Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/906

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SIXTY-EIGHTI-I CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 209. 1925. 875 Provided, That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to f,’[,°gf;'P- , d . construct necessary additional buildings at the naval hospitals at med hwiggirakii wg- Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; Chelsea, Massachusetts; Newport, Rhode Island; New York, New York; League Island, Pennsylvania; Norfolk, Virginia; Great Lakes, Illinois; Puget Sound, Washington; Guam; and Canacao, Philippine Islands, at a total cost not to exceed $715,500, which total expenditure for the purposes aforesaid shall be made from the naval hospital fund. cane or run DEAD Cm °'**¤¤ deed- For care of the dead; for purchase of cemetery lots; for funeral ,,,§§}’,§S“f,‘}§,,,,(§t;§;"g',‘j,*¥ expenses and interment or transporation to their homes or to desig- <ivi¤si¤ theserviée. " nated cemeteries of the remains of officers (including officers who die within the United States and supernumerary patients who die in naval hospitals) and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, of members of the Nurse Corps, and of officers and enlisted men of the Naval Reserve Force, when on active service with the Navy, who Gym die or are killed in action ashore or afloat, and also to enable the dy1¤ig¤1£$i10aimp]°y°°° Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, to cause to be transported to their homes the remains of civilian em loyees of the Navy Department and Naval Establishment who die while employed out- Pr . side of the continental limits of the United States, $90,000: Provided, Ap°;iifliéti0¤ emma. That the sum herein appropriated shall be available for payment for transportation of the remains of officers and men w o have d1ed while on duty at any time since April 21, 1898. snianms, NAVY DEPARTMENT _For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance D§’,§,,,"“,;‘,‘;,}{°”°¤“°**¤ with the Classification Act of 1923, $73,400. ` BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS Dgeirsiau °lY"ds °°° MAINTENANCE For the labor, materials, and supplies necessary, as determined by ¤»g&f"°l m°l°°°` the Secretary of the Navy, for the general maintenance of the activities and properties now, or hereafter, under the cognizance of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, including the purchase, maintenance, V·¤*¢¥¤¤»•¢¤· repair, and operation of passenger-carrying vehicles for the Naval Establishment not otherwise provided for, and including not to mmm, t éxceed $950,000 for clerical, ins ction, drafting, messenger, and tes. _ ’ °°" sm` Other classified work in the Held, gg,7 50,000: Provided, That during 0, ,,,,,m_ the fiscal year 1926 the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to pur- ¤¤**¤¤*·=*°¤li¤¤¤¤¤¤- chase not more than two passenger·carrying motor—propelled vehicles, to cost not to exceed $2,500 each, fifteen passenger-carrying motor-propelled vehicles, to cost not to exceed $1,500 each, and thirty passengencarrying motor-propelled vehicles, to cost not to exceed $500 each, and the Secretary of the Navy shall sell, or exchange in part payment for such new vehicles, not less than a corresponding number of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles in use an of makes which now cost in excess of $2,000 per vehicle to replace for each new car purchased costing $1,500 or more: Provided fur- mm ,0, Mmmm ther. That expenditures from appropriations contained in this Act em. ’ for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor—pr0pelled pas- S€Hger—carrying vehicles, including the compensation of operators, _ C shall not exceed in the a gre ate $100,000, exclusive of such vehicles ,i.jl[,{°c,,",'f°gi¤.¤`2$°;i,,§°}gj owned and operated by the Bgarine Corps in connection with expeditxonary duty without the continental limits of the United States, and