Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1043

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1012 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 360-362. 1925. ated, to be available until the 30th day of June 1926, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, both in the District of Columbia and elsewhere as the President may deem essential and proper. Approved, February 27, 1925.

  • `°}’§{“§¥ cmp. sei.-Au Act To authorize the secretary et the Interior to adjust
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e ne aam e in an weeneaco r,ansiu from inbompletecdr fgultg surveys in township 28 south, ranges 26 and 27 east? Tallahassee meridian, Polk County, in the State of Florida, and for other


Public md, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the rout ctuuti, rn, United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary ‘§,”§§’,§‘,§ of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to equitably ad]ust gm ‘¤¤l°Y S“"°Y’*¤· disputes and claiiqs ogdsgttlers, elptrymen, selectors, grantees, skid patentees of the nit tates the1r he11;s_ or assigns against e _ United States and between each other, ar1sing from iiicomplete or faulty surveys m Section 31, township 28 south, range 26 east, and m sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 1_8 _19, 20, and 21, township 28 south, range 27 east, Tallahassee meridian, Polk County, in the State of Florida, and to issue directly or in trust as may be found necessary I¤¤¤¤'1>¤*¤¤*¤· or advisable, patent such settlers, entrymen, selectors, grantees, and patentees, their heirs or assigns, for land claimed through settlement, occupation, purchase, or otherwise in said describe area, preserving, as far as _ e mag deem equitable, to those claimants now m possession of(pub11e lan the right to have ipatented to them the 1*;*;;;, mqu,md_ areas so occupie 2 Provided, That a charge 0 $1.25 is to be made for each acre or fraction thereof of Government land patented under uigjghw ¤°° '°°°¥‘ this Act: Provided further, That rights acquired subsequent to the withdrawal lpf July 5, 1921, shall not be recognized or be subject to ad°ustment ereun er. vegggsmggr °;d_,$,°s’g Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept memerc. any and all eonveyances of and for purposes of adjustment and to make all necessary rules and regulations in order to carry this Act into effect. Approved. February 27, 1925. February 27, 1925. _ {H-R-8169;l___ CHAP. 382.—-An Act For the relief of John J. Dobbertxn. [Public, No. 810.] _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the §’,f,j*¤**;f’°g,,,__,r,,n United States of America in Uongreas assembled, That the President wmtpminnargqgaé; of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint ¤,,d_""““" John Dobbertm, former marme gimner, United States arine Corps, in which grade he served honorably during the World War, taste $”"‘ift1?t'”‘itE“£§dmi*tEiS.iI°2i£e‘“tC%2%S’s2“& *0Mm ce n 1 ni a s anne Corps as a marine gunner with retired pay of that grade, in accordance with the provisions of existing law for the retirement of officers of the Marine Corps, in case a retiring board should and him incapacitated for active service, and that his incapacity is the result of an incident of service. Approved, Febmary 27, 1925.