Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/905

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874 six·rY-E1GH’r11 CONGRESS. Sas. II. cH. 209. 1925. rum. AND TRANSPORTATION ,,_,1:°°1’°'““Sp°'°“ti°°' For coal and other fuel for steame1s’ and ships’ use, including expenses of transportation, storafge, and handhng the same; maintienifncpialnd generalfopegition o machinlery pif navaf fuel Elepots,1 and ue p ts· water or purposes on oar nava vesse s an ice Pm,m_ for the cooling, of water, including the expense of transportation and Isscesplmrzcd toH¤p· storage of bot , $15,460,000: Provided, That fuel acquired other than §{§F’"°°'°°S wp °°` by purchase shall not be issued without charging the applicable appmes fo, me] 0,, propriation with the cost of such fuel at the rate current at the time bam'- of isséie for {nel purclipslcid: Provided fu¢£fh;;·,lThaththe1P1;·esident may irect the use w 0 y or in part 0 e on an owever acquired, to be chai·ged_ at the last issnie rate for fuel aciluired by purchase, when, in his jgudgment, prices quoted for supplying fuel are excessive. — SALARIES, NAVY DEPARTMENT p.$;lXgl,°$.'§,Ef?”°“”°1i” For personal services in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $830,000. auliizriiiilerig M H BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Surgeowsnecessaries. - . . . . For surgeon’s necessaries for vessels in commission na ards Gm °mbhshm°"°' naval stations, and Marine Corps; and for the civil establiglirmiint ati the several naval hospitals, navy_yards, naval medical supply de- Pmm pots, Naval Medical Scho0l_and D1spensary, Washington, and Naval _ cam], ac., Sm. Academy,t$1,730,0g0: €£0v2lded,tfI`hat phphsuiéi to be pan; out of this ‘°“· appropria ion un er e irec 1on 0 e ecretar o th N for clerical seivice in naval hospitals, dispensariesginedicali sngggi depots, and Naval Medical School, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, shall not exceed $150,000. coN·r1NcnN·r, norman or Mnniomm AND SURGERY °°°ti°g°°°` _Fqi· tolls and ferriages; purchase of books and stationery; hy- gienic and sanitary investigation and illustration; sanitary, hy- gicnic, and special instruction, including the issuing of naval medical bulletins an supplen;ents purcha)se and repaérshof nonpassengercarryinrr wavons au omo 18 am u ances an arness· h of and feed for hhrses and cows; maintenance, repair, and oipléigtildii of three passenger-cariéying motor vehicles for naval dispensary, W3ShlHgt0H,. District 0 Columb1a,_and of one motor-propelled ve— hicle for official use only for the medical officer on out-patient medical service at the Naval Academy; trees, plants, care of ounds, garden tools, and seeds; incidental articles for the Naval glllledical School and naval dispensary, \Vashington. naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks; washing for medical department and Naval Medical School and naval dispensary, YVashington, naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, <l1Sp€HS&{I‘l€S at lla? yards and naval stations,Tand ships; and for minor repairs on buil ings and grounds of the Lnited States Naval Medical School and naval medical sup- Cm 0, mm on ply depots; rent of rooms for paval dispensary, Washington, District racsacmsz. of Columbia, not to exceed $1.200; for the care, maintenance, and treatment of the insane of the Navy and Marine Corps on the Pacific coasz, Igicluiirigfsuppgnufnerariesfhelg forltrangfer to the Governmen ospi a or e nsane: or enta out ts and d t 1 - terial; and all other necessary contingent expenses; in all,€;‘p13'?5,(l.d3;