Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1473

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INDEX- lxxxv Fahey-ies mgxzeau, Department of Com- Pm- Five CivilgedtiTrib3.s of Indians, Okla.- P•8•· 1 OH HUB . appropriation for Commissioner, and appropriation for administering affairs oflice personnel 236, 1046 of, additional, 1925 ... 708 for Alaska service; Pribilof Islands; deficiency appropriation for adminisat large ... 237, 1040 tering affairs of .. 56, 760 for employees at large .. 237, 1046 for civihan employees Choctaw and for dlstnbuhon cg; gmpl0y3eg_ __ 237, 1046 Chickasaw Ag9ncl39_ ._____ 1329 for fish cultural stations, employ- allowances from tribal funds for street ees ... 237, 1046 improvements, etc., heretofore or for fish-rescue station, Mississip i hereafter made in town sites; River Valley __________ 237, 5,38, 1046 conditions ____________ ,, _______ 728 for biological stations, employees- 237, 1046 Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, Defor employees on vessels 237, 1046 partment of Agriculture, for officers and crews, Alaska service appropriation for rent, from War Devessels 237, 1046 partmeut funds . 433, 823 for administration expenses .. 237, 1046 deficiency appropriation for rent- . 38 for propagation expenses ---- 237, 1046 Flag, National, for maintenance of vessels .. 238, 1047 issue of, free, upon request of nearest commutation of rations allowed 238, 1047 relative of officer, etc., dying in for food fishes inquiry ... 238, 1047 service of Navy, etc., during ‘ for statistical inquiry ... ---- 238, 1047 World War period .__. J 1278 for protecting sponge Hsheries 238, 1047 Flandreau, S; Dak., for Alaska general service, protecting appropriation for Indian chool at- - 407, 1157 seal fisheries; food to natives, for Indian school, additional, 1925-- · 708 etc .--..--..--..--..-...-. 238, 1047 Flathead Agency, Mont., for equipment, etc., Upper Missis- appropriation for support, etc., of Insippi Fish Refuge, etc .--..-..-- 1047 dians at -.----.--...-. 408, 1159 for salaries, additional, 1925 ...---.. 706 for support, etc., of Indians at, from for Alaska vessels, additional, 1925- - 706 tribal funds --..-. 1161 for expenses, protection of salmon for support, etc., Indians at, addifisheries of Alaska ---.----.-.-. 713 tional, 1925 -...-- 1 ... 708 deficiency appropriation for miscellm deiciency appropriation for civdian em- ' neous expenses -----.-. 56, 61, 697, 759 ployees at ..--.-.-..-. 1329 Northern Paciiic Halibut Act provi- Flathead n ian Reservation, Mont., sions ___,.._.,__,,--.-.-.-... 648 appropriation for constructing and op- Fisheries Commission, International, erating nmgatnon systems on; 1 appropriation for expenses, etc ---.---. 1024 ¥°12°Y”?°¤t -·--·---—·· · ·r : · 402* 153 deficiency appropriation for share of for 1m8¤t*°¤ ¤Y¤t¤m5» ¤dd¤t¤¤¤¤L 707 expenses of ---...-------·-»... 756 , 1925--_ -------- 1 ----- f -1-Ei-~ scientific investigations of, not subject clums of d°“'i:“t°d tnbesug “ “§’ to inhibitions of Northern Pa- OH; foI'_ Bda, eéc., Flahfp 6 21 cific Halibut Fishery Act ..- 650 d°t°l’mm°d Y sur; ° mw- 246 appropriation authorized for expenses of 650 “°m°¤ sdggd **° gxlggltzgug E Ria; Fisheries, Salmon (see Alaska Fisheries)- p°’ °:)¥’ P°·Y_ _ _ __ ________ 246 Fishery, Halibut, Flax ` ' `` provisions for protection of, in northern ,p’pr0p,·;,gi0n for investigating culti- Paciiic .· - -------· 648 vation, etc. of, for seed pur- Five Civilized Tribes of Indians, Okla., poses; study of diseases, etc-- 441, 831 Sppropriation for continuing work of Fla: Straug, _ _ _ _ Competency Commission 396, 1146 appropriation for mvestxgatmg, for ro; attorneys, etc., rm probate mat- pulp rnsnufscture .---------- _ 445. 835 ters of restricted allottees"- 397, 1147 Fleet Carporatzon, Emergency (see Ship for expenses, etc., selling tribal prop- ping Board, United St8i·€¤)· erty,from proceeds . 398, 1148 Fleet Man:ne_Corps Reserve, Class One, segregated coal and asphalt lands appropriation for pay and allowances, included ...,,. ---- 398, 1148 officers .,... Q -, 201, 879 for collecting rents, etc .. 398, 1148 Fleet Naval Reserve (see also Laval Retribal, etc., schools continued-, 398, 1148 serve and Marine Corps Reserve). payments authorized from tribal appropriation for retainer psy, active fundS_ _______ _ _____ _ ______ 398, 1148 seyvme pay and allowances to dispensing with tribal ettorneys"- 398 _ members of -..·-----· — ---. - 193, 872 repairs, etc., school buildings, from provisions relating to ..------ —- --...- 1085 school funds _______,__,_ -,, 398, 1149 Flznt Igzver, Ga., _ for tribal common schools ... 407, 1158 prehmmary exammatmn, etc., of, to for administering affairs ofhtgn- :10. 1159 Fl al beiiigsde ------------- — ---- --- 1194 i rt f , en 1 ures o om an, ., _ dcl:3l;lig(l·;l)?___1_?§_? ___,___,___ 410 title of United States relgasqd to eqmfor probate attorneys, additional, table owners of lands rn- ..._... 246 1925 .. _. : 707 Flood Control, _ _ _ _ Ri 16 930 for tribal, etc., schools, add1tional, appropriation for Mississippi ver- 516, 930 1925 _____________ _ ,___ ,. _____ 708 fg; Sgergmonto River _____ __ __,__ 5 ,