Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/610

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592 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 86-88. 1918. R°“S*°b°°°mP*°*°· Said: Provided, however, That the funds of any tribe shall not be _ se egated until the final rolls of said tribe are complete: And prou,lQ§"»}‘}.?b‘§§,l;}(§"Z,$,{Q’§j vidbid further, That the foregoing shall not apirily to the funds of the Five Civilized Tribes, or the Osage Tribe of dians, in the State of Oklahoma, but the funds of such tribes and indrvrdual members thereof shall be deposited in the banks of Oklahoma or in the United gags Treasury and may be secured by the deposit of United States n . Approved, May 25, 1918. Ma 29,1918. [BYE- 9715*] CHAP. 87.-An Act Extending the time for the construction of a bridge across [Public, No. 160.] the Bayou Bartholomew, in Ashley County, Wilmot Township, State of Arkansas. B Rmb I Be 12 enacted by the Senate and House of ReiZ2resentat·i·ves of the United ·r{Y»¤°ue¤¢s¤?1€am°i;£ States of America in Oo ess assembled, That the trmes for com- }§f,‘,‘}§§‘;g;,_,‘,QY “"‘°*' menc` and completinglshie construction of a bridge, authorized by Vol- '·39. p- 35% Act olfugongress approved July eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, °m°nd°d' to be built across tlie Bayou Bartholomew at a point suitable to the interests of navigation at or near Wilmot, Arkansas, on section line between sections one and twelve, township nineteen, range five west, ‘ where it crosses said bayou in Ashley County, Arkansas, are hereby extended one and three years, respectively, from the date hereof. A‘“°“°m°°*‘ Sec. Thattlée right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve Approved, May 29, 1918. lliirlilkbiblj CHAP: 88.-An Act To authorize the establishment of a town site on the Fort

 Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho.

. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives o the United aepsgitvseguaiiaaiiilum States ey America in Congress assembled? Thzirrt the Secregrary of the u§§§”2§Tt°°°b°°St“b' Interior be, and he is hereby authorized to set aside and reserve for town-site puiposes a tract of land within the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, d o, as in his opinion may be required for the future public interests and he may cause the same to be surveyed into U suitable lots and blocks and to dedicate the streets and alleys thereof ,,cR,,§"§f""'°"’“ to public uses; and he is hereby authorized to set apart and reserve for school, park, and other public urposes not more than ten acres in such town site; and patents shrill issue for the lands so set apart and reserved for school, park, and other public dpurposes to the municipality legally charged with the care and custo y of lands donated for such p oses on condition that Indian children shall be permitted to agendutgezhpublic schools of such town under the same conditions as w 'te c en. ,,;“j‘§§'“iS“l md “l° Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is further authorized to cause the lots within such town site as may be established hereunder to be appraised and disposed of under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe and any and all expenses in connection with the Deposit 0,pmwm_ survey, appraisement, and sale of such town site shall be reimbursed from the sales of town lots, and the net proceeds derived therefrom shall be placed in the Treasuby of the United States to Promo the credit of the Indians of the Fort Ha Reservation and shall be uqmfpmmmem. subject to appropriation by Congress for their benefit: Promkled, however, That any lands disposed of hereunder shall be subject to all the laws of the United States prohibiting the introduction of iértoxicants into the Indian country until otherwise provided by ongress. Approved, May 31, 1918.