Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/290

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SIXTY-FIFTH coNGREss. sm. 1. cu. su. 1917. 271 division thereof, shall be entered of record, and its proceedings shall be public upon the request of any arty interested. Di . . mo . "The commission is hereby autlgorized by its order_to divide the s10¤l7fil`1°ii>?1lJ¤a.mmls' members thereof into as many divisions as it may deem necess , which may be changed from time to time. Such divisions shallugie denominated, respectively, division one, division two, and so forth. A . m0,mm_ Any commissioner ma be assigned to and may serve upon such divi- bmuigemm. sion or divisions as the commission may direct, and the senior in service of the commissioners constituting any of said divisions shall Tam Swim act as chairman thereof. In case of vacancy in any division, or of ` absence or inability to serve thereon of any commissioner thereto assigned, the chairman of the commission, or any commissioner designated by him for that p e, may tem orarily serve on said division until the commission shall otherwise order. . , I t of wm "'l`he commission may by order direct that any of its work, busi- maivmms. ness, or functions aris` under this Act, or under any Act amendatory thereof, or supplemenltlg thereto, or under any amendment which may be made to any of said Acts, or under any other Act or joint resolution which has been or may hereafter be approved, or in respect of any matter which has been or may be re erred to the commission by Congress or by either branch thereof, be assigned or referred to any of said divisions for action thereon, .and may by order at any time amend, modify, su plement, or rescind any such direction. A such orders shall take egect forthwith and remain in effect until otherwise ordered bv the commission. "In conformity with and subject to the order or orders of the com- ,,,{,"}',§,,“§§‘,l’,§,"$_°°“' mission in the Igemises, each division so constituted shall have power and authority y a majority thereof to hear and determine, order, certify, report, or otherwise act as to any of said work, business, or fimctions so assigned or referred to it for action by the commission, and in respect thereof the division shall have all the jurisdiction and · powers now or then conferred by law upon the commission, and be subject to the same duties and obligations. An order, decision, or d,,E,‘}‘°'°°“‘°“t °* °" report made or other action taken by any of saidv divisions in resfpect o any matters so assigned or referred to it shall have the same orce and effect, and may be made, evidenced, and enforced in the ame manner as if made, or taken bg the commission, subject to rehearing $§j{°§?§€‘5;,2_ by the commission, as lprovide in section sixteen—a hereof for rehearing cases decided by the commission. The secretary and seal of the commission shall be the secretary and seal of each division thereof. " In all proceedings before an such divisions relating to the mason- §,"§‘§,‘§f,‘}&’,;,,,_ ableness of rates or to alleged, discriminations not ess than three members shall participate in the consideration and decision; and in _ ““"““°“ all proceedi relating to the valuation of railway rogerty under V¤¤·37·x>-M the Act entiltfsd ‘An Act to amend an Act entitled ".£n ct to regulate commerce/’ applroved February fourth, eighteeen hundred and eighty-seven, and Acts amendatory thereo , by providing for a vgluation of the several classes of property of ca.rriers subject thereto and securing information concermng their stocks, bonds, and other securities} approved March first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, not lless than five members shall participate in the consideration and ecision. ‘ "The sala.ry of the secretary of the commission shall be $5,000 per S°'°"Y°"°“°‘°'Y· " Nothing in this section contained, or done pursuant thereto, shall ¤i¤l;i°¤l°§r:¤°·il¤ie‘fi°..°°`°` be deemed to divest the commission of any of its powers." Sec. 3. So much of section eighteen of the Act to regulate commerce §$,‘§.",,,§"·y,,,,,,,,,,.d_ BS ijgis the salary of the secretary of the commission is hereby re- V¤i·•d_¤¥? P- 8% pea mm