Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1457

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lxxxvi . INDEX. Electric Power Trarwmiasi¢m—Continued. Peso Emergengy Fleet Corporation, United States Pnzelans, etc., to be submitted to Secretary hippm Board, P of War 895 ho of shig yard employees and famcondemnatioxi - °es autgorized by.- z . -: 438 on approval ... 895 uiring lands, erecting biuldmgs, etc., . . . P . . we limitation on use of public land or m any 895 225; .. .. - . - waters . . . imm tepossessiono property e ... siireeflya bond for construction, Etc ... 895 powersdlto cease attilend 05 the wart . . . . . 439 imm te possession, etc. on con- expen 'tures au orize ; premiums or demnation petition, etc . 896 speedy completion of work . 439 no plans to be submitald or approved after 896 report of a.ll$e(1§penditures in detail ex- 439 termination o e war .. . . C8€d111g' 1 000 approvals prior thereto, not affected 896 moneys turned over from Emergency Shipvacation before judgment of con- ping Fund to be expended by . . - . . 183 demnation, authorized- . . . 896 prohibition on transfers of department emno franchise {or, to be granted after the 96 ployees applicable to ... 384 war. . 8 onincreased paytocivilem 1 { m

 Railways, Street, etc., Passenger, departments, etc ...    . . 384

not provisions for Federal oon· 453 settlement of claims for losses, etc., sup- 0 . . . ylllg maugan tc. eed f Electrical p8PGfZ;7l»81It, D. C., 93 gational I;lefens:sdi11?ing,tlIie war, ri; ap pnation or sa1an'es . ‘ 1 quested . .. 1274 gre supplies, contingent expenses ... 931 street railroads, gte., may be taken over for for placirhg wires underground . .. . . 931 transportation of shipyard employ- for exten ing police patrolsystem . . 931 ees, etc ,,,_________________ _ _____ 535 _ for mstalling telephone signal system, timber, etc.; condemned for purposes oi, f ltvylelfth precinct . . . 931 etc .,,,,,,._,,_,_,,____ _ ______ 333 or lg ting expenses ... 931 Emergency Fu D. C. for firealarm boxes, etc ., . . 931 approprintiovridfop _____ ___________ _ _______ 943 for enlarging headquarters apparatus-. .. 931 Eoapiazl, D. C., 0 X 0 0 ····-·- - ···· 8 mm on orcareom et uents. 946 déirechangxngmtortruk 931 tl { _ i’dig¤ ueggw agt;;ropr1ation for fire-alarm 7 gmgmpriatzon for care of mdigent 8 mom, 121,, ’ '```````````````'` so ¤v¤¤¤.Z`.'.`fIICIIZIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 47;

T3?   ·-·•· · ······ · ····• 339   Revenue Tm; Ad, 1914, 1132

E;P1l§10¢1;'¤8‘]f?i¢;>n for Improvement of . . 252, 905, 1276 provisions ····· _· · Elszpproytéiagion for improvement of. - 253, 905, 1277 E tax]$;'v§;g;,l:“! ’ eff: °'`'‘''°`‘' 1133 ’I|·| . G., . » ,,*;3,g€,·;g**—*,~$g,$¤*¤¤b¤¤b··¤di¤g —--·· 108 L’I.‘i.‘i.';’3.¥‘%.°£f.§$°i§’.°€l?’.;r··"‘·ae;. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 33 gl ’Y . · · - · - ~ ° I E {91, pubgc • v - • . ~ 108 0!d8l‘ 01’ WR! IDSUBHBI {Nm 811)* 720 H t tation, . ., . ·········· · -······· · ··-··-·· appropriation for main building, repairs, °°;’ph°°°° wd Prccedeum com' 720 etc .. , .,.. 169 “1°°*. Y ······ • ·-······-· · ··---~·· iw Pew lwilers, etc 170 mm °“°¢*°'Y» ¤*¢·» 0¤ ¤’¤f¤¤¤l of 720 01*9 ; ’gfgg_________ __________ _ 170 _ ·•·····•·_·-:-.·. for ¤é'{.§;$e°¤ .. 170 ¤¤<·d¤fv ¤¤,0g_·g;g g_==;¤¤;=g ctgérncri .-... vm orsea w ..,,,_,,, _ ,,,,_,__ 170 695 . 0 $0 e c. on d gmreplacing W0?11-out machinery . . ’ 695 mqu§g':r’§(H£,°gLl;;;;° ?;mlgY- I r - - - ' pun _ , 0 nc e . ° °‘°€2.°l¤‘£f’.£'.?g‘3T‘??‘?f‘.f?T * °‘°·· 24 ·¤······=¤·»». sm. ¤¤·1price-?fZ 720 Elyria, Ohio, ° ` ` Me °Y0¤' wd UPQNFG my factory, etc. . . 720 Egglprropriation for public building . . . . 108 °°th;1ttgé° °°“° mx mmths lmer 1*8*06 720 go, _ com _ €Y¥¤8¤Y ·---- - .. . mug · · un-ng pensatnon to be mad { 1 - expo put . 225 de t€t”9*·¤£)*;l;<;Fg,tt?1§¤1;'r§1?.9Ti$€ 733 umshm ·-... . .. . ¤ 9 esl ···-·· gmcls g§;§i,£{Bn depume if mnying 225 partpaymentif amount not satzigiactory. ;20 prohibited articles, ____ _ __________ 225 mt for balance authorized ... 720 E b punishment for violations .. , ,,,_ 225 EmergmcyRqpairs;1nd Impmmmg, p_ g_, m castes, _ appropriation or tem pe,-smal 8P?!'0P!`BtI0HS @21* tglerks at. -.. 520, 1327 services {or, on ac<%)d:ltyof existing °'}¤'¢0¤'P1’0 _ - 1 --··--·... .. '20, 1327 Way; -··-... . ... ,_ 928 deiicxency appropriation for clerks at. . g46, 1023 conditions, etc., authorizing ..,_, , 928 Em bezglemerzt of G0i*ernm.e1lt Property, fo1' urgent W0l‘k 011 public improvements, punishment for, of property { Go emm t · etc ..,.,,,,,__ _ ______ _ ________ owned corporation . - f) . 1016 3¤U101'iZ8·d0¤ of the President re- 928 E77`l·6`7’§€‘7lC'l€’.S‘,·.Dl;@l0‘7TLG€tC and Conwlar Sgrpicg, quired ..,_ _ _________ _ ____ __ ________ 928 appropriation or unforeseen .. 522, 1329 Emerge-m,·y Shipping Fund employment of personal servi ‘ ‘ ·’ · - _ mm.; or Cerner. from . . 522 °"‘°’°'i.'€.‘§E‘i‘}.T{ f‘i‘“'_,_"‘*_ "‘““*°· °*“*’°~ ..5,, d"H°“"?*‘°Y “PP“’P”““°” f°' ·—~- · ··-····- 463 fvr cvnstructingships; costiné-éiéééjiji am