Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1245

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SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1919. 1227 Eighty of class two, one hundred of class one, fifty at $1,000 each, ti at_$900 each; counter clerks·—one $1,400, twenty at $1,200 eac , thu·ty at $1,100 each, forty at $1,000 each, forty at $900 each, twenty at $800 each, fifteen at $720 each; computing machine 0perators——eighteen at $1,000 each, one $900;dproof readers-—two at $1,200 each, two at $1,100 each; supermten ent of addressograph force, $1,800; addressograph operators-one $1,600, three at $1,400 each, Egght at $1,200 eac nme at $1,100 each, twenty at $1,000 each, ty at $900 each; five assorters at $1,000 each; three mes- ?§‘§°§i’ $2% ‘1f3°"“Lfi“..1’i“’i’“i¥e,°’°,.,.s..r; ‘“°°“°“g2'»*{°2’i¥t”“”ir “¥ *48%

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$1 000 each, eight at $900 each; eighteen laborers; in all, $797,630. Division of rrntrng and Statione1Z;__Chief of division, $2,500; url$Py°ir1iivre°'SL1. Sb assistant chief of division, $2,000· cler four of class four, four of rm th5·ee cg glass two, three of class ont; pne $1,000, one

rn er, , ; messengers;ass1s n messen ;six

laborers; two messenger boys at $420 each; in all, $37,240. ger _ Division of Mail and Files: Chief of division, $2,500; registry clerk, dy ‘““* m°“ D"' $1,800; distributing clerk, $1,400; clerks—one of class two, one of class one, two at $1,000xeacl;§ m §·£1,200; two assistant messengers; messen ; m a , , . Office of disburs§1nt§ clgk: Disbursing clerk, $3,000; deputy dis- ,,mI§‘_°"""" “°""' bll1'S1I? clerk, $2,750; clerks——four of class four, three of class three, five o class two two of class one; messenger; rn. all, $27,990. Brnrnaq or Wan Rrsx Insunmcnz For- expenses of the Bureau s.Y.‘{.,R1"‘1"""°"°° of War Risk Insurance, as authorized by law: For salaries of the ‘£_**:°:{é °°¤¤*=· director and commissioners, and of such deputies assistants, account- and mi M. wv. antaleiréiéicrts, clerk? ard '<E..·her employeesl in the l)istrict of Columbia, as e retary o e asury ma eem necessary, $9,509,630; ,, stationery rilffice sutpp1ies?r$1 t;miscel1a.11eo;:1s ex- om °°°` penses, m ding ep ones egrams, rg , express, ore . postage, not exceeding, $100 for street car fares, and not ‘ $500 for law books, ooks of reference and periodicals, $25,000; printing and binding, to be done at the (iovernment Printing Office, P'*“°“" and necessary printing of forms, and so forth, for use abroad may be mm done abroad, $125,000; furniture, echnpment, and supplies, $175,000; mm, ,§”· °"“"' traveling expenses (exclusive of iiel investigations), $5,000; salaries “•l°•*P¤°· °*°· and expenses of emgoyees engaged rn fiel rnvesggatrons and expenses of not more an_ eerght temporary branch offices,_$1,000,000; m all, $10,989 630: Promd , That all employees appropriated for by 'w’,,,"',,"°,;,,,,,,,,,_ this parzgrvréph shall be engaged exclusive y on the work of the Brgeau o pr RiskL0Insur§.nce durinlig the iisca}l9ye`arf19i2l0. board Fawn mm Im nnrxrzar. ARM AN UREAU: our mem rs 0 e at B,,,,,,,,_ $10,000 each; secret , $4,500; assistant secretary, $3,000; four “•¤•°°" °' *>°•*°· . . my . . . saeretaryptc. private secretaries, at $2,000 each; custodian of securities, $2,500; examiners of securities——or1e $2,700 five at $2,400 each; twelve pegilstrparskat $4,000 each; lane; bank e1i;am;rxe§;i§(56000€v1iwo an an examiners at , eac ; accoun an , , ; eve clerks and stenographers for registrars, at $1,200 each; engineer (irriigation drainage), $4,800; clerks-three of class three, five of c ass two, eight of c ass one, nine at $1,000 each; stenographer·s—

s)$1,400 each, four at $1,200 each; three messengers; rn all,

I I For traveling expenses of the members of the board and its officers °"'°"°°°°“”°°°°°` and employees; per- diem in lieu of subsistence not exceeding $4; and contindgent and miscellaneous expenses, includinfg books o reference an maps, and exclusive of stationery an printing and binding, $25,000; _ Begum, umm $6(1;‘or rerlrt, vaglt rent, and expenses of the twelve regrstrars’ offices at beac , $7, 00;