Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1474

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Ixxxm INDEX. Flood C'aniroZ—Continued. Page Folding Room, Senate, _ P¤€»"’- preliminary examinations, etc., au- approprmtxon for supermtendent, forethorized of designated streams _ _ man, folders, etc-: . 581, 1289 for_ _.,..___.____._________._ 249 pos11710r1s and pay established of superamount authorized from river and intendent, and other employees- 149 harbor appropriations ...1_ 249 Food zldministration, _U1g1.ted States, _ surveys authorized to control of floods deiicwncy appropr1a.t10u for salaries in North Branch of Susquehanna and expenses .. T-- 55 River, Pa,. and N. Y .. 250 for judgments, Court of Clmms amount authorized to be appro- under ... _ 6 97 prigted __________. - .. 250 Food agzd Fuel Admivgistyafzons, _ Puyallup River, Wash ___._.,_. 250 deficmncy appropriation for 11;;,1:10119,1 amount authonzed to be appro- 250 zecurity and defense, educa.-60 697 ria/ned --.-- - ioua .- - -----.--------- . Allcgllueny and Monongahela. Rivers, Food Prodiuctp, Agricultural, _ _ Pa. _______._ T __._._.. 250 a.ppropr}a.tion for biological mvestlgaamount authonzed to be appro- tions,_etc:, of .-..---- _ T- 446, 837 _ prnated ___...__ 1 . 250 for mvestxgating market condmous, mnglar emount reqmred from 250 f ginigpply, e§, of- ?---}.Hg;EBt453, 844 ermgy vaing ___...,.. or using 1 orma 10D 0 - preliminary examination, etc., directed ing, etc., nonmamufactured--- 453, 844 fir, of Caloosahatchee River, 961 for priomogini uniform standards 0§53 844 F :1 ..__.. 0 assi ca ion --- , Skyomish, Snoqualmie, Snohomish, Food Products, American, _ and Stillaguamish Rivers, Wash- 1000 appropriation for investigating cherm- Nooksack River, Wash .-.-.. ---- 1000 cal, etc., tests applied in fore1gn sum authorized for -- 1000 countries to; inspecting, ctc-- 447, 837 Florence, Ala., _ Foods, Drugs, etc., _ _ _ xmprovement of Tennessee Rxver, Dam appropma.tion for mvesugating adul- · N0. 2, to authorized ------.-.-- 1188 terations, etc ---..--.--.---- 447, 837 Florence Co1mty,_S. C., _ Foods, etc., C., _ budge authornzed across Pcedee Rxver, approprmtxon for detecting adultera- Savage Landing, by Marion tions, etc ---- T ..------.. 7- 563, 1237 County and .---...-.-...- 647 Foot-and-Ilfoyth, etc., Dcseaqes of Ammals, Florence Cirzttenden Home, D. C., appropnptnon for arrestmg, etc.,; Adappropmmon for care of women and dmonal --------------- - 110, 458, 851 children under -..-.. - ----.- 570, 1244 payment for animals destroyed; Florence, C., 8 1 discretionary expenditures 2 8 181li terms 0 court at .------.. - .-.-.. 0 5 , 5 Floriculture, etc., appraisal of values; limit"- 111, 458, 851 appropriation for studies, etc., in-- 442, 832 for arresting, additional, 1925 --.-.. 706 Florida, deficiency appropriation for emergency adjustment of claims of settlers of use, arresting, etc .---..-- r-- 40, 682 publ? lands in, erroneously sur- 1012 aulounltj of, s,va,i.lfab1? fortcridxcut- 722 veye ,e c .---- - .. mg uropean ow pcs , c c ..-- Georgia gmd, mey bridge Saint Marys for investiggting new methods tior _ Rxver, $amt Marys, Ga .-. 663 preventxou, etc.; rez1ppropr1a.— Wxldp Lapdmg, Fla. -----------..-. 472 · tron ---,--------..----- - . 1324 representzmve of the Government to Forage Crops, attend centennial celebration of appropriation for investigating dis- Erst meeting of Legislative eases of --------- _ ---,------ 441, 831 Council of the Territory of ---- 473 for investigating improvement of, "Flm-ida," Battleship, etc ________________________ 443, 833 deficiency appropriation for additional for investigating insects aifectiugu 449, 839 submarine, etc., protection ---- 1335 Forage, M urine Corps, alteration of, authorized for protection appropriation for ----.--.----------- 203 against submarine and aircraft Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau, COm12¥€?§§1;,‘aa‘»;.;;,;;g‘.‘.‘;;1:11;; H3 ..,,pmp£§€£§§"'F§ ‘i£ifL‘éTJZ"§3d offnce Flushing Bay, personnel ----------------- 225, 1034 preliminary examination, etc., for ship for commercial attaches, clerks, canal, to Jamaica Bay, to be etc ___________________--- _ 225, 1034 _ made -.--.-.-... - .-.. 1192 assignment of two for Department Flpshing Buy and Creek, . Y., duty _____________________ 225, 1034 improvement of, autborued .--.-..--- 1186 for promoting commerce, Europe and Fo9 Si9‘¤0{8» _ other areas --------------- 225, 1034 approprmtnon for 233, 1043 assignment of trade commissioners Fcgqrty, John, for duty'i¤ De artment - 225, 1035 reimbursement to, for stolen hoods,- 1277 for District and gooperative 0Ece Foldzng Remy, House of Qepregentatzvea, Service ---_----------.---- 225, 1035 approprmtxon for supermtendent, fold- for developing trade with South and _ _ ers, etc . - 2 584, 1292 Central America. ... 225, 1035 po¤1tion_ and tpay estabhshed of as- assignmeutof trade commissioners sxstant oremnn of the 151 for duty m Department . 226, 1035