Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/990

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INDEX. 215] 1'l¤wM·wil!e,_N. C., _ Page Tlmfc, Juatirue M. §widow), regs. 8PP!'0P!'13U¤`>¤ WT pllbllc building . . . . 269 nsion incr _______________ _ _ _______ 1290 Thompson, Addison, TgiCk77l07’L0’l'L, John 1,, Tgnension increased ,..,.,.._ , ,_____ 1275 nsion increased _________ _ ______________ 1526 0mp3077,, Albffl, Tizzgp, Hgmgr Hq gwnsion lnfféasod .. . . 1240 ensrion increased ..,.,,,_,,,_ , ___________ 1455 T ompson, Carrirr, Tfumder 1Bay River, Mjch_, gwnswn lnsressed ·-. . 1359 prehmmary examination, etc., to be made T ompson, Charhs II., of mouth, _ ________ _ _________ _ ____ 409 Xension increased ... , .,,..,,_,,,_ 1311 channel . , .,,,___________ _ ________ 409 T ompson, (/harlrs L., Thurber, Verona (walow), Xension increased ...,,,.. 1585 gmension increased .,.,.,__,_______ 1418 T om pson, Charles S., T urston, Aura TC (walow), Tlyension increased ,..,..., 1500 fension increased . . ..._.,,_,_._,_ 1487 ompson, Daniel L., T urston, Charles, Tiension increased 1246 ggension increased ...,..., 1255 m psorz. Edgar, T1 bets, Samuel, Eension increased ...,,,,.,_,_,,,,,,, 1309 pension increased . ... 1499 pson, Elrhs B., Tzbbetts, Melvan, Tfension increased .. . . 1249 lgenswn mcressed . . .. 1318 ompson, Emily (mkiow), Tc belts, Roscoe Ga 554 nsion .,..,_____,_______,_,___ 1269 nsxon increase . . .. 1 Thhsmpsorl, Frank H., T’lg€b0¢¢§, WQZUWW WZ, Tfension increased ,.,, , _,,.,,,,,,_.,.. 1375 PGHSIQH _1¤CI'€&B€d .-. 1455 ompsoan, George M., 580 TW, W*»lh§¥"n· H-, d 1041 ` . . ., 1 DHOH increase ...,,.,,,__,, _ _____, " $$3%, George P_, Treplifaw River', La., nsion . . . ...,_,_,_ 1363 aipropriauon for improvement of __________ 397 Wgzempson, Gustavus A., T. f, Sqmh E- (widow), T}E;e”nsion iryireased ..., 1461 Tggelglvgil 1;1CI'99·B9d ··-~·--···-·~--·-- - ·--·- 1280 , , 1 e ro acs _ iféngfgg igcizggéd .,,,._. , ..,..,.. 1488 appropr1at1o;1 for study of processes, etc., H5 1116 , _ manu arc ure 0 .

g;! ingg;sed’  1344 Tillmnwk_Bqy and Bar, Orca., ’

13301;, James ,4,, appropnauon for improvement of . 292 union increased, ...,..,.,... . .,.,,,,,,, 1537 for mmntemnce of channel from Bay y·E,°},,p,,,,,,, Jem, _ City to Tillamook Ciry- 405

oninc1§a.sgd .,., 1210 Tlllbcly, Jasper, d 1437

J . , ngwn increase ...,.,,,,,,,,,__,_, _ ,,_, IlBp;(?1I11 lncgregsed 1560 Tzllerrmn County, Okla., _ Tgjnpsm, John R_, sale of certam ceded Indmn lands to . 445 Tfgngigu j1§•g3,5€d_ E? [ _ H _ _} ______,_ , , , , 1204 T'|»l7l'l·G’Tl·, GQO7`g@ rympym argaret . wi ow _ 1181011 1-!1€!'€¤8€ _ -·-·-—·----···---·-·-·-· Tfensionj . .h. . . . . . , 1 365 T5ti>rz,_ Mary A. (wulofw), 1429 1 rt . · nsion. 0mnggd;1nine1?easgd- . . 1284 Trgneber (see also Forest Service), yifmpson, Mm-y J_ (widow), cut from national forests may be exported pension increased ______________________ _ _ 1252 from State or Terrgtory . . ... 1145 57*;,,,,,,},,0,, yoggie (wjdgw), Timber Depredatiorw, Publw Lands, _ Tmgon gucrgagedy _______ _,, . ... 1556 TliapgJr0p1([‘i¤;¤}0H §0;_0rf;;§€¤¤€$» P!`€V€¤¤¤8 ···· 299 R m er, a , _ {eggs; QD;-€i§§g31l_ fla)? ,_,,,.,.,.. 1316 appropggggg gz pr€¤6l‘V8·¤V9 if€¤¢m0I;%1 1150 T zmneiorr: gal?. . . . { .. 1450 for sppmjslng, olcl, lor sale . 461, 1150 Thgormon Agnes B. (uidoa), Time-Mwurmy eww. _ _ ension increased ... . 1424 no part of Army apgroprmtions to {pay 7'llorrwon, Laura 1\;i(u·idow), 1367 gggegkgtc., using, on work o an 648

 · . - · . - l l l . l i I l · - . l · foytificmiong appropriations to ¥3y QE-

mnsion increased. ..,.. . ... 1214 cers using. on work of anemployee. 351, 914 Tllamburq Lindley naval appropriations to pay odlcers, etc., ygngirph n(·re354g(l _______ _ ________,_____ _ _ 1426 using, 911 work of·9_11.emp]oyee, , , 619, 1],94 Tdomhurgh, A ibanla D. (widow), _ sundry civil approprmuons to payfo£E— ension i¤<·r<·w·¤»<1 ---...·.--.·-...-.-- 15¤1 cersr em, usmg. ¤¤ wsrk <> ¤¤ 336 T»lo»~»·w¤, (Zara/·s W., employee -·--- T ·.---·-·-·-------- a~£)E'1'lE10Il1‘;)(`fo8.$;;1 1267 Timyylcfygg, Rgbgggg ])_ (widow), 1284 ornlem (177188 ., pensmn ...-· . ·..·---· · ·--·~-··-- · · - - }>ensioni11r·rcascd ... . .,.. 1482 Tinch, William W2, TH1TT¢£0'lL"It, Ind., pension i11grggggd_ _______ , ,. . . . . . 1368 condemned cannon granted to ... 840 T_m_h" Louisa (widow) Thorp, Jfandana C. (widow), _ I usibu increased ’ _____ _ _________ 1.128 rension increased ...· · --·--··· · - · 1290 ```'```'` Threats, etc., Against the President, Tmdle, James P., 1913 punighment, for makimg, etc ·-··· 919 Peusmn Increased ··‘•‘‘‘‘ ’‘°‘ ‘ ' "