £:11Slo11H111c1’€8§6d -- . ·----·--- 1*160 mes wer, orm., _, em·y ., appropriation for improvement of .. 391 Tlpensmn increased . ,.. 1327 Thanlcrgivi-ng Day, 1915, omas, Joseph H., proclamation designating Thursday, No- £>€1181011 lI1C1'€8»S€d -..-· - ---.-. 1220 · vember 25, 1915, as . -. -. 1756 T 0’m0q9, J986ph M-, T7umksgi»v·ing Day, 1916, Tggsion increasod . ...-... 1233 proclamation designating Thursday, N o· G?. Isaac, vember 30, 1916, as . . . . . 1813 Thizensiou mcreaood .·.. _ . ..----~-.-. 1281 T hatrlzer, Lorena S . (wuiow), mas, Mary Ellen (wulow), pension increased ... . .,,, 1215 Tlpensxon increased 1338 T atcher, Hebrew (uridow), omas, Franlqased 1524 nsion increased .., , ,,,,,,...,., 1386 ension incre Tlllllcher, Sarah A. (widow), Tllhmae, George L., ipension increased . , .. 1424 credit m postal accounts . 1480 Trayer, George F., Unmnas, Jo n W., _ ipension increased, . .. 1512 Tgyension increased . . - .---- 1092 T ayer, Henrwtta (wtdow), 1270 mas, Marttn YS5 nsion .. muon incre . .-- - --·---- 0 Tllhzer, Louise H. (wrhlow), Tllherrtas, J\¢T0rr*£s J., _ pension . . 1446 lpension increased ..-- - ··----. 1004 The Dalles, Oreg., T omas, Robert, __ condemned cannon {granted to . 841 lpension increased . ..----. 1808 The Hagw, Netherlan (see Hague, The). T omas, Robert B., _ Theaters, etc, Proprietors ojQ Tfension increased . ... 1026

 tax  on; rates    omas, Williargged lvl

` escri nsion incre ... . ...--~···--- 20 reducltligg for small communities . . - . 791 1'llhinaston, Me., _ payable by lessees .. 791 appropriation for improvement of harbor- . 391