Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1042

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SIXT1—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 359,360. 1925. 1011 provided for members not having certificates of competency to the same extent as if a certificate of competency had never been granted: Rropided, That all just indebtedness of such member existing at the 5§§"Q,{g°f;, of Mohr. time his certificate of competency is revoked shall be paid by the °d”°“· Secretary of the Interior, or his authorized representative, out of the income of such member, in addition to the quarterly income Lesulitv of prior hereinbefore provided for: And provided further, That such revo— }§,,°Z§’Y°i°"s "°° °" cation or cancellation of any certificate of competency shall not affect the legality of any transactions theretofore made by reason of the issuance of any certificate of com etency. _ Sec. 5. No person convicted of having taken, or convicted of N° :%%%:3 causing or procuring another to take, the life of an Osage Indian g&):I“d*“¤· shall inherit from or receive any interest in the estate of the decedgnt, regardless of where the crime was committed and the conviction o tame . Sec. 6. No contract for debt hereafter made with a member of the vglggnwh bglingdi Osage Tribe of Indians not havin a certificate of com etency, shall p°"°t°‘ have any validity unless approved by the Secretary ofp the Interior. mmm ,nd°bm_ In addition to the payment of funds heretofore authorized, the ¤¤¤¤>\>¤v¤id. Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized in his discretion to pay, out of the funds of a member of the Osage Tribe not having a certificate of competency, any indebtedness heretofore or hereafter %ncurred by sqch member by reason of his unlawful acts of careessness or ne igence. mqimm mm, Sec. 7. Heiieafter none but heirs of Indian blood shall inherit *i°¤· from those who are of one-half or more Indian blood of the Osa Tribe of Indians any right, title, or interest to any restricted lang moneys, or mineral interests of the Osatge Tribe: Provided, That this section shall not apply to spouses un er existing marriages. Approved, February 27, 1925. · ' CHAP. 360.-An Act To provide for the completion of the topographical h[H.R. survey of the United States. [P°l’u°» N°- ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives eg the To mm, ,,,,_ United States of America in 6'mtgress assembled, That the resi- *’¤g_;> § _§{¤g_¤h dent be, and hereby is, authorized to complete, within a period of ywmuzuunmd. twenty years from the date of the passage of this Act, a general utility topographical survey of the territory of the United States, including adequate horizontal and vertical control, and the securing of such topographic and hydrographic data as may be required for M8 to be ub this purpose, and the preparation and publication of the resulting ;;,;,,d?° ° maps and data: Provide , That in carrying out the provisions of {:;*-:2 to be um_ this Act the President is authorized to utilize the services and md. facilities or such agency or agencies of the Government as now exist, or may hereafter be created, and to allot to them (in addition to and not in substitution for other funds available to such agencies under other appropriations or from other sources) funds from the appropriation lierein authorized, or from such appropriation or appropriations as may hereafter be made for the purpose of this Act. . Sec. 2. That the agencies which may be engaged in carrying out mg,°,‘§“$?2{,"§°t,,,§$T,§$,` the provisions of this Act are authorized to enter into cooperative *¤¤dS“°’¤·°“*°°¤*¤d- agreements with and to receive funds made available by any State or civic subdivision for the purpose of expediting the completion of the mapping within its borders. Sec. 3. The sum of $950.000 is hereby authorized to be appro- ,°r·¥mm?;;s_°°°“°“*°d priated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropri-