Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1246

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1228 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1919. E*°f¥“¤°°*°“· For the examination of national farm loan associations, including igigiiiiiinctaou. personal services and traveling expenses, $15,000: Provided, That no person shall be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding§2,500 per annum; _ _ all $241 820. t£{*%}T,§§'Tg "'°"f Orrrch or Surmavrsme Ancrnrncrz Supervising Architect, $5,000; t§§"’§‘,Y,,‘§}",,f,,,u’,},§§{‘;‘ 6X€<>\{t1V6 ofH¢€1‘, $3,250; technical officer, $3,000; drafting divisionetc., ’ superintendent $3,000, assistant superintendent, $2,750; mechanical engineering division—·—superintendent $2,750 assistant superintendent $2,;,400 ; structural division——super1ntendent $2,750, assistant superintendent $2,400; superintendents—c0mputing division $2,750, repairs division $2,400, accounts division $2,500, maintenance division $2,500; glres} and records div1sign—é;Il;]i]ef $2,500, aspisgnt chief, $2,25% head a tsman, $2 500* eig t a `nistrative c er at $2,000 eac ; four technical clerks}, at $1,%00§1ach ; clerksjnine of class four, additional to one 0 c ass our as 00 ·ee er $100, our at $1 700 each fourteen of class three, six at $1,500 each, thirteen of class two, eight,at $1,300 each, twenty-one of class one, four at $1,100 each, seven at $1,000 ?§f§i;i$¤h”%€.3icZ’Zi’Sg°§i?i“gy°“ii §30$8€£O°3°2t "£§§°g§2£h°r’h$2’°0£; , , · u c er c emis at $1,200 catch; foreman, ivault, safe, and lock shlpop, $1,200; Eve messengers; wo assistant messengers; messenger ys—one $600 two at $480 each, two at $360 each; skilled lab0rers—four at $1,000 eachégggen atu $260 each, one $900, one $840; laborers—0ne $660, one · in a 221 020. °°“‘*’*'°u°"’ °“°°· Qrrrciior Coiurradnnnn or rim Tnmasuarz Comptroller, $6,000; assistant comptroller, $4,500; attorneys-—three at $4,000 each, three at $3,000 each; chief clerk, $2,500; chief law clerk, $2,500; law clerks-four at $2,400 each, three at $2,200 each, thirteen at $2,000 each; five expert accountants at $2,100 each; private secretary, $1,800; clerks—Efteen of class four, ten of class three, seven of class two, six of cfalss one,_0ne $1,000; three messengers; three assistant ,,,Q,§‘g* '*°‘ m(;SiFd1i%i3rl`;’agcd)1liia1lts 1i>1fai;1lie$§.i·?1i?y1Oin France: For salaries of empiggriva ¤¤d ex- ployees in the offices of the Comptroller of the Treasury and Auditor Ante; p. na. or the War Department to audit accounts arising in connection with gis Milizary Eiabhshmeplt abiéoacks including traveling expenses, per em no excee `n $4in `euo su istencef rofli and l absent from _Was§ingt0n, rent abroad, calilegraiizmand Eerllggpgdise? printing, stationery, office equipment and exchangpl thereof, supplies, mom; up wom gpg ($5 other necessary expenses, $375,000, _0f w `ch not exceeding , may be expended 111 closing up during the fiscal year 1920 the work abroad now performed pursuant to the authorigy for auditag §.§<;<_;unts abroad contamed m section 12 of the Act 0 September r;£.°£y°ln‘;Lf,`Ql$i.'LL{,'{Y bFFI0l¤ or Anmroa Fon Tnmasnnr Dmranrmnrrr: Auditor, $4,000- chief_ clerk and chief of division, $2,250; law clerk, $2,000; chief of div1sion,_$2,250; three chiefs of division, at $2,000 each; clerks- EiE°€'$Z§g¥‘r£’* an an **;*;*>;;,2;¤s Oi ;*:~aJ**“a *?"y·s‘asé ,0y-sixocasscne, ya , eac, ena each; messenger; three assistant messengers; four laborers· in all $268 340. ’ ’ e.g°§{2p_°'“’ °"“’l°"' For compensation to be Hired by the Secretary of the Treasury, of such temporary employees (nonapportioned) as may be necessary to aud1t the accounts and vouchers of the bureaus and offices of the Treasury Department, and inclu_ding not to exceed $3,500 for the

 an repair of, and equipment for, lab0r—saving machines,

w(§,“ §f" ‘°' _ (jrmer; or Axmrron ron Wan Dnranrmnnr: Auditor, $4,000; assistant and chief clerk, $2,500; chiefs of clivision——one $2,500, three at $2,250 each; law clerk, $2,000; five assistant chiefs of division, at