Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1213

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1186 srxrr-SEVENTH couonnss. sm. Iv. C1—1;.42. 1923. crops, $80,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, which sum may be used for the purchase of seeds, animals, machinery, tools, implements, and other equipment necessary, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, to enable Indians to become self-supportmgé §;L*—v··· t Provided, That said sum shall be expended under cond1tions to mm rescribed by the Secretary of the Interior for its repaiment to the u"“°°**°“· gnited States on or before June 30, 1930: Provided furt r, That not to exceed $15,000 of the amount herein appropriated shall `be expended on any one reservation or for the_benefit of any one tribe of ndians, and that no part of this appropriation shall be usedfor the purchase of tribal herds. V¤¤*·=*¤¤~ vnmoms ron 1m>uN snavxcn. A¤¤*¤¤¤¤ f¤¤¤=¤¤- That not to exceed $150,000 of applicable appropriations made °°°°°°°'r°°°m’°°°’ herein for the Bureau of Indian Aifairs shall be available for the maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horsedrawn passenger-ca vehicles for the use o superintendents, farmers, physicians, matrons, allotting irriiigation, and other “§Tf’,,'@,,‘§,'?’,;,,,,,,,,,,,,_ employees in the Indian field service: Pmvzded, at not to exceed $14,000 may be used in the purchase of horse-drawn pa.ssenger-carry- ing vehicles, and not to exceed $35,000 for the purchase of motorproselled passenger-carrying vehicles, and that such vehicles shall be w _"°“" use onl for 0 cial service: Provided further, That such motorpropelled, vehicles shall be purchased from the War Department, if practicable. “"'°°°"°“”‘””’· snrrnnssmo CONTAGIOUS msmsns Amerie Lrvn srocx or mnums. hmm, T M', di For reimbursin Indians for live stock which ma be hereafter ¤¤¤1¤.¤w· mi destroyed on accognt of being infected with dourineyor other contagious diseases, and for expenses in connection with the work of eradicating and reventing such diseases, to be expended under such rules an regulgtions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, $12,000. W°*** ‘°' “'°*°°°*· - nzvnnormo warm: ron mnnm srocx. I¤¤·¤¤*¤§ sr¤=i¤8 For improving sprmgs` , drillin wells, and otherwise develo in $i°¢i¤li°Qsr°ii.°¢ii•i)¤iiig’ and conserving water or the us}-; of Indian stock, includingpthe purchase, construction. and installation of pumping machinery, tanks, troughs, and other necessary equipment, and for necessary investigations and surveys, for the purpose of increasing the available grazmge range on unallotted lands on Indian reservations, mm $10,000, to reimbursed under such rules and re lations as the C,,,,,u,,;,,,_ Secretary of the Interior may prescribe: Provided,gfJhat the necessity exists on any Indian reservation so far as the Indians themselves are concerned. B°1° °“"°'“" 1‘“"’· ADVERTISEMENT ron sam or rmiux 1.AN1>s. “'°"“‘“8“P°"’“· For the payment of newspaper advertisements of sales of Indian lands, $2,000, reimbursable from payments by purchasers of costs of sale, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. mm Amzoiva. ¤?“""°" °‘ I“‘“"'·" For support and civilization of Indians in Arizona, including pay of employees, $185,000.